Can Xinghai not be in a hurry?

The war on the front line was already tense, but something happened again in the pasture where Xinghai used to absorb spiritual energy in the rear.

Who is not in a hurry?

This is like playing StarCraft and failing to block the door.

As a result, a team of dogs or a team of trains rush in from the opposite side, burning all the farmers in the base and stagnating your economy.

That is to say, the Xinghai system does not have a physical body. Otherwise, I would have been scratching my head with anxiety!

Zhao Feng understands this very well.

And after receiving such strong support from the Xinghai System, he chose to accept all tasks without hesitation.

There is no way, the level of this trade area is too shallow. If it is captured, he will really have nothing to do.

. . .

He glanced calmly at Landry and Lani who were standing aside. It was obvious that these two guys had not received the hidden mission given by Xinghai.

Zhao Feng nodded secretly in his heart.

He understood that since Xinghai did not give them a mission, it was obviously not optimistic about their strength.

Then he wouldn't deliberately leak this hidden mission.

Zhao Feng brought up his task panel with a calm expression and carefully checked the 36 areas.

Calculating the time, the task time left for him is not very long.

During this period, he had to complete the game, and then go back to build battleships to deal with the lizardmen.

The remaining free time left here is less than 5 days at most.

To cover so many areas by yourself in 5 days, even if every second counts, it will be difficult to complete.

Of course, he can also choose to share the task. After all, he has a plug-in to intervene, and the task briefing is relatively complete.

The success rate can be much higher if we take advantage of the situation by sharing tasks, but the shortcomings of this are also obvious.

The mission can be completed faster though.

But his reward will definitely be divided a lot by other players.

After struggling for a moment, Zhao Feng decided to try the water by himself first.

If the target is easy to solve, then he will complete this wave of tasks by himself.

If he couldn't handle it, there was nothing to say, and he would just accept that the mission rewards were divided thinly.

After thinking about this, Zhao Feng first checked his own status.

After confirming that the remaining mental power was still relatively sufficient, he ordered Landry and Lani to leave first.

At the same time, Zhao Feng did not forget to remind Landry that he must act according to the plan he made immediately after returning.

After watching the two people leave, Zhao Feng returned to the hangar and boarded the ship.

While starting the battleship, click on the target area to open the hyperspace channel.

Following a burst of space distortion, a huge red "black hole" suddenly appeared and enveloped the [Kite].

Then the black hole suddenly shrank and disappeared, and the distortion of space also calmed down.

The location where the [Kite] was parked before seemed to have been erased by an eraser, and all traces of the battleship's existence were wiped away.

At the same time, in the sky of area C33, which is at least 9 trillion kilometers away from here.

As if Ant-Man had grown bigger, [Kite] suddenly rushed out of a twisted space the size of a marble into the air, and quickly returned to its original size.

The sudden change in the environment did not make Zhao Feng panic.

After all, he is also a master who has passed the entire frigate tutorial course with high scores.

Such emergencies can still be easily solved.

Even if it suddenly appeared in mid-air, he could adjust the attitude of the ship without thrust.

And within a few seconds, the floating engine on the belly of the ship is started.

After he stabilized the battleship, he had time to check the surrounding environment. The sudden change in the surrounding environment made Zhao Feng slightly stunned.

After reacting immediately, Zhao Feng quickly checked the map information.

Stare at the location information on the holographic projection and the target location information displayed by the mission system.

He quickly determined where he was.

The location he was at at this time was over Fengyue Block on the southeast side of Area C33. . .

That is the area where one of the formation nodes is located.

In the projection screen, the huge building that opened like petals diagonally below him was the target of this mission, the core node of the calling array.

Instead of starting the fight carelessly, Zhao Feng first carefully turned on the astral camouflage, allowing the [Kite] to blend directly into the background environment.

The purpose of this is mainly to highlight the word "steady".

The memetic pollution area is a mystery to Zhao Feng. Who knows if there is any counterattack here?

