Those hundreds of divisions have refined all arms and equipment to the extreme.

And there are settings like sales rankings.

For example, as soon as you enter the door, the shelf closest to Zhao Feng is in the absolute C position.

It is filled with all kinds of "hot selling" weapons.

On another trip to the shelves, there were various types of beam weapons.

The shelves further away also have detailed distinctions such as energy, kinetic energy, and high explosive.

Looking back, Zhao Feng looked at the row closest to him, "Our store's best-selling weapons."

The price range of these "hot-selling" weapons is extremely high.

For example, the [Fusion Cannon] ranked first on the best-selling list is priced at 39,999 star coins.

The second best-selling item, the [Handheld Automatic Cannon], is priced at only 120 star coins.

Putting the name of the weapon aside for now, Zhao Feng stared at the currency unit and fell into deep thought.

‘Star coins? Xinghai currency? This name is really concise and concise. . . ’

There is no need to worry about whether the name Star Coin is a bit earthy.

Turning his head, he stared at the weapon that could easily be purchased with tens of thousands of star coins.

In Zhao Feng's heart, he was a little worried about whether his goods had enough value and whether he could be traded for enough star coins.

Glancing at the rows of shelves, he suddenly thought of the method of valuation.

‘Actually, it doesn’t have to be too difficult to estimate the value. As long as you compare the attributes of the weapons sold in these malls with your own weapons, and through the conversion between price and attributes, you can roughly understand the market situation. ’

Thinking of this, he walked to the [Fusion Cannon] without hesitation.

The appearance of this weapon is very similar to the particle cannon held by Zarya in the online game Overwatch.

The only difference may be that the names of the two are completely different.

After hesitating for a moment, he decisively raised his hand and touched it.

As Zhao Feng's palm touched the weapon.

Immediately afterwards, the plug-in also displayed its attributes.

【Fusion Cannon】

Level: Lv.1

blue quality

Level 6 weapons

Damage Type: Explosion

Damage: 480

Special Effects: Fusion

Fusion: A special single-crystal metal bullet case will produce a Mössbauer effect when it comes into contact with any entity. The projectile will ignore the recoil force at the macro and micro levels and directly fuse with the contact object. After the fusion, the crystal plane will instantly dissimilate and trigger a high-energy explosion.

Looking at the properties of this weapon, Zhao Feng felt his scalp numb.

It's easy to talk about the damage, but that characteristic is too cruel, right?

‘If we say it’s fusion, it’s better to call it penetration! ’

He had heard of the Mössbauer Effect before.

It's difficult to explain. If you think about it in another way, it's like integrating the escape technique in Taoism into a projectile.

It allows the projectiles it fires to merge into any material without hindrance, eventually causing an implosion.

Staring at the properties of this weapon, Zhao Feng felt that when fighting aliens again in the future.

It is necessary to activate the double shield to ensure your own safety.

After looking at the attributes of [Fusion Cannon] again, Zhao Feng compared the weapons he owned.

I couldn't help but sigh slightly in my heart.

‘It’s so high-end, there’s no comparison. ’

Retracting his arm, his eyes fell on the stupid, big, black and thick heavy weapon behind him, [Handheld Automatic Cannon].

Staring at the so-called "hand-held" cannon, Zhao Feng's eyes slowly filled with doubts.

The rough shape of that thing is really not comparable to the high-tech weapons here.

The huge muzzle can fit a basketball.

In addition, the gun body, which is completely inconsistent with its caliber, gives people an indescribable feeling of awkwardness.

Can you imagine that the muzzle of a 25 cm caliber gun is less than 30 cm long?

The first impression this thing gave Zhao Feng was that of a mortar on a sailing battleship in the Middle Ages.

Silly, big, black and thick is synonymous with it.

Before he could step forward to check its properties, a blue-skinned alien over 3 meters tall and full of fangs, resembling a troll, suddenly held the weapon in his hand.

Staring at the [hand-held automatic cannon] that was like a toy in its hand, Zhao Feng couldn't help but show an expression of sudden realization.

'Oh I got it. . . It turns out it’s not for normal people. ’

After standing there and waiting for a while, I saw that the other party took the weapon directly to the front desk to pay.

In desperation, Zhao Feng had no choice but to leave the shelves here.

Nothing else, other "hot selling" weapons, the price is not less than 5,000 star coins.

