As if sensing Zhao Feng's concerns, the plug-in popped up a new prompt for him again.

(Tip: The star sea system in the surface universe has absolute control. All corruptors will be wiped out by various accidents after returning to the surface universe.)

(Warning: This kind of erasure requires energy to maintain. Keeping the surface universe of the trade zone will be safe for the time being.)

Looking at the plug-in prompt information, Zhao Feng's mental arithmetic was slightly relieved.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not the most desperate moment yet. ’

But then again, the Xinghai system is really weak!

So many outstanding races have been screened out through trials, but what will happen in the end? Still can't withstand the invasion.

What a stretch!

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng finally figured it out.

The old saying from home is so true!

The backing is falling, relying on everyone to run, not getting rich even if you have relatives, not having enough to eat, asking for help, asking for the Xinghai system? It’s better to just ask for it!

As for the two tasks given by the Xinghai System, he must complete them.

It's just that Zhao Feng has to slightly change the way it is done.

In his opinion, it was not enough to destroy the nodes of the Calling Array and delay the arrival of the Great Demon of Slaanesh.

If you only clean up the nodes, the corrupted lives around you may lose control and spread corruption in an orderly manner, causing memetic pollution to completely get out of control.

Not to mention whether new nodes will appear by then, the designation of the trade zone will cause chaos. Such a good spiritual energy harvesting place and such a good logistics park will be destroyed in one day.

The loss is not only unacceptable to Xinghai, but also a huge loss to any civilization, including Zhao Feng.

Think about it, there will never be such a good trading place in the future, and there will never be an audience that is easy to deceive.

His wallet and shock value no longer exceeded 100 million, and a pain from the inside out emerged from the bottom of Zhao Feng's heart.

Thinking of the consequences, Zhao Feng instantly understood what he should do next.

He must do better! More ruthless!

Better to get rid of those guys once and for all.

‘Big noise! We must make a big noise! And we need to pull those high-level civilizations into the water as soon as possible. ’

‘And I don’t necessarily have to share the task. As long as those high-level civilizations know the seriousness of the matter, they will be anxious and take the initiative to work for me! ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng directly opened the spiritual connection.

Clip and transfer all the scene information just perceived.

The focus is on preserving the way memes are infected and the process by which normal life is corrupted.

After converting all of this into image information, it was sent directly to Landry.

As for what to do next, he believed Landry could handle it.

After finishing this, the battleship returned to the central area again.

Staring at the building, Zhao Feng turned on all the swarm missile launch systems without thinking.

At the same time, the positioning radar locks on the building marked as the core node.

This was not over yet, Zhao Feng included all the surrounding buildings in the attack wave.

As for accidental injury?

Don't worry at all, that's absolutely impossible to happen.

Can a corrupted life be called life?

Looking at the strike area calculated by the fire control system, Zhao Feng silently calculated the strength of the telekinetic attack, and had a rough battle strategy in mind.

‘A full salvo of bombs plus a hydrogen explosion may take a little longer, but as long as you cooperate with the unlimited law enforcement authority to activate the regional shield. . . ’

Just as Zhao Feng was silently calculating his own firepower projection ability, the message that suddenly popped up from the plug-in made his finger that was about to pull the trigger suddenly stop in mid-air.

(Hint: Are you kidding me? 10 rounds of level 1 missiles hitting a level 7 building?)

(Warning: You only have one chance to attack first, and the Corrupted Heart will not give you a second chance to attack.)


Staring at the cheater's complaints, a large amount of cold sweat instantly fell from Zhao Feng's forehead.

He had to admit that habitual thinking killed people.

Although the swarm missiles have been strengthened to Level 6.

But where is he going to blow up?

Xinghai Trade Zone!

Of all the people here who have money to build shopping malls and residences, who is not 6 or 7 levels higher than him?

The lowest quality wall material must be nanometal.

The stronger one is to directly use crystal metal building exterior walls.

What is percentage damage reduction? What is fixed value damage reduction? Those attributes are all standard.

Some high-end buildings even have fixed defensive attributes.

Its specific defensive power can be compared horizontally with those armored mechas seen before.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but sigh deeply.

