Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 183 I’m just here to purchase goods, don’t mess with me! 【4000】

Hearing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but ask aloud:

"Can you confirm that it was caused by that auction?"

In response to the boss's inquiry, Landry shook his head decisively.

He didn't dare to draw random conclusions about things without evidence. What if he misled the boss?

But then, he seemed to have thought of something, and the conversation changed to talk about his guess and other information.

"Did you know? If you modify other people's consciousness in the trade area, or use some mysterious items to harm others, you will definitely be discovered and marked by the Star Sea System immediately.

But there is one exception, and that is voluntary behavior.

If you use drugs or inspire certain memetic items by yourself, and do not harm other intelligent life with malicious intent, the Star Ocean system will not mark it.

Obviously, those unlucky rabbits meet the conditions for this trick.

Although I don't have enough evidence to prove that there is something wrong with the auction items, you should know that except for that auction, their daily lives are extremely normal.

So I guess there was definitely something wrong with that auction. "

After a pause, Landry added solemnly:

"And my intuition tells me that this is definitely not a coincidence!"

Nodding, Zhao Feng took the virtual screen from Landry's hand and carefully looked at the intelligence collected on it. After a while, he said:

"If it's not a coincidence, as far as the results are concerned, Debbie Heiner is just one of the people who caused the strange change. Except for her, the entire rabbit tribe was changed in their habits after that day..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Feng's expression became slightly solemn.

"Actually, it's not a big problem if consciousness is changed by special items, or cognition is changed by memetic contamination. In this case, I think the Xinghai System must have a solution.

But strangely, what happened to the rabbits seemed to be contagious.

According to the information after the rabbit tribe was infected, combined with the conditions you mentioned, the living beings infected by the meme are all voluntary.

It can be seen from this that the memetic contamination in the subjective consciousness of the infected person should be a "good" thing. . . "

Zhao Feng paused at this point and quickly browsed through all the information compiled by Landry.

Soon he realized the problem.

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the words 'entertainment industry' and 'romantic place'.

Then he raised his head and looked at Landry and said:

"Expand the scope of the investigation to include information on all people who have been to rabbit clan stores, as well as information on chambers of commerce or races that have close contact with them, as well as information on people in close contact with them at the next level.

Call them all out, mark them on the map, and sort them on a timeline. "

Landry's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he instantly understood what the boss meant.

He took over the virtual screen again and started operating it according to Zhao Feng's instructions.

As the deputy manager of the Allen Court Chamber of Commerce in the C14 area.

He said he was the deputy, but in fact, except for the old elf man, there were no higher-level managers above him.

He can call on almost all the resources of the Allen Court Chamber of Commerce in District C14.

Among them is the supercomputing brain.

He left the tedious work of sorting and summarizing information to Zhinao, and he finished what Zhao Feng asked him to do in just a few dozen seconds.

Soon, a map of Area C14 with increasing red dots as the timeline progressed appeared before the two of them.

It can be clearly seen that as time goes by, the red dots representing people or forces in contact with the rabbit tribe are spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Just when the two thought that this spread would completely surround C14.

A strange phenomenon occurred. These people and forces did not spread endlessly.

Instead, it gradually stabilizes and becomes fixed in place, occupying a limited block.

On the map, the population density representing memetic contacts continues to increase over time, but the range of blocks they occupy remains almost completely fixed.

And in the past two years, tourists who have been to these places and passing vendors have never left these fixed areas as long as they enter the various entertainment venues they opened.

Obviously, the main way of memetic pollution should be in those romantic places.

As the density of those red dots increased, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that some kind of symbol seemed to be forming on the map in front of him.

There are some lines on the edge of the symbol.

Staring at the map, Zhao Feng felt as if he had caught something, but he was still a little short of straightening it out.

So he pointed at the areas where the lines disappeared and said to Landry:

"Made maps of C13, C15, C75, C76, C77... and spliced ​​them together according to the analysis conditions just mentioned."