In this case, you still need to be cautious. You can only make the next step after reconnaissance of the situation on the ground. After all, only by being careful can you sail the ten thousand year ship.

After confirming that the battleship was camouflaged, Zhao Feng turned on the phase radar.

At the same time, at the right time, he integrated his own perception field into the battleship radar wave.

Scan toward the buildings below.

The perception field composed of the 5 senses is combined with the radar system. In addition to the 5 senses scanning, energy, air toxins, heat, magnetic field environment, etc. are all clearly identified.

However, it is obvious that phase radar cannot scan substantive information about memetic contamination, a highly mysterious thing.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng's investigation methods are comprehensive enough. If "science" doesn't work, he can still use "metaphysics" to help.

When the powerful perception field swept across the streets and alleys below, he could clearly feel the strange smell that was everywhere in the air.

At first, the smell gave Zhao Feng the feeling of something pink and sweet.

The closer you look at it, the more it looks like onion water that is about to overflow.

But if he felt it carefully, it made him feel retching and nauseated.

So what's the scent?

It was clearly the stench of extremely rotten flesh and the stench of fermented corpses.

In addition to the wrong "air", in Zhao Feng's perception, whether they were pedestrians on the street or the geisha dancers receiving guests, not only were they all covered in that kind of aura.

Some serious ones are even sources of pollution themselves, emitting that weird smell from time to time.

As the perception field continued to advance and cover more areas, several large night venues around it were soon wrapped in it.

But then he withdrew his perception.

It’s not that Zhao Fengchun is pure.

Mainly because the guys inside are so annoying.

Affected by memetic pollution, this place is extremely bad.

No matter what race, no matter what appearance.

In pursuit of ultimate pleasure and ultimate desire, the things they do are no longer as simple as making people sick.

If someone with poor psychological quality sees the scene that Zhao Feng is sensing now, he may have a stress reaction on the spot.

Originally, he wanted to look for clues around him and collect some information, but now it seems that he had better forget it.

Quickly bypass those disgusting nightclubs.

Zhao Feng controlled the perception field to directly cover the "flower"-shaped building in the center.

But then, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that his perception could not be inserted.

You know, since I chose the ability to sense, whether it is exploring dungeons or the ruins of the ancients.

Those are all invincible. This is the first time he has encountered this kind of rejection.

The supermodel's perception ability was actually blocked by a building, which made Zhao Feng's heart tremble slightly.

He did not seek death by increasing the intensity of his perception. He knew in his heart that now was not the time to alert the enemy.

Taking a deep breath, he turned the battleship around and sailed around the area.

Because it has the authorization from the Xinghai System.

He flew high in the air without hitting any ground alerts, and the astral camouflage allowed him to blend into the sky.

No one could notice that there was a battleship over a hundred meters long passing above their heads.

A few minutes later, Zhao Feng arrived at the edge area of ​​memetic pollution.

Hovering the battleship in mid-air, Zhao Feng carefully sensed how this meme contaminates normal creatures.

Soon he locked onto a target, a strange alien life covered in bubbles.

Of course, appearance doesn't really matter. What's important is that this guy is a normal life form.

After watching it enter this area, it somehow struck up a conversation with a certain female of its own species.

Then he went straight into the room behind the female alien.

25 minutes later, a cheat prompt popped up in Zhao Feng's mind.

(Ding! Knowledge of alien physiology increases, knowledge +1)

'Depend on! Is there any use for this knowledge? ! ’

Complaining is secondary, mainly after they do some indescribable things.

The normal Bubble Man instantly carried the strange aura he felt before.

Immediately after Zhao Feng's perception, the two bubble people began to demand endlessly.

The aura of corruption on his body is getting stronger and stronger. . .

Curling his lips, Zhao Feng did not continue to read, but changed his perception in another direction.

Scan to the tavern on the other street.

Follow another ignorant alien traveler into the bar located in the contaminated area.

