This is a massacre.

A complete massacre.

No, maybe it's not even a massacre. Facing Zhao Feng's unrestrained killing moves, the lizardmen are just a bunch of meat waiting to be minced.

His combination of technology and ruthless skills can be said to be extremely efficient.

And it perfectly complies with the requirements of the Star Sea World that do not allow the first use of high-tech weapons.

. . .

Time flies, time flies.

During these seven days, he had a very fulfilling life.

Every day I either sleep to restore my mental strength or go out to "scrape" the planet.

After Zhao Feng continued to clean up.

On RTX4090.C, the number of lizardmen is already less than 10 million.

After working day and night for seven days, the harvest can be described as bountiful.

The first is the suppression value, which directly reached a huge 5.6 billion, firmly occupying the position of the top brother on the list.

Not to mention the kill list, the tens of billions of values ​​make people dizzy just looking at them.

In addition to these false reputations, he has also achieved rapid growth in terms of strength.

Take the control of megatons of telekinesis as an example. After his crazy use three times a day, his proficiency level directly increased to 94,000/100,000.

It seems that he will soon enter the next level.

Zhao Feng estimated that as long as he entered the next stage, the speed of his telekinetic flying blades would make a qualitative leap.

The instantaneous use of telekinesis will also become easier.

Although the microscopic control may need to be improved a little more to achieve fine control at the molecular level, such a huge power is actually enough as long as it is not attacking shield units.

Of course, if Zhao Feng activates the seventh sense that represents the sense of time.

These problems, which are essentially caused by insufficient proficiency, will be solved instantly.

In addition to the improvement of personal strength, he has also not forgotten the development of the base.

In seven days, not a single bit of the material extracted from the two major industrial zones was left.

Part of it was made into a large number of robots, and T3 materials.

The other part is "transformed" into various level 5 equipment.

For example: Category 3 armor plates, pulse lasers, shields, missile launchers, etc.

Of course, the building materials needed for the most important floating airport have already been collected.

It can be built just after he gives the order.

Except this major renovation is already in place.

The energy construction in the base has also reached a new height, and the number of nuclear power plants has been increased to a full 500.

But even if the base's energy production is increased to 6 million.

After deducting daily construction, refining, disassembly and other items.

Even if there is nearly 4 million energy left every day, it is still not enough.

There is no way, the energy required for strengthening is too much.

Originally, Zhao Feng wanted to expand the number of nuclear power plants to 1,000.

In this way, the energy production will reach 12 million, and the energy problem required for daily synthesis will be completely solved.

But after calculating the amount of room-temperature superconductor, he gave up such a radical idea.

In any case, it would be better to build the floating airport as soon as possible.

After all, RTX4090.c is inherently unstable.

The current short-term recovery can be regarded as a kind of comeback phenomenon.

When the core of the planet is completely down, it will be too late to make plans.

Passively resisting disasters is not a long-term solution. Only by flying can we no longer be attacked by various disasters on the planet.

After considering so much, he did not blindly increase the number of nuclear power plants.

In addition to these improvements on the material level, the basic technology trees in the base have also received a new round of improvements.

The threads provided by more than a thousand experienced scientific researchers have allowed the base's [Material Science], offensive technology tree, and defensive technology tree to all start the next stage.

Of course, this so-called next stage is not M-level weapon technology.

For example, after [Material Science] is upgraded to 3/5, the manufacturing permission for all basic materials at T3 level is first unlocked.

Secondly, every time you upgrade to a level, additional technology options will be opened.

The ones currently enabled are [Industrial Materials 1/5], [Armor Materials 0/5], and [Weapon Materials 0/5].

As expected, after the [Material Science] points are full, 5 additional research and development routes should be available.

These new technology options are not directly given to the corresponding products.

After conducting research, they mainly focus on increasing the daily production capacity of corresponding major categories of materials and reducing related energy consumption.

For example, after [Industrial Material] is raised to 1/5, the refining efficiency will be increased by 10% and the energy consumption will be reduced by 5%.

If it reaches full capacity, it is not difficult to imagine that the daily production capacity of materials such as alloys, room-temperature superconductors, or titanium alloys will increase by 50%.

[Armor Material] and [Weapon Material] also have the same attributes. If the technology is upgraded, the base's manufacturing industry will also be greatly improved.

[Offense] [Defense] These two technology trees have a variety of technology options for reducing consumption, increasing power, etc.

The number of upgradeable technologies has been directly increased from the original 6 to 9.

There is obviously a shortage of old men and women with scientific research talents.

After all, just one technology option in [Materials Science] can accommodate up to 50 researchers.

For less people, the weapon technology tree also requires 40-30 people.

There are more than 1,300 scientific research talents, and they could still work eight shifts before.

Within three days, with the explosive growth of the technology tree, it had to change to four shifts.

Fortunately, scientific research only requires the input of the conscious body and almost no physical exertion, which does not cause additional burdens on these people.

It can be said that technology and production are all proceeding in an orderly manner.

Of course, the last and most important thing is the [Small Spacecraft Construction Workshop], a necessary building to move into deep space.

After consuming a large number of robots to synthesize them, he directly produced two of them.

And took advantage of the situation to transform the B7 floor of the base into a combination of warship manufacturing area and berthing area.

However, because the manufacture of frigates has been put on the agenda, the resource gap in the base has also become larger.

Of course, even if consumption increases, as long as there are more refining workshops, the production capacity of the base will be able to supply it.

After all, the "ancestral graves" of the Daleros people were not dug in vain. There are hundreds of millions of various T1 and T2 materials waiting for him to slowly decompose them.

And this is only a small part of it, and the remaining material reserves are absolutely sufficient.

Coupled with the massive mining robots, mining is