Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 195 Crushing promotion [4000] (Thanks to the book friend with the last number 30348 for the

As he tried to strengthen his mind, his mind power was no longer what it was before, and he still needed to work hard to separate from the body before it could be integrated from the surface of the body inwards.

This time, the power of thought was based on the bones around his body, spreading outward like roots.

Somewhat similar to the movie "Blood Warrior", nanoworms strengthen various tissue cells.

Of course, unlike the nanobugs in the movie, this is not an external force, but a power generated by the soul or spirit, a power from the source, with almost zero side effects.

As the power of thought enters the bones, nerves, muscles, blood, fascia and skin cells layer by layer.

The 60 trillion human cells are strengthened and protected one by one by the power of thought.

Before, he was worried that he would not be able to control the strengthening of the nervous system by his mind power, and that he was afraid of blowing up his nervous system.

But after reaching the ultimate level of one-million-ton telekinesis, all the previous worries were easily resolved.

Not only that, because of the comprehensive strengthening of the nervous system, the speed of neural network transmission of signals is countless times faster than before.

This also means that his five senses will be strengthened to an unprecedented degree in this state.

I know best when my own body is extinguished.

Conservative calculations show that he does not need the assistance of bullet time to move at high speeds within Mach 2-5.

This unimaginable sense of comfort and extreme strength made him unable to help but scream up to the sky.

" @%¥! @~"

After making strange whistling sounds in his mouth, his eyes slowly glanced around.

New entrants around have already filled the arena once again.

The fight that had stalled would start again.

Large institutions further away also rushed into the crowd to join in the fun.

There are all kinds of things like fire-breathing, ground spikes, pits, rolling stones, and electric grids.

The ways in which contestants from all walks of life die are even more bizarre.

But even so, even if the contestants in the distance are in a dangerous trap area, even if they have to bear the risk of being trapped and killed by the trap, they are unwilling to step within a kilometer radius of the central area.

Looking at the contestants with some surprise, he frowned.

"Oh? Don't you even have the courage to face me? Are you escaping reality?"

Then he glanced at the shock value panel.

After such a period of time, the increase in shock value also slowed down.

Staring at the contestants fighting each other with their respective opponents, watching the "powerful" momentum that breaks out from time to time.

Xi Xing looked down at his strengthened left hand, first held it a few times, and then clenched it tightly.

Listening to the sonic boom produced by clenching his fingers at supersonic speeds, Xiexing slowly raised his head and looked at the entire venue.

‘Well~ Since they have lost their fighting spirit, let’s deal with them all at once. After all, we have another task to complete. ’

‘Speaking of which, being shackles without mental strength is so comfortable~’

Thinking of this, he looked at the contestants in the square and asked in his heart:

‘How many contestants are there in total here? ’

(Tip: The current number of contestants in Arena 997 is 45.31 million, and the remaining number of contestants is 120.02 million.)

‘Tsk! trouble! ’

After thinking about it, Xi Xing decided to use some more radical methods to speed up the cleanup.

Originally, he wanted to take it easy, spend a day killing slowly, and absorb as much shock value as possible.

But just now he remembered that there were other tasks that had not been completed, and the nodes of the 35 Great Demon Summoning Sound Arrays had not yet been cleared.

Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. Anyway, the increase in shock value has slowed down, so it is better to stimulate the audience with the whole "big event".

It not only saves time, but also makes a lot of money.

And it's not like he won't be able to increase the shock value in the future. There will always be more powerful players in subsequent games, and he can try new moves by then.

Thinking of this, Xi Xing first closed his eyes slightly to calm down, and then opened his eyes and instantly entered the seventh sense mode.

With extremely strong telepathy, coupled with the molecular time of his seventh sense, Xiexing decided to use the disaster that almost killed him before to kill all the contestants present at once.

Yes, the inspiration for this move came from the tsunami he experienced.

The attack method is "infrasound waves".

As we all know, the body resonance of living organisms has a certain frequency.

For example: infrasound waves with a frequency of 8-12Hz can shock the human brain, causing nausea and vomiting in mild cases, and squeezing of brain juice in severe cases, until death.

