Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 194 A little strategy of the Star Sea System [4000]

Although Xiexing's words were very soft, the radio equipment in the arena was extremely professional.

Not to mention that Xiexing kept talking in a low voice.

Even if it's a fart, the director can amplify it to the point of "two kicks".

At this time, whether they were watching the live broadcast on the big screen outside the venue, or in front of the screen at "home" or in the pub or casino, all the viewers watching the live broadcast fell silent at this moment.

Nothing else, it was so shocking, 200,000 people rushed towards one person in overwhelming numbers.

If anyone were to stand in Xiexing's perspective, they would be extremely desperate.

But what about the facts?

Explosive killing! And no one survived!

It doesn’t matter whether you are a burst seed or a burst bean, and it doesn’t matter whether you are Mach 2 or Mach 3.

When faced with the starless vacuum realm, they all just died.

As if celebrating his victory in advance, more than 200,000 flesh and blood fireworks exploded one by one in his vacuum field.

Those arrogant and powerful men, the elites selected from hundreds of millions of people, fell worthless on the way forward.

On the other hand, Xiuxing was still standing calmly in the center, and the ground around him was densely covered with corpses and minced meat residues.

That is to say, his move is called vacuum field.

Under the influence of the vacuum environment, all the sprayed blood boils, evaporates and vaporizes at an extremely fast speed.

The body fragments also dehydrated and shriveled up at an extremely fast rate.

If not, this area would surely turn into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The picture will definitely be more impactful.

But even so, Xi Xing was already grinning from ear to ear.

The feedback from the audience was very fast this time, and the rate of refreshing the shock value hit a record high.

Counting the scattered increases before, his shock value reserves at this time have reached 2.8 billion+.

And it is still increasing at a rate of 30 to 40 million per second.

Being able to achieve such a crazy effect is thanks to the director who edited this segment and included it in the MVP shot collection of the main venue.

The efficiency of the Xinghai system is so fast. Almost at the same time that the upload of the guide was completed, the video of Xingxing opening the vacuum field and killing more than 200,000 contestants was played on the big screen of the main venue, the cover of the live broadcast homepage, and the channel news push.

Finally, coupled with the fact that Xi Xing is really a badass, he was able to achieve such a harvest.

Staring at the rising shock level, Zhao Feng felt an indescribable itch in his heart.

‘More, more, 3 billion. With only 3 billion, I can start the normalization of megaton-level telekinesis! ’

Here, Xiexing stared at the shock value and fell into a daze. Needless to say, there is no need to say more.

The contestants in the distance all felt a chill in their hearts.

How to fight this?

They ask themselves, even if they activate their own bloodline or talents, they are no better than those dead guys.

And what about the man standing in the center of the square?

He can kill 200,000 people in an instant. What is the concept?

Faced with such horror and the existence of such a supermodel, they really can't see any hope.

The so-called brawl mode at this time might as well be called that person's personal performance mode.

It is simply not something that the Xinghai System can handle if they bring such a guy in.

Some frustrated contestants even chose to surrender and quit the competition.

There is nothing wrong with the choice of surrender, it is a typical retreat when faced with difficulties.

Although the contestants all want to compete for the first place, on the way to the first place, they have to fight against "monsters" of this level.

Even if you choose to surrender, it is understandable.

You know, since Quexing can kill 200,000 people in an instant.

So killing 1 million instantly is actually not a difficult thing for him.

After all, the contestants were all fighting on their own, so it was a blessing to be able to work together to form a tacit team of 200,000 for the first time.

And after being hammered by Xi Xing like a hammer, their morale was directly destroyed, and there was no chance to do it again.

What? Hard money? Blocking his skills and not being able to use them all the time, using people to kill Xiuxing?

Stop making trouble, who will be the first to do it when you know you are going to die? Who dares to be the first?

Since there's nothing you can do, it's better to admit defeat. There's no need to risk your life.

There are many contestants who think this way and put their surrender into action.

But after they chose to surrender, within a few seconds, their faces all darkened.

The reason is simple. When they clicked to surrender, the Xinghai System popped up surprise prompts for them.

