Finally, on the last row of shelves in the armor section, he found a label selling portable shields.

The shelves here are already crowded with people.

There was nothing on the long shelves, and it was obvious that all kinds of shields had been sold out.

Looking at the noisy aliens and the sold-out shelves, Zhao Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

Without it, he couldn't compare it with the enhanced shield he brought.

Waiting here for them to arrive?

But when?

Just when Zhao Feng was thinking about whether to go to other shops first.

The plug-in took action in time and translated all the conversations of the surrounding aliens.

"Is it time to put it on the market? It's really difficult. When did it become so difficult to buy a shield?"

"Oh, don't be so anxious! Hurry up! We only replenish the goods here every four hours. It's less than half a minute until the goods are ready."

Listening to what these aliens were talking to each other, Zhao Feng paused and did not leave in a hurry.

It is not difficult to know from their conversations that portable shields are a very hot commodity.

This made his eyes light up.

At this moment, a sudden mechanical sound sounded, and then the shelves in front of him slowly folded and sank into the floor.

At the same time, the ceiling also opened at this time, and brand-new shelves and brand-new shields slowly lowered.

Then I saw these aliens, who seemed to have never seen the world.

They swarmed up and grabbed the few portable shields on the shelves.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Feng did not go up to snatch it.

He just silently used his mind power and pushed away the aliens in front of him and around him one by one without leaving any trace.

It was as if the people around him automatically made way for him.

After a few steps to the shelf and a casual glance, Zhao Feng picked up a cross-shaped shield generator.

That's right, it's a cross. It's about half a person's height. The thickness of the frame is about a palm, and it looks like a stainless steel product.

Of course, saying it is stainless steel is just a description, it is just that the material appearance is relatively similar.

There is a corresponding handle and a red button in the center of the cross.

Apparently it's a switch to turn on the shield.

As the shield came into use, its various data were quickly displayed in front of him.

This is a directional shield generator called [Guardian].

Its shield effect is 1:0.8

The shield value is 500 points

The recharge speed is slightly slower, only 5 points/second.

Of course the level is still Lv.1.

Up to here, everything is normal.

But then, the shield began to lose its humanity.

[Guardian] has its own special skill [Iron Wall]

Iron Wall: When turned on, all resistances are +85%, projectile and ray deflection rates are +25%, recharge speed is increased to 10 points per second, duration is 10 seconds, and cooling time is 4 hours.

This attribute, as a blue quality level 5 equipment, can be said to be extremely powerful.

It's like being a real man in disguise for 10 seconds.

Of course, when the special effects are not turned on, it is just a regular S-shaped shield.

But once the [Iron Wall] is turned on

There is really nothing that can break through its defense within 10 seconds.

As for that level 5 afterburner electromagnetic gun, even if you hit this thing, no one will be able to return quickly.

You know, the shield effect itself of 0.8 will reduce the damage.

In addition, the shield is naturally highly resistant to live kinetic energy weapons.

Good guy, this [Iron Wall] will give you +85% total resistance as soon as it is opened.

That is a level 5 powered electromagnetic gun with only 10 attack points and no penetration properties.

If you sweep it up, you will be forced to drop a 0.1 shield value.

If you are a rookie, you will inevitably make aiming errors due to "a little bit" of recoil when firing continuously.

If the shot is inaccurate, there won’t even be 0.1 polite damage~

And don't forget that 25% deflection rate.

Maybe even the stray bullets that bounce back can kill the enemy.

After all, with a rate of fire of 300 rounds per second, it is entirely possible for this to happen based on probability.

This is just resistance to damage. If you are wearing an exoskeleton to charge, 10 seconds is enough to rush into the opponent's face.

This shows how powerful [Guardian] is.

Of course, the essence that made Zhao Feng speechless was, in the final analysis, the [Iron Wall] special effect.

The super resistance increase that treats all attack types equally is simply invincible.

Of course, energy weapons still have a natural advantage over this shield.

Using beams and energy weapons to fight [Guardians] is still the best choice.

After all, the shield is naturally weak, and the energy and beam resistance are naturally -100% DEBUFF, which is really impossible to do.

Even though it has been weakened to -15%, it really breaks the defense when attacked.

When you hit it with kinetic energy bullets, it really scratches your skin~

. . .