'Depend on! Why would a trade zone building be constructed with such high-end materials? Have money and nowhere to spend it? ’

‘I’m really blocked. ’

Staring at the building below through the holographic screen, he was debating whether to just add some energy and make the world a little nervous.

His eyes suddenly noticed the slot at his feet.

He was slightly startled at first, and then an idea flashed in Zhao Feng's mind.

It had to be said that he had gotten so many good things before that he had trouble remembering them.

As his fingers slid, he quickly called up the core data of the biological mothership.

Staring at one of the characteristics, Zhao Feng's eyes became brighter.

(Characteristic 2: Flesh-and-flesh resonance, amplifies the captain’s ability and turns it into a battleship skill. The synchronization rate needs to be above 90%.)

‘Flesh resonates. . . Flesh resonates! ’

Staring at this skill, Zhao Feng felt that his whole body was clear.

He casually disconnected the mental connection with the battleship, and then skillfully used the instant connection technique to directly increase the synchronization rate to 90.9%.

As the synchronization rate suddenly increased, the familiar feeling of control once again ran through the body.

The entire battleship seemed to have become a part of his body.

Immediately afterwards, it is to turn on the characteristics and resonate with flesh and blood.

After a vague buzzing sound, this feature was successfully turned on.

In the depression of the battleship's bow, the resonance organ like Zaku's eyeballs underwent significant changes at this time.

After the buzzing, it gradually turned red.

At the same time, the corresponding characteristic information also popped up in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

(The current flesh-and-blood resonance efficiency is 5%)

(The current captain’s ability magnification is 100 times.)

At the same time, a strange feeling came over him, and his perception field was like TNT being detonated.

The original sensing range of 1,800 meters in diameter "exploded" to a diameter of 180,000 meters in the blink of an eye.

And this is not the end, quantitative change is just the beginning, followed closely by qualitative change.

At this time, he sensed everything in the field and gradually became invisible.

The building that previously blocked his sensory progress was like a crushed eggshell.

In an instant, the outer layer of defense was peeled off.

All the filth hidden in it was revealed.

I saw that the central area of ​​the building had been hollowed out.

But what was displayed there was not the small magic circle or huge crystal stones that he had imagined.

I have to say that the aesthetic concept of the Evil God series is really hard to complain about.

The selection of formation nodes is completely different from the brain circuits of normal creatures.

In the innermost part of the wall, there stands a huge "heart" that is 20 meters high and more than 10 meters in diameter.

Of course, that thing just looks like a heart.

Its essence is an independent living body.

At the apex of its heart and its left and right atria, there were deformed arms, which fixed it to the wall.

Although it was not connected to a blood vessel, in Zhao Feng's perception, it was beating slowly and strangely.

The smell of corruption and erosion contained in it is so strong that it almost turns into reality.

There are 36 small arrays surrounding the heart.

At these 36 nodes, some kind of weird sacrificial ritual is constantly being carried out.

I saw a long queue at the 36 nodes.

The alien lifeforms among them, whether men, women, old or young, were like zombies, walking into the formation nodes one after another.

The life forms that entered the node immediately were not simply and roughly dismembered and then sacrificed like in other film and television works.

The rituals of Slaanesh are even more cultish.

Zhao Feng could clearly sense that the way they were sacrificed was also different depending on how the sacrificer received pleasure.

The glutton's body is disemboweled and his tongue is cut into pieces, leaving his body intact, but his internal organs and tongue are reduced to ashes, and then turned into pure desire energy.

The hypocritical person will have his skin peeled off and his eyeballs gouged out. His "physical body" will also be retained, and his skin and eyeballs will still be turned into pure desire energy and absorbed by the magic circle at his feet.

The physical utilization rate of the prostitutes is slightly higher. Both men and women insert a "straw" from the lower body and are sucked into the body within one second, leaving behind a lifelike skin.

The sacrifices of perpetrators and victims are the fastest. After entering the node, it explodes directly on the spot, and the whole body is shattered into blood and water and blends into the ground. . .

In short, no matter how evil the method of sacrifice is, in the end the organs and body of the sacrificer will quickly turn into pink and purple desire energy in the formation, and slowly merge into the huge "heart"

And those who lined up to die did not have the slightest fear.