Those that are too expensive cannot be compared at all. They exceed the limits of the base manufacturing industry and are meaningless in comparison.

The cheap ones sell out too quickly, so I can’t even get my hands on them.

After walking around in circles, he finally found weapons and equipment for comparison in the "2 yuan area" on the other side.

Of course, Zhao Feng suspected that the translation was a spoof of a plug-in.

But he didn't know what the alien language meant specifically, so he could only let it go.

As he came to that area, he saw a row of familiar "figures" at first sight.

It was a row of weapons that looked like [S-type railguns] hanging on the shelves.

And directly above these weapons, there is a very eye-catching red slogan.

Staring at the content translated by the plug-in, Zhao Feng had no idea what expression to make at this time.

Golden Retriever OEM, Golden Retriever OEM!


That bastard, Lor'themar, ran away with his sister-in-law!

Electromagnetic guns that originally cost more than 200 or more than 100 are now priced at 5 star coins.

5 star coins, 5 star coins, all 5 star coins!

‘God tm Jiangnan Leather Factory! This ad looks so familiar! ’

Looking at the outrageous slogan, Zhao Feng lamented that the aliens also did this.

Quickly walk over and touch this pile of electromagnetic guns.

Soon the specific equipment attributes were displayed before his eyes.

[S type 5th level afterburner electromagnetic gun]

Level: Lv.1

white quality

Normal form attack power: 10, rate of fire 300/second

Best range: 3000 meters

Afterburner mode attack power: 200, charging time 10 seconds

Best range: 300,000 meters

Staring at the properties of this weapon, Zhao Feng's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

Obviously, this thing is very similar to the Lizardman's [Battery Ram], and it is also the kind of weapon that can switch forms.

Although it is not as powerful as a lizardman, it has enhanced its attack power to extremes after transformation.

But this thing is significantly more flexible.

Moreover, the rate of fire in normal mode is, to be honest, a bit abnormal.

Compared with 300 rounds per second and 2.5 seconds for the basic model, the amount of firepower projected per unit time is simply crushing.

It is at least ten levels stronger than the S-type magnetic rail weapon that comes with the Xinghai system.

Even if the damage is slightly insufficient in comparison, the extremely fast rate of fire can definitely win by quantity.

The time it takes you to fire one round is enough for me to empty the magazine twice, so I ask you if you are afraid?

It’s hard to imagine that such an expensive weapon only sells for 5 star coins!

Of course, this thing is not without its shortcomings.

Zhao Feng discovered that this supercharged electromagnetic gun could only be carried by one soldier.

In other words, it cannot be connected to the battleship energy and inserted into the battleship slot.

Even the vehicle's slot cannot be connected.

Failure to access the slot means that this weapon can only be operated manually.

Whether the power of a weapon can be fully unleashed depends 80% on the level of the operator.

But even so, this supercharged electromagnetic gun is already far superior to most of the weapons held by Zhao Feng.

Such a high-quality and cheap thing made him feel excited.

‘How about buying two? Go back and deduce it backwards? ’

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but wonder about the feasibility of it.

But after seeing the big words "Level 5".

He gave up this idea instantly.

Nothing else, rank also represents the level of raw materials to a certain extent.

The level of this weapon is too high, three levels behind Zhao Feng.

If you want to create it, you will definitely need to use higher quality resources.

With the materials he can collect now, there is a high probability that he will not be able to manufacture it.

Without resources, the derivation is just a decoration.

By the time he has the corresponding resources, he will probably no longer look down on such weapons.

After figuring this out, Zhao Feng left the shelf directly.

Zhao Feng sighed in his heart. He didn't feel too upset because of this. He looked around and continued to look at other goods.

‘Are all the aliens’ weapons so curly? I hope the portable shield can sell better, otherwise, this time it will be in vain. . . ’

After continuing to walk around here for two more times, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that there seemed to be no shield equipment in the discount area.

This gave him a little bit of confidence again.

After confirming that there is no equipment worth referring to here.

He walked straight out of the discount area and walked towards the second floor of the store.

Arriving on the second floor, Zhao Feng went straight to the armor sales area.

Soon he walked to the shelves selling armors

Placed in the first row are the cheapest individual armors.

Yes, "individual armor" is exactly what you think of.

It's similar to breastplates and gauntlets in ancient wars.