4-18Hz attacks human organs, vibrating internal organs and causing them to resonate, ranging from muscle spasms to severe internal organ fragmentation and death from failure.

The above mentioned are all infrasound attacks targeting the human body.

But the dangers of infrasound don’t end there.

As long as the energy is strong enough and the vibration frequency is correct, it can even cause horrific damage to soil, rocks, and steel.

Tesla, a famous scientist from the Earth's time, once said that he could easily destroy the Earth if he wanted to.

The principle is to find the resonance frequency of the planet's crust, and then use this as an opportunity to gradually disintegrate the entire planet.

Xiexing has always wanted to try this ability, but because energy fields such as shield generators can effectively block this kind of damage, he has never had the opportunity to experiment.

Now this brawl mode arena gave him a chance to try.

There is no need to worry about accidental injury or damage to your own building.

Just do it when you think of it, and the next second the space around the extinguishing star begins to produce "empty vibrations" that are difficult to observe.

It was the air molecules that were slowly vibrating under the interference of his mind power.

With him as the center, air molecules with a radius of 940 meters began to vibrate regularly.

And because the frequency is low enough, ordinary intelligent creatures cannot hear the low-frequency "sound" produced by air vibrations.

And because the vibration source is too huge, the space further away is gradually being assimilated by the infrasound waves in the area where the star is located.

We must know that normally an energy supply of 50 milliwatts can allow civilian piezoelectric ceramics operating at 4Hz to accumulate infrasound waves sufficient to make the human body feel uncomfortable within a certain period of time.

And what is the concept of 50 milliwatts? Just 0.8 AA batteries.

And these 0.8 AA batteries can keep this sonic machine running for a full day!

Of course, there will definitely be various energy losses and line losses, and even the piezoelectric ceramics themselves have certain transmission losses.

But Xixing didn't use any technological product, and his telekinesis didn't suffer from the loss of those things.

With a million tons of telekinesis, there are no such troublesome energy conversion steps.

The energy it gathers in an instant is more than trillions of times that of an AA battery.

Energy level 1 must be followed by at least 20 zeros.

Such terrifying energy blessing, coupled with the fact that Quexing can make precise infrasonic frequency adjustments in molecular time.

After Xiexing's careful attempts, he quickly found the body resonance frequency of humanoid alien creatures.

The first batch of victims also officially appeared at this moment.

Although the aliens have different looks and different races, in essence they are all living organisms.

Since it is a living organism, its body must have a corresponding vibration frequency, and it is useless even if you practice to the extreme.

Even if you are covered in lumps and flesh, you can't protect yourself from infrasound attacks.

After all, the vibration frequency of cells and the vibration frequencies of the molecules that make up cells are nailed down the moment they are born.

No matter how much you practice, it is impossible to transcend.

Although he was still in the state of molecular time at this time, he could not immediately observe the damage effect of the victim after being attacked.

But his perception is not a decoration.

Just when the infrasound frequency reached ██.██Hz, he could clearly feel that all humanoid aliens within a 940-meter area, their body cells and even the molecular structure of the cells were rapidly active at a strange speed. stand up.

It looks like boiling water vapor. . .

Seeing this, Xi Xing couldn't help but squint his eyes, and then directly released his seventh sense.

And the moment the flow of time returned to normal, the bodies of those aliens whose cells had resonated suddenly exploded into a mist of blood.

Muscle tissue, visceral tissue, brain tissue, blood, nerves, body fluids and all other living components were shattered instantly.

It turned into "red dust" all over the sky.

Only skeletons were left standing in place.

This scene frightened the surrounding non-humanoid contestants.

We were playing well, but suddenly our opponent exploded! Just say it's scary or not, right?

At this time, not one person in the venue was blown into a bloody mist.

It was a large group of tens of thousands of contestants who died collectively in a strange way at the same time.

Seeing their reactions and the effect of this move, Xiuxing's eyes lit up.

‘It’s so exciting! Speaking of which, why does this effect feel a bit like the anti-life equation in the DC universe? ’

No matter what it looks like, this exciting scene has just begun.

As the infrasound waves gradually spread, blood mist exploded in the square one after another.

When all the humanoid races were destroyed, Quexing once again entered his seventh sense to "tune in".