Although their bodies were stiff during the march, their faces all showed twisted joy, and they seemed to be willing to turn into nourishment.

The scene was extremely evil.

In addition, Zhao Feng also discovered a strange phenomenon.

The skins and broken bodies left behind will be taken away to other places by other guys in cloaks.

It was obvious that the cloaked men were of higher status.

After careful observation, he discovered that there were unified symbols behind the cloaked figures.

It was a strange symbol formed by overlapping the male symbol and the female symbol.

The pink and purple color makes it indescribably weird.

Withdrawing his senses, Zhao Feng let out a long breath and did not choose to attack immediately.

By resonating with the flesh and blood of the battleship, the dynamic force increased to a billion-ton level must be so powerful that it has no friends.

It shouldn't be a problem to attack and destroy the buildings and nodes in front of you.

But for people, it is normal to have to travel to Shu.

It’s reasonable to want to do better.

In one move, or in other words, one move can clean up the corruption in an area and completely eliminate a source of pollution.

Wouldn't that be more comfortable than spending a few hours slowly cleaning it up bit by bit?

On a larger scale, if he is more efficient, Xinghai can also reduce some pressure and use more power to resist the invasion of the evil gods.

To put it mildly, the military rank system is just there. The plug-in is agreed upon, so Zhao Feng also wants to get a general or something to see what the effect is~

Thinking of this, he silently closed his eyes and entered a deeper state of perception.

His purpose is very simple, which is to stack the state, add all the abilities he currently has, and find the limit of his destructive power.

The next second the world around me seemed to have pressed the pause button.

With the blessing of flesh and blood resonance, Zhao Feng broke through molecular time for the first time and reached the threshold of atomic time.

At the same time, his flesh and blood resonance efficiency has also been increased to 50%.

The increase was even more abrupt, a 1,000-fold bonus.

This is a very scary value.

One billion tons of telekinesis doesn't seem like much.

But you have to know that when Zhao Feng can control 1 million tons of telekinesis, he can already lift the entire Burj Khalifa together with its foundation.

Now, with the help of flesh-and-blood resonance, you can directly lift 1,000 Burj Khalifa. This may not have any practical feeling.

To give a larger example, the total weight of the Three Gorges Dam is about 180 million tons. At this time, Zhao Feng can completely lift 5 and a half Three Gorges, or 10 Huashan Mountain peaks with 100 million tons.

One billion tons of power

Plus atomic level time perception.

Atomic perception means that Zhao Feng's consciousness and the vibration frequency of atoms are at the same level at this time.

This is very scary.

This means that a normal person feels that time has passed for 1 second.

But in his case, tens of billions of seconds passed.

In this state, he can easily manipulate the atoms and make them behave according to his ideas.

For example, "hand rubbing" nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and chain reaction.

It can even be done like some of the detailed privileges granted by Xinghai.

All information based on electrical signals and frequency vibrations in the area he controls is shielded and isolated.

This feeling of being able to control everything made Zhao Feng a little addicted to it.

It wasn't until the sound of alarms came through his mind that he was suddenly startled and left this "god-like" state.

After exiting the resonance state, he stared at the energy storage system that was constantly sending out alarms, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

‘Good guy, how long does the resonance last? Thousands of units of energy were wasted? I haven't done it yet! ’

He really didn't expect that the resonance of flesh and blood would consume so much energy.

Then he thought of a very serious problem.

What will happen to me if the battleship runs out of energy?

(Tip: You will be sucked and fucked.)

'grass! ’

Staring at the plug-in prompt information, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a little numb. Fortunately, in the mental link state, the status of the entire battleship was synchronized with him, allowing him to hear the alarm. . .

In addition, he was more cautious and only tried to test the effect of enhanced perception and try to superimpose the sense of time, without any intention of using telekinesis.

As for why the plug-in didn't remind Zhao Feng?

This is the limitation of the plug-in system. It is only a passive auxiliary system. If Zhao Feng does not take the initiative to ask questions, raise doubts, or provide certain clues, it will be completely unable to help.

This wave means that he was cautious enough not to mess around, otherwise he would be designated as Liangliang.

. . .

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