After all, Landry was just an alien. He had limited imagination and could not see anything. But after seeing the serious expression on the boss's face, he did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately carried out Zhao Feng's order.

Not long after, new map information was loaded.

In other words, Landry has some background in the elves.

Otherwise, the internal information of other divisions of Allen Pavilion would not be able to be handed over to him so easily.

As the new map was spliced ​​and completed, Zhao Feng felt a numbness in the back of his head as he stared at the picture in front of him.

"What?! Formation?!"

The native dialect he blurted out made Landry on the side look confused.

At the same time, plug-in prompts also came to join in the fun.

(Great Demon Summoning Sound Array: Some civilizations use certain special symbols and patterns to mobilize special energy, and use this as a basis to summon ancient terrifying existences.)

Staring at the plug-in prompts, Zhao Feng felt bad.

‘Making yarn? Is it really a formation? ! Didn’t we agree that we are in a science fiction world? Isn’t it a giant ship’s cannon? What the hell is the devil? What's going on with the formation? ’

(Tip: The formation discipline is also a "technological" civilization, but it is different from most civilizations that follow the practical science and technology route. The two conflict with each other at the middle and low levels and can hardly corroborate each other, but at the top level, their essences will gradually converge. .)

(Big Demon: A legendary creature among legendary creatures, a rare existence that you cannot deal with now.)

Staring at the explanation of the plug-in, Zhao Feng sighed deeply for a while.

‘I’m just here to deliver goods, do you want to do this to me? ’

At the same time, he asked in his mind:

‘When will this formation be launched? ’

(Note: The construction time of this calling array is too short. It will take at least 9 years to collect enough desire energy.)

(Warning: The creature summoned by this calling array is the great demon of Slaanesh, a descendant of the evil god who is polluted by desire and infected with the body. Please raise your spiritual will to a level sufficient to compete with it before it appears.)

‘Does that mean it’s okay for now? ’

‘It’s okay to be okay. There’s obviously something wrong with that bunny girl. She’s so polluted that she can still participate in the competition. ’

‘Coupled with the information Landry just provided, 80% of other areas have also been infiltrated into sieves. ’

'If this allows their people to win first place, good guy, make another wish. ’

Combined with the information on the rabbit tribe and other races, the corrupted life after being corrupted by memes.

Think about it, Debbie Heiner, who was originally a lady white rabbit, had a whopping 2943 "love histories" within two years after being corrupted.

If they succeed in making their wish, what will the trade area look like?

Immediately afterwards, he instantly thought of the famous female dyeing series of Country R during the Earth Period, as well as various tentacle series, black beast series, etc.

It goes without saying what the trade zone will look like by then! ?

Then he remembered the conversation he overheard between the two sellers.

After carefully recalling the scene at that time, Zhao Feng was certain that the two cargoes also carried strange auras, which should be related to this incident.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but softly read out the secret code for their connection at that time.

"In the land of six rings, Slaanesh will remain forever?"

This time he spoke in the alien lingua franca.

When Landry on the side heard, "The Kingdom of Six Rings," this guy's knees softened and he was almost kneeling here.

Lani on the side was even more shocked. She seemed to have heard something terrifying and was so frightened that she fell to the ground with a plop.

Zhao Feng didn't understand their cowardly behavior at all and asked directly.

"What? Is it so scary? How does it compare to those ancient outer gods?"

Then he waved his hand slightly, and an invisible force helped Lani up, and also helped Landry stand up straight.

After hearing this, Landry calmed down for a while and then spoke with a slight trembling.

"You don't know something. Although evil gods, alien gods, and ancient gods are our enemies, at least they will not die directly.

We only have a conceptual understanding of them.

But the Kingdoms of the Six Rings are different. They are equivalent to the "Kingdom of Heaven" established by the sons of the evil god. "

"Unlike those evil gods and alien gods who directly control some of the rules of the universe, the power of the Kingdom of Six Rings is based on the six strongest desires of the evil god Slaanesh."

