You must know that Zhao Feng has great trust in his own perception ability.

Whether it was his ability to predict danger in advance many times or his super assistive ability in some special circumstances, his perception ability helped him overcome many difficulties.

Now that I feel something is wrong, I must not be vague about it.

Although I don't know what the specific problem is.

But in line with the principle of being careful and sailing for thousands of years, it is absolutely fine to find Landry, a local snake, to make an innuendo.

After all, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. This world is full of wonders.

Coupled with his special disaster-inducing physique, even if someone told him that the trade area would explode on the spot in the next second, he would not be surprised.

Following Lani, he walked left and right and soon came to the door of a VIP box.

She raised her hand and pressed the doorbell, then opened the door and walked in.

Landry, who heard the sound, couldn't help but quickly stood up and looked at the door of the box. When he saw that the person who came in was Lani, he was a little confused.

You must know that this girl has always abided by the rules. It is impossible to break in after ringing the doorbell, unless. . .

So Landry raised his head and looked back, and sure enough, Brother Xixing was behind him.

Looking at the big boss who suddenly came over, he asked with some confusion.

"You? Aren't you going to compete?"

"Xinghai gave me a promotion spot."

Zhao Feng answered calmly, and the old Elf man on the side couldn't help shaking his hands, and spilled most of the fruit wine in the wine glass.

I glanced at the old elf man and found that he looked somewhat similar to Landry.

‘His family elder? ’

After thinking about it, Zhao Feng felt a little about the other party's physical condition. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked directly to Landry.

"How is the collection of the supplies I need going?"

Because there were other people present, Zhao Feng temporarily stopped inquiring about the rabbit girl and began to inquire about the preparation status of the supplies.

This made Landry couldn't help but show a helpless expression and thought to himself.

‘Boss, this is too resolute, isn’t it? ’

But people have already made requests, and it’s hard for him to say anything.

First he stood up and said to the old man beside him:

"Second Grandpa, please excuse me for a moment. My friend here has something to deal with first."

The old man nodded very reasonably and replied softly:

"Go ahead, young people should make more friends and don't worry about me, an old bastard."

Landry smiled slightly when he heard this, turned around and made a "please" gesture to Zhao Feng, and then the two of them walked out of the room one after another.

After leaving the arena, Landry directly called a special car and took Zhao Feng straight to the corporate airport in Allen Pavilion.

Landry, who was sitting in the back seat with Zhao Feng, finally couldn't help asking after the vehicle drove for a while.

"Mr. Xi Xing, is it really okay for you not to wait for the challenge at the competition venue?"

Zhao Feng glanced at him and replied lazily:

"Challengers need to make a reservation 2 hours in advance."

Listening to the boss's reply, Landry couldn't help but look in surprise and admiration.

In previous competitions, I have never heard of anyone receiving such preferential treatment from Xinghai.

Feeling the admiring look from the old man next to him, Zhao Feng was filled with helplessness.

‘If you are a girl, you will be worshiped, but what about the big men? ’

In order to kill this slightly strange atmosphere, Zhao Feng began to make insinuations about Landry:

"Has anything strange happened in Area C14 recently?"

Listening to the boss's question, Landry couldn't help but be stunned. He put away his admiring eyes. He lowered his head and wondered why the boss would ask such a question.

‘Did I do a bad job? Shouldn't it? . . . ’

Somewhat puzzled, Landry asked directly.

"Sir, are you dissatisfied with anything? I haven't heard of anything strange recently."

Shaking his head, Zhao Feng glanced at him, and after thinking about it for half a second, he decided to speak more clearly.

After all, he is an alien, with a different civilization, and he talks in a roundabout way. Maybe people really can’t understand him?

And it would be a pity if such a useful tool died accidentally due to his negligence.

"You can start looking for clues from the rabbit girl who surrendered today."

Hearing what the boss said, Landry couldn't help but feel shocked.

It was obvious that the boss had discovered something on that rabbit girl.

But what exactly is it?

His brain began to quickly analyze the boss's intentions.