【Ding! Surrender failed. 】

【Ding! You have signed an agreement before the match, and you cannot exit this brawl. 】

This is very confusing. Who would read those agreements when signing up?

Besides, nothing like this has happened in all these years, so why did the agreement change? And what the hell is the agreement?

Although I couldn't believe my eyes, I didn't want to admit that I didn't read the so-called "agreement".

But they all know in their hearts that surrender and withdrawal are no longer possible.

The only way out is to follow the rules and decide the only winner.

Contestants with some brains have already understood that with that guy from the Star out, they can't be the only winner.

It doesn’t work as a team, and it doesn’t work as an individual soldier!

Death is their only ending.

Those contestants who do not want to recognize reality try to attract the attention of the director.

Waving their arms high in the air and shouting words such as "We quit" or "We abstain."

In the hope of being discovered by the director and intervening in this game.

But how can it be that easy?

Is it easy to gather such a group of things in Xinghai? How could you let them leave so easily?

Now that we have entered the arena of the Xinghai system, and now that we have gathered these guys who were infiltrated by Slaanesh, how could Xinghai let these guys go so easily?

Yes, the Xinghai System, as the will of the Xinghai Universe and the rules of the universe, cannot end up personally.

But He can control equipment failure.

He didn't target anyone, he just pointed all the radio equipment and camera equipment at the dying star in the center of the square, and just ignored the other contestants.

Even in terms of rules, it makes sense. The Xinghai System cannot target the Evil God, but it can target the players under its jurisdiction and provide them with targeted benefits.

For example, what Xingxing needs most now is ratings, and Xinghai has absolutely no problem doing this.

Even if they cheated these contestants, added some additional agreement terms to the regular registration form, and turned off the surrender function, the star-extinguishing function was also turned off. What's wrong with treating everyone equally?

Anyway, no matter what, even if the boss of Slaanesh comes today, these hundreds of millions of Slaanesh lurkers will never leave alive.

Of course, Xinghai would not do such a thing to a normal race. To normal creatures, Xinghai was very generous.

As long as you don't have anything to do with the evil god, he won't care even if you blow up the trial field.

As for being unable to surrender voluntarily, this is nothing to Xi Xing.

He was already prepared to fight out, and the option of surrender was not within his scope of consideration at all.

. . .

As time passed by, the contestants in the distance soon slowly accepted this reality.

I can't help but accept it, what? rebel? Fighting with the Xinghai System? Isn't this a joke?

Since you know you are going to die, you might as well indulge yourself and vent your desires before you die.

What if the "Lord" hears their inner prayers and sees their "piety"?

At least even if he dies, he will be taken to the "Lord's" Hall of Valor.

And after all the contestants realized that there was really no way to survive except to fight out, all the contestants also showed a fierce look.

Revealing the strange habits after being contaminated by the Chaos Demon God Slaanesh.

The opponent, who had been smiling and going out for a drink after surrendering, turned his back on him and refused to acknowledge him.

Not to mention running towards the vital points with his moves, his natural abilities are also activated like crazy for free.

Originally, some people wanted to persuade everyone to deal with the star in the central area together.

But when life is desperate, it will lose its reason. In addition, as a lurker of Slaanesh, chaos is its natural attribute.

You want to have a good conversation with someone, but someone cuts you with a knife. What do you do?

Hide for a moment and try to explain. Hide twice and your anger rises. When you hide for a third time, who cares whether the star is extinguished or not?

Killing the bastard in front of you is the first choice, right?

It is reasonable for this situation to occur. After all, although these contestants may appear to be normal, their essence has been corrupted.

Even if he appears to be eager to fight, his actions are driven by desire.

If a normal person fights, it may be for protection, to hone his skills, or to become the best.

But these beings tainted by Slaanesh are different.

When killing an enemy, what they crave is the satisfying and sadistic desire of cutting into flesh.

When being hacked to death, what one longs for is the desire to be tortured by having a knife penetrate the flesh.

What they pursue is pleasure and pleasure, which is completely different from normal life.