Stare at it and pick up a colorful "cocktail".

In Zhao Feng's perception, the strange smell in the drink he picked up was so strong that it almost overflowed.

Stare at it, take a sip of wine, and feel the condition of its body.

Soon, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that although the strange aura entered its body, it did not corrupt it.

Obviously, some key factor should not be triggered.

But then he changed to a different drink and drank it all in one gulp.

Strange changes occurred.

The alien traveler seemed to show an expression of enjoyment at first.

Then a strange aura instantly erupted in its body, and it trembled violently as if it had been electrocuted.

As if having an epileptic seizure.

Of course, it wasn't really a disease. Zhao Feng could be sure that it was not trembling in pain, but trembling with pleasure!

As if to welcome new partners, the drinkers nearby suddenly raised their glasses together.

The epilepsy craze started.

To be honest, that scene was a bit scary.

Through constant comparison and observation, Zhao Feng quickly understood the operating rules of memetic pollution.

‘Good guy, I’m just good guy! This infection mode is a bit fierce! ’

‘In the area covered by the meme, as long as you are within the scope of that weird aura, as long as you have desires and happy feelings in your mind, you will be directly infected? ! ’

‘How evil! It is estimated that even if a saintly monk with a pure heart comes over, he will be controlled by them, right? ’

This coincides with his previous conjecture.

. . .

This isn't the end of the story.

Continuously expanding the perception field, Zhao Feng soon discovered that he was in the memetic pollution area.

There are no normal creatures at all.

A glutton who eats like meatballs.

A prostitute whose body was hollowed out by the desire of his lower body and looked like a skeleton.

A hypocrite who keeps changing clothes in front of the mirror and is obsessed with looking at the perfect appearance that he has transformed into himself.

The malaria giver and the malaria recipient are addicted to XX and cannot extricate themselves.

Etc., etc.

Countless corrupted people controlled by desire, or simply transformed into desire itself, fill every corner of this area.

Sighing, Zhao Feng drove the battleship back to the central area.

This time he did not speed up and slowly sensed the situation below.

But all he felt was degradation, endless degradation.

The closer the abnormality is to the central area, the more serious it is.

In addition, he also discovered that every time those corrupted creatures enjoyed pleasure, wisps of pink-purple energy would float out of their bodies.

Float towards the central area.

Obviously, that is desire energy.

As for saving them?

To be honest, it's hopeless.

Those beings trapped in Slaanesh no longer have a sense of self.

The extremely comfortable feeling of pleasure time and time again completely erases and covers their nature, turning them into depraved creatures who only pursue more exciting experiences.

Civilization, reason, wisdom and morality have all completely left them.

What are the rest?

Needless to say, it was eye-catching and disgusting. The rotten state and crazy expression made Zhao Feng feel chills running down his spine.

After calculating the flight distance of the battleship, he couldn't help but curse in his heart:

‘Is this Xinghai doing knitting? ’

‘Good guys, the infection area around the main node must be hundreds of kilometers in diameter, right? ’

From this point of view, what if the node is destroyed? This area has been corrupted by endless desire.

All life here is dead. Every living thing is a moving source of pollution and corruption.

Looking at the situation below, it seems to be slightly better than the center area of ​​the node, but in fact it is hopeless.

And this situation, according to Xinghai's mission background, has actually lasted for four years.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng suddenly realized something, and his back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

A feeling of urgency welled up from deep inside.

Only then did he realize how terrifying the evil god was.

He even had some doubts about whether he could lead mankind to survive in this universe that was entering a countdown to death.

‘Perhaps the surface world has also been penetrated. . . ’

Think again about the situation that Kansandra told him.

He deeply felt that his development speed was still too slow.

You have to speed up and speed up and speed up again.

If he continues to develop step by step like this, maybe in a few days, the trade area will not be bombed, but the cultists of the evil god will be the first to attack his door!

. . .

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