After reading the attributes, Zhao Feng did not put it back immediately.

Instead, he clicked the switch on the handle curiously.

Accompanied by a line of alien text that popped up.

(Trial mode is starting...)

and a beep sound.

The blank area of ​​the cross was completely filled with a light yellow energy shield in one breath.

Forming a rectangular shield similar to an explosion shield.

And the area covered by the shield is completely transparent, so you can clearly see the situation ahead.

With [Guardian] fully deployed.

It also provides a defensive surface of 2 meters high and 1.5 meters wide for Zhao Feng's front.

Of course, the size of the shield can be fine-tuned.

But before he could try this function, the 5-second trial period ended.

Soon the energy shield on the shield slowly shrank into the cross.

Staring at the [Guardian] who had returned to his original state, Zhao Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

‘The advantages of this piece of equipment are clear. ’

‘The special effects of the iron wall allow it to play an irreplaceable role on the frontal battlefield. ’

‘Especially in urban street battles and floor assaults, too many floor corners and alley intersections can greatly weaken energy weapons and beam weapons.

Allow [Guardian] to give full play to the combat needs of a strong attack. ’

'Of course the shortcomings are also very obvious. First of all, this thing eats teammates, and secondly, the plain terrain is definitely not suitable for using this thing. ’

‘It’s best not to run around with this shield if you don’t have teammates. Once someone outflanks us, we’ll lose our protection on the spot. ’

‘It’s even worse in the plain terrain, the bright shield light is like a target. ’

‘Heavy firepower, firepower whose single shot damage exceeds the upper limit of the shield value, can cause crushing damage.

Even if you don’t crush it, if the intensive heavy firepower continues, the shield may be fine, but the players behind will probably have to GG’ first.

'And most importantly, this shield cannot be placed in the S-shaped slot. . . ’

After counting all the restrictions, Zhao Feng suddenly felt that this thing was not so good anymore.

‘No wonder the attributes are so good and the price is only 5,000 star coins. It seems to be too limited. ’

He smacked his lips and put the shield back on the shelf.

While he put the [Guardian] back in place, the shield generator was snatched away by another alien with quick hands.

Zhao Feng left the area without looking back.

At the same time, he felt a little more at ease.

‘The Lv.6 shield generator is more versatile than the [Guardian]. After all, it can protect the whole body, and it is also ultra-thin and non-reflective. . . ’

Then Zhao Feng thought of the [Fusion Cannon] he saw before.

‘Personal shield plus [Guardian] or other shields.

This kind of double protection can completely withstand the attack of [Fusion Cannon], which is a good gimmick. ’

Thinking about this, Zhao Feng thought about the price of [Guardian] and then tasted his own shield characteristics.

‘5000! wrong! 10000! At least 10,000! Maybe the price can go up even higher. . . ’

While thinking, he quickly left the store.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng found another shopping mall and walked in.

As the saying goes, he needs to go to a few more shopping malls.

Compare the prices of shields sold by all merchants together.

Only in this way can we get a more reasonable price.

After visiting one store, he went to visit several large and medium-sized shops without stopping.

Soon he had a general understanding of the market situation of portable shields.

To put it simply, a shield is hard to find and the price is not low.

The specific reason is unknown, because Zhao Feng does not know alien languages ​​and cannot communicate with them.

He could only collect bits and pieces of information from the complaints of some buyers.

About 10 days ago, there was a rush to buy shields.

In just 10 days, all green-quality portable shields in the trade zone were sold out.

Logically speaking, a trading market as large as a trade zone should not be in short supply.

But once you know the inside story, this is not a strange thing.

You must know that most forces regard the S-type shield as a transitional product and do not conduct in-depth research.

There is no way, who makes the disadvantage of the S-type shield too obvious.

Due to its body size, size and other reasons, the value of the S-shaped shield is difficult to exceed a thousand.

If you make it bigger, the shield value can be improved a lot, but it won't be able to be carried.

It's too streamlined and can break the shield with one hit, making it as brittle as a piece of plastic.

The shield value provided by the M-type shield and the ordinary green quality do not need to have very good characteristics.

Its shield value can often exceed hundreds of S-shaped shields.

This is not the most deadly.

The most fatal thing is that even if the S-type shield is perfected, the profit from selling 100 units is not as much as selling 1 M-type shield. Is it embarrassing?