'First of all, the boss's strength, there is no doubt that it shouldn't be difficult to get Supernova, so there is nothing wrong with that girl's strength. . . ’

He raised his head and glanced at Huixing's expression.

Indifferent, frowning.

Really not getting any additional information from the boss, Landry couldn't help but look at Lani in the front seat.

I hope the other party can give me some tips.

But it's obvious that Lani doesn't know anything.

He just looked back at Mr. Xi Xing, then at his own boss, and blinked.

Staring at Lani who was blinking, Landry was filled with anticipation.

But then, Lani turned her body again, which made him very worried.

‘What it is. . . ’

'Wait a moment! To put it another way, is it possible that the boss has taken a liking to the other party? After all, bosses are human beings too! Normal physiological problems also need to be solved, and the rabbit tribe is very in line with the aesthetics of the human race, and there are many intermarriages. Could it be that this wave is actually a test of my intelligence gathering ability? ’

Zhao Feng didn't know what Landry was thinking. If he knew, he would 100% regret why he was pretending to be such a coward?

It's better to say it directly.

At this time, Landry instantly became convinced of his belief, and without any hesitation, he directly used his authority to call up Allen Pavilion's intelligence network.

Initiate pooled screening of information for women. . .

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, just watched him operate and didn't say any more nonsense.

Although he couldn't understand Landry's operations, his actions were obviously collecting information from the other party.

After a few glances, he stopped paying attention.

At the same time, I was filled with emotion.

‘It’s easy to do things when you have a smart person as your partner! There is no need to explain anything too clearly, people can figure it out by themselves. ’

Although there were slight deviations in the understanding between the two, at least the investigation had officially begun.

Not long after, the floating car drove off the high-speed transportation network.

It took them no more than 20 minutes in total to reach their destination.

Arriving at Allen Court's exclusive airport in the trade area, Landry was still summarizing and analyzing "intelligence."

At this time, the more he understood the rabbit girl, the deeper his frown became.

Instead of taking Zhao Feng to inspect the goods in person, Landry first raised his head and smiled apologetically at Zhao Feng.

"I'm sorry, Lord Xi Xing, there is too much information about the rabbit girl. I still need to analyze it for a while."

After saying this, he turned to Lani and ordered:

"Lani, you take Lord Xi Xing to inspect the goods. I will come back to you later."

Zhao Feng didn't care who took him.

Get off the speed car and follow Lani into the airport warehouse in Allen Pavilion.

While walking, Lani introduced the situation here to Zhao Feng.

"Sir, except for the medicinal materials, which are still in short supply due to time constraints and circulation issues, all the other goods you need have been prepared."

"Your battleship is also temporarily stored here, and we will maintain it on your behalf."

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and the warehouse door dozens of meters high in front of her slowly opened.

Entering the warehouse, you can see as far as the eye can see, densely packed [Energy Cabinets] filling the shelves in the warehouse.

In the central area, there are three huge metal containers with a height of 6 stories.

On the container, there are respectively painted the symbols of Thunder, Guardian, and Holy Light.

It is obvious that the battlecruiser kits are packed into special containers as required.

In this way, it became much more convenient for Zhao Feng to collect these supplies.

Medicines and other supplies were placed under the containers and piled into a small pile.

Lani stepped forward to open one of the cryogenic chambers and explained to Zhao Feng

"Sir, all the supplies you need have been collected and packaged, except for the medicinal materials, which are still 80,000 units short.

In total, there are 1,100 [energy cabinets] with 100 million units, all of which are fully charged with energy.

The battlecruiser kit, in addition to the Thunder, Guardian and Holy Light series you purchased, also gives you a turret improvement kit, which is now all packaged."

"Besides, your battleship is parked in the hangar next door."

Listening to Lani's report, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then motioned for the girl to leave for now.

There was no questioning of Zhao Feng's order, nor any hesitation.

Elf Xiaonizi turned around and left the warehouse, and closed the door thoughtfully.

After confirming her departure, Zhao Feng's perception began to expand crazily.

Everything in the warehouse was quickly scanned clearly.

Then his mind stirred up.

Smash all the monitoring equipment in the warehouse.

Immediately afterwards, his mind gathered around the huge container and slowly lifted it.