There is no need for sympathy or understanding, the life contaminated by the evil god is so weird.

But Xi Xing had no time to care about these guys who suddenly started fighting among themselves.

Just now, his shock value exceeded 3 billion+.

And the rising momentum has no intention of stopping. In the next half minute, it reached a terrifying value of 4.1 billion+.

Staring at the shock value that showed no sign of slowing down, Xi Xing licked his lips and opened the skill proficiency panel.

Drop down the menu and go to the Megaton level telekinesis proficiency column.

Looking at the plus sign behind the 1/100 million, Xi Xing made a thought and poured the shock value of 3 billion into it without hesitation.

The next second, as his proficiency skyrocketed, his million-ton telekinesis also entered the "Perfect Mirror."

The moment you step into a new realm, it is different from the heat that runs through your spine when a thousand tons of telekinesis is activated, and the feeling of being released from shackles.

This time, it felt as if my body had lost weight instantly.

It was a sense of unfettered freedom, as if he could fly in the vastness of the world if he wanted to.

An unprecedented sense of freedom and happiness flooded into his mind.

Xixing's eyes suddenly became moist at some point.

'Amazing. . . ’

He couldn't help but look forward to what changes would happen when one billion tons of telekinesis was activated in the future and his proficiency was also raised to the ultimate level.

Of course, expectations are expectations. What he has to do now is to master the current stage of telekinesis.

The first step is still to integrate the power of mind into oneself.

This integration is completely different from before.

It seems that a deeper application of telekinesis has been unlocked. The telekinesis at this moment is no longer like when it was first activated. It can only be generated and carried by the spine.

In his current state, all the bones in his body seem to have the function of a spine, and they can all generate and carry telekinesis.

All 206 bones including the limbs, tibia, shoulder blades, ribs, skull, etc. can be used.

The benefit of this change is that the power of thought can be integrated into his body on a deeper level.

When the kiloton level reaches the ultimate level, it can be easily integrated into the body.

But it can only form layers of network-like protective layers in the body.

Protecting visceral blood vessels, strengthening fascial muscles, and improving the ability to resist blows are the limit.

But now?

When Xi Xing once again mobilized his mind power to integrate into his body, not only was it smoother, but his mind power could also be separated from the body like a small "bubble".

There is no need to make telekinesis like a tentacle monster like before, which must be extended from the spine and then "inserted" into the body through the skin.

At the current level, although the telekinesis power is still not as "discharging the sword energy" as described in Xianxia novels.

But inside the body, it can move around at will.

The power of thought can even turn into a cell membrane-like existence in his body and be directly integrated into the cells.

This is used to wrap and strengthen the original cells.

And after strengthening the original cells, the cells will remain active and no longer divide.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an alternative immortality ability.

Of course, this type of "eternal life" is not complete. After all, "eternal life" is not just about physical activity.

For example, if the life span of the soul reaches its limit, then even if the body is still active, it is just a fresh piece of meat.

Of course, this immortality effect is just an insignificant benefit after this improvement.

What's more, the power of mind strengthens the body, allowing Xi Xing to withstand even more terrifying acceleration.

You must know that when acceleration reaches a certain level, it will affect the pressure distribution of the human body's blood and body fluids.

The most direct thing is that when the rocket is launched, the astronaut's blood will quickly concentrate in the lower limbs. Therefore, the astronauts not only need to be in amazing physical fitness, but they also need to wear spacesuits with anti-gravity functions.

Otherwise, when the rocket is launched, the huge acceleration will most likely cause the astronauts to suffer from head ischemia, leading to vision loss such as black vision, slow reaction or even confusion and coma.

This is still a relatively mild phenomenon. In severe cases, it can even cause fractures, organ rupture, concussion, and even death.

The previous kiloton level of telekinesis integrated into his body allowed him to withstand accelerations of hundreds of G's, and that was not his limit.

At this moment, one million tons of mental power, coupled with more detailed physical strengthening effects, how much can it be strengthened? At this time, he couldn't help but feel excited to give it a try.

. . .

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