So which direction is the general trend? It's so obvious.

Therefore, the main products of large forces are M-type shields and L-type shields.

It can be said that they have researched these large and medium-sized shields to the extreme, and can even mass-produce blue quality shields.

But the S-type shield is embarrassing. There are only tens of thousands of small business alliances, filling the gap in S-type shield research.

Although tens of thousands of companies seem like a lot of numbers.

You know, this is a trade zone! It is a trade area based on the universe.

An absurd world where all transportation relies on curved light rails.

Even the unit "trillion" is not enough to describe one ten thousandth of its daily passenger flow.

How could the tens of thousands of cricket alliances be able to supply it?

Their inventory was depleted in one day, and the next day they were unable to supply goods despite full production capacity.

This is also the main reason why it is difficult to find a shield.

As for what caused this "demon wind", Zhao Feng didn't know yet.

After all, he was too embarrassed to continue eavesdropping under the strange eyes of the alien old man, wasn't he?

. . .

As I continue to explore the store.

He finally found a store with a wide range of shields.

As for why the shield here is so comprehensive, no one is rushing to buy it.

Zhao Feng estimated that it was because their prices were too outrageous.

Inside this luxury store called "Kidd".

First of all, there is no discount area at all.

The price of the level 5 supercharged electromagnetic gun he had seen before was 10 times higher here, which is 50 star coins each.

The directional shield generator, that is, the [Guardian] shield, is five times more expensive than the Minmatar Merchant Alliance, costing 25,000 star coins each.

Looking at the exaggerated selling price, Zhao Feng gradually showed a puzzled expression under the mask.

He nodded after a while and thought to himself.

'black! It’s so dark! Is this enough to accumulate virtue? ’

And the outrageousness of this selling price has just begun.

As he continued to look at the various shields on the shelves, his puzzled expression gradually became distorted.

‘What the hell is all this? ’

It says [Energy Specialized Shield Generator] Price: 12,000 Star Coins.

But when Zhao Feng touched it, he was surprised to find that the thing was an S-type shield generator made with level 5 technology.

The shield effect has been increased to 1:0.8, and the shield value has been increased from the initial 250 points to 350 points.

Still white quality!

But just such a thing, they dare to sell it for 12,000 star coins.

The outrageous price made Zhao Feng's eyelids twitch wildly.

‘Since the shield is five times more expensive, won’t it be over if I reduce it by five times? ’

‘12,000 divided by 5. . . 2400 Star Coins’

‘Tsk! It's still a bit outrageous. That piece of shit is really not worth the price! ’

I took a look at the goods I brought this time, and the last ones were all Level 6 shield generators.

Look at these weird things with super long names.

Zhao Feng could feel how huge his advantage was.

If nothing else, the shield value is higher than similar models, with the standard shield effect of 1:0.8.

The special effects are portability and concealment.

Comparing their best shield generators horizontally, Zhao Feng's shield also has a great advantage!

For example, the [Heroic Shield Generator] from the Valkyrie Empire costs up to 120,000 star coins.

Although the shield effect is as high as 1:0.5, it also has a faint halo after it is turned on.

It does not have the special protective effect of Zhao Feng, which can completely fit the wearer's body.

You know, on the battlefield, especially when charging, no matter how small the halo is, he is still very conspicuous.

That bright and clear is equivalent to telling the opponent that I am here to shoot at me.

Take death properly.

But if a shield like Zhao Feng is used, it will be different.

Close-fitting, ultra-thin, concealed and highly protective.

Among these 4 characteristics, the first three alone can guarantee that his shield will definitely sell out!

After all, what is needed most on the battlefield is surprise.

After browsing all the shields, he slowly walked out of the "Kidd" store with a slightly excited mood.

Standing at the door of the shop, staring at the "crowd" of people coming and going.

Zhao Feng fell into deep thought.

‘There are no problems with the market visit. The next step is how to promote your shield and what channels can be used to sell it. ’

Although the aroma of the wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley, the more you wait and specify, the better the price will be.

But he couldn't help but his hometown was in a hurry and needed money urgently.

What is lacking most now is time.

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered the various "guidelines" he had received at the port.

Then open the temporarily saved data and view it.

. . .

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