Although these protective gears are simple, they are made of linings of unknown materials and armor plates of even more unknown materials sewn together.

Looks particularly stretched.

But after touching it, you can know through the analysis of the plug-in that each of those armors actually has its own special protective effect.

Moreover, Zhao Feng also discovered that the more resistant an armor is, the cheaper it is.

For example: only kinetic energy resistance, or only beam resistance or energy resistance, this kind of armor is very cheap.

Of course, the so-called cheap price is 30 star coins.

But you can rest assured that these 30 star coins will definitely not be wasted.

For example, the kinetic energy resistance of one of the deflection armors has reached over 65%, which is equivalent to 65% damage reduction, and this does not include its deflection rate.

The other piece of mirror armor has an outrageous resistance of more than 75% against beam weapons.

The durability of these two pieces of armor is as high as 1,000 points.

It was fully twice as high as the Zhao Feng family's armor.

It can be said that their armor sheet craftsmanship, in terms of resistance, durability, lightweight and other aspects, all exceeds the armor produced by Zhao Feng Base.

This is also a normal phenomenon, although the level of civilizations that pass the Star Sea Trial each season varies.

Those who may come to the trade area to do business must have a civilization that has reached level 5 at least.

Even if they are discarded products, they are much better than the top-notch products produced by Zhao Feng.

And the armor pieces that Zhao Feng can produce at this time are mainly comprehensive resistance or single resistance so far.

As we all know, the resistance level of fully resistant armor is extremely low.

There is nothing that can be done about it, because the manufacturing method of armor to defend against kinetic energy weapons is completely opposite to the manufacturing method of armor to defend against energy weapons.

The two are also 108,000 miles apart, and it is difficult to achieve good compatibility.

Single-resistance armor has relatively large limitations.

This is the limitation of low-level civilization.

After unlocking crystal metal technology, level 5 civilizations do not have such restrictions.

Crystal metal is a T5-level material that can instantly excite or transform the crystal lattice of memory in femtoseconds, turning it into alloys with different properties.

You must know that light can only travel 300 nanometers in 1 femtosecond.

In response to the attack, there was enough time to make targeted material changes.

For example, the moment a kinetic attack is detected, the crystal metal can switch to deflection armor mode within 1 femtosecond.

Moreover, it only transforms at the impact point. When the kinetic energy is completely offset, it changes back to the crystal form.

Level 5 civilization, through this technology, has perfectly solved the problem of single armor resistance, allowing armor to have multiple resistances without causing too much attenuation.

Dual-resistance armor using this material can perfectly combine two types of armor resistance.

The price is as high as 10,000 star coins per piece.

Better 3-resistance armor, the price is as high as 20,000 star coins.

With 4 resistance, he didn't dare to look at it.

In addition to this kind of partial armor, a further step is full-coverage, full-defense protective gear.

With a more extreme lightweight design and more comprehensive defense, the price of full-body armor starts at as low as 20,000 star coins.

Of course, the armor model can be customized individually, so you don’t have to worry about the embarrassment of not being able to put it on.

After a quick glance, Zhao Feng walked towards the area where the second row of exoskeleton armors were located.

Here we simply divide individual soldier exoskeletons into three models: light, medium and heavy.

After looking at it for a moment, he skipped the row of shelves.

Nothing else, it’s too expensive.

parameter? stop looking! Can't afford it anyway.

The lowest ones are 200,000 star coins, without any accessories.

That's right, what we sell here are only the exoskeleton core and skeleton.

You have to pay extra for the armor pieces.

After walking past two rows of exoskeleton shelves, Zhao Feng stood in front of an exoskeleton that looked like a Gundam and stood still.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back and went up to touch it out of curiosity.

And after he read the properties of the exoskeleton that popped up.

He left the area without looking back.

I have no choice but to go, let’s not talk about the price.

Looking at his attributes and his Pioneer I aerospace exoskeleton, it’s just a piece of cake!

He was beaten in all directions, like a nuclear bomb hitting a machete.

. . .

As he continued to walk forward and go deeper, he became more and more frightened.

The more I can appreciate the difference between his 2nd level and 5th level.

You know, the products that can be sold are definitely not the best.

Even if these are not the best "foreign trade goods", they can make him cry.

It is conceivable that Zhao Feng and the human civilization behind him still have a long way to go.

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