Looking at the boss's interested expression, Landry touched his nose and said with some embarrassment:

"Of course I don't know what the specific sixth ring is, but..."

"As far as the evil god Slaanesh is concerned, the rules he controls represent all the pleasures and desires in the world, including anger, ignorance, greed, love, hate, joy, and the most corrupting thing, lust."

"It is said that no living thing can escape the evil god Slaanesh. If you see it, you will definitely be attracted by his "beauty" and sink.

In the end, none of them could escape the eternal twisted pleasure He brought, and were eventually assimilated into one of them. "

Listening to Landry's words, Zhao Feng felt that the description was too general.

He actually wanted to know what was going on in the Six-Ring Country, but it was obvious that Landry was not qualified to know the specific content.

Fortunately, the super powerful Gua Ge is still so awesome and provides Zhao Feng with a full set of prompt services.

(Tip: The country of the Six Rings, the specific location is at depth level Lv. 66, belongs to the Black Prince under the evil god Slaanesh.)

(Note: The so-called six rings actually refer to six extremely strong desire tests, namely the ring of greed, the ring of gluttony, the ring of debauchery, the ring of dominance, the ring of vanity and the ring of laziness. If you can pass these After passing the test of the Sixth Ring, you will get a chance to meet Slaanesh himself.)

Looking at the plug-in prompts, Zhao Feng was filled with question marks.

'Good guy, after you pass the dangerous trial, you won't be rewarded. Is it okay to send the ultimate boss directly to you? ’

'But then again, Level 66 is still far away from here~'

(Warning: Slaanesh cultists are best at infiltration and corruption. So far, all levels of the Star Sea World that have been infiltrated by Slaanesh have fallen.)

‘. . . Um? Is it so silly? Then this kind of problem is also occurring in the trade zone, and the Xinghai System doesn't step in to stop it? This is the logistics park at its rear and the energy base for refining all kinds of spiritual energy! ’

(Tip: The strategy of the evil gods completely complies with the game rules set by the Xinghai System, so the Xinghai System cannot intervene to prevent it)

(Instigating rebellion and infiltration are what Slaanesh evil creatures are best at. No intelligent race can escape the pursuit of desire.)

(Xinghai cannot intervene in this kind of struggle that starts from the bottom. If the rules are easily broken, then those great evil gods who are restricted by the rules can also break free from the shackles of the rules and take action themselves.)

Looking at the information in front of him, Zhao Feng nodded slowly.

The brain quickly thought about how to deal with this crisis.

‘First of all, the trade area must be preserved, at least before it develops, it must not fall. ’

‘If the trade zone falls, the Xinghai system will lose its “energy” supply, and the front line will lose material rations. By then, a direct defeat on the frontal battlefield will probably be easy. ’

‘Losing all depth will be an inevitable result, and the surface area will face the invasion of evil gods and alien gods at any time, which is too dangerous. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng looked at Landry and said:

"Landry, don't tell this information to the family's senior officials for the time being. Since the bunny girls can come out of their territory to participate in the competition, I estimate that they have already begun the second step of infiltration. Their goal should be to control those who are qualified. The number of players participating in the competition will be controlled beyond our expectations."

"So what we can do now is to first prevent their players from winning the first place in the Supernova Competition."

"Secondly, we need to understand the principle of this kind of memetic pollution or corruption, so that we can take precautions."

"Otherwise you can't even protect yourself well, let alone deal with them..."

Landry's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he listened carefully to the boss's suggestion.

To be honest, there was really nothing he could do in the face of such terrifying members of the evil god.

And he didn't want to become a flesh puppet who only knew how to indulge in eternal pleasure and enjoyment.

He also understands that his race may still have some strength in the trade area, but if it faces those evil gods and alien gods head-on.

Elf? It's just a bunch of cannon fodder.

But now they have Xi Xing on their side, who is obviously the boss of the legendary race, and he discovered the problem in time.

With him in charge, there might really be a chance. . .

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