But this time he killed them in order to show that he was "doing it".

Xi Xing casually gave this "skill" a name, and at the same time pretended to make hand seals.

In Naruto, he didn't remember any other seals, but he remembered Kisame's water escape seal "Who built the dam" very comprehensively.

On the live broadcast screen, Xi Xing's sudden action immediately attracted the audience's attention.

And his signature cold voice slowly came out from the loudspeaker again.

"Water escape, water burst!"

He obviously made up this name randomly, but the effect is still somewhat similar.

The blood, body fluids, and soft tissues all over the body were directly shattered and dispersed by the ultra-high-energy infrasonic attack. Wasn't it like an explosion?

Body fluid = water, shock dispersion effect = explosion.

There is also water, and there is also an explosion. It’s okay to call it a water explosion~

It has to be said that Xi Xing is a real thief, and he deliberately did not tell the true principle of his ability this time.

Of course, even if he didn't say anything, the director would still check it out. The surveillance equipment of advanced civilization is not in vain.

Even if you can control protons or even Planck particles, the equipment here can detect them.

Not to mention just controlling the vibration of molecules.

However, the director did not show everything without restraint. After discovering that the boss was misleading the audience outside the venue, it did not risk its death by sending out the analysis video.

After all, this is clearly stipulated. Unless the players take the initiative to leak it, any competition personnel who leaks the player information without authorization and makes unfair decisions will be sent to the Shattered Frontline of Universe Level Lv. 10 to serve for 3 years at a minimum.

If it is serious, it is estimated that it will be sent directly to the front line of the frontline battlefield at a depth of about Lv.25-Lv.29 to serve as a suicide squad.

But no matter what, as millions and tens of millions of contestants were blown to pieces in the arena.

Xi Xing's shock value once again experienced a surge, this time it was not tens of millions, but tens of millions.

With the push of the Xinghai system, the live broadcast is pushed on the first page of the homepage cover.

The traffic of the audience can be said to be overwhelming.

Coupled with Xixing's unreasonable infrasonic attack. . . Bah, "water escape attack".

It even surprised the audience who had already given him shock value before.

There is no way, even in the oldest period, when the first level barrier of Level 998 was not conquered by the outer gods, in the era when the stars were shining, no one could possess such terrifying destructive power as the Quenching Star. , and so many extraordinary attack methods.

And not only did the audience pay attention to him, but the coaching staff behind the players also paid attention to Xiexing's existence.

Seeing Xi Xing's terrifying killing methods, many coaches gasped.

Because they know the strength of their own team members best, it is simply impossible to achieve the level of that guy.

Only the 2 or 3 seeded players in Area A who are stronger than monsters and another dark horse in Area B can reach the level of extinguished stars.

When other players face those monsters, it would be better for them to surrender.

While many coaches were shocked by Xi Xing's strength, they also did not forget to find out his previous highlights for analysis.

The workload will definitely increase. There is no way that the next stage will be the Ten Thousand Strong Arena Competition, even if our own players cannot beat it.

But all the information that should be collected must be collected. Of course, if you are really facing such a killer, and you still haven't figured out a way to restrain the opponent's "Water Escape" move, then the only way out is to surrender.

. . .

As a result, the shock value of the coaching staff and the audience of all races was like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, and they rushed towards Xiuxing crazily.

And when he saw a reminder and a shocking value of 300 million to 500 million was recorded, he was even more excited.

Even though there was no living person on the site, the red blood mist completely enveloped the entire Guangcheng.

He still maintained the posture of forming the seal and maintained the output of his telekinesis.

For no other reason than to make this killing more shocking, bloody and terrifying.

When the Xinghai System saw this, it also acted quickly.

The portals were opened frequently, sending all the contaminated contestants into the field.

At this time, in Arena No. 997, just like the Chinese New Year, there are millions or even tens of millions of bloody fireworks exploding in the venue every moment.

Soon after, the remaining number of contestants finally became 1.

The system prompts also arrived as expected.

【Ding! Congratulations to contestant Xi Xing. As the second contestant to finish the game, you will be awarded the title of seed player by default, and you will automatically skip the first 5 arena matches. 】

'Um? ’

. . .

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