After confirming that the weight of each container was only 100,000 tons, he dragged them all into the auxiliary backpack.

Next is the energy cabinet.

After putting all the supplies into the auxiliary backpack with ease, Zhao Feng left the warehouse calmly.

Under Lani's watch, he entered the hangar nearby.

Return to [Kite], in the fighter warehouse that was temporarily used as a warehouse.

He took out all the materials for the hardening potion and made room for it.

Then put the [Sanity Potion] back into the auxiliary backpack.

As for the formula of [Hardening Potion], he directly entered it into the [Manufacture] column of the Xinghai System.

After all, reverse derivation still costs hope points, so it would be nice to buy it directly.

At this time, in his auxiliary backpack, except for the two most important supplies.

In the remaining two compartments, one is filled with cigarettes, and the other is the one that was just put in.

These two things are his trump cards.

[Cross-border Key] can take him away from here at any time, which is the ultimate life-saving trump card.

[Sanity Potion] is a "stimulant" used to catch the enemy off guard when encountering a strong enemy.

As for why the materials for the [hardening agent] were not packed together with the other materials.

There is no way, the medicinal materials that have not been inactivated will be forcibly separated by the auxiliary backpack.

It is allowed to be placed in the same compartment together with refrigerated shelf-life equipment simply because the refrigerated box is relatively small.

Once he packed and stored the medicinal materials with other different types of supplies.

It will be forcibly distinguished by the auxiliary backpack.

As a result, he could only cry and temporarily store the medicinal materials in the battleship.

This is also a last resort, since it has been discovered that the trade zone is not as safe as it appears.

For safety reasons, those life-saving props should be carried close to him to make him feel more at ease.

As for that, if an accident occurs and it's too late to bring the hardening agent materials, it's actually okay.

At worst, when I go back, I personally send the old people from the base into space.

His telepathy is not just a decoration, but the number of people he can transport at one time is relatively limited.

As long as we can ensure that we can bring back the other two urgently needed supplies, then everything is easy!

Just after Zhao Feng finished taking inventory of the goods and walked out of the hangar.

Landry hurried over with an anxious look on his face.

At this time, there was a hint of embarrassment and a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

. . .

Sensing Landry's state, Zhao Feng turned around and looked at him without saying anything, just waiting for his answer quietly.

"Sir, according to your instructions, I investigated the bunny girl who fought against you before."

After scratching his head, Landry sorted out his words and then said directly:

"Debbie Heiner, rabbit tribe, age 22, relationship history 2943..."

At this point, Landry glanced at Huixing's expression. After realizing that the boss had no special expression, he understood that he must have thought wrong at the time.

So he took a deep breath and continued:

"He has a very unrestrained taste and has relationships with males of all races. At the worst point, he even had sex with 43 boyfriends of different races in one day..."

Listening to Landry's information, Zhao Feng was extremely speechless.

As for Landry, who was talking about tidbits, his expression became more and more serious.

"When I saw this, I was actually very surprised. You have to know that the women of the rabbit tribe are very conservative. Before the life of their partner is over, they will never have other partners, and there are even very few third parties. And the Rabbit Clan who are so unrestrained can be said to be extremely deviant."

"I took the opportunity to check up on the rabbit tribe that Debbie Hayner belongs to, and their main business in the Star Sea."

"So I discovered a very strange phenomenon. These rabbit tribes actually started the skin and meat business and entertainment industry. You must know that they were originally businessmen mainly engaged in the medicinal materials business."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng was also a little curious.

Turning the page on the display screen in his hand, Landry continued:

"So I adjusted the time point forward and started investigating from the time they entered the star sea, and something surprising happened to me.

The initial intelligence pointed out that Debbie Heiner was a very shy girl from the Rabbit Clan, and her personality was completely opposite to her current one. The entire Rabbit Clan's business was also a normal trade in medicinal materials, and there was nothing special about it.

But two years ago, after they purchased certain items at an auction, strange changes occurred in the entire rabbit clan. "

"It's as if they all turned into another person, and the moral ethics they followed were all torn to pieces almost overnight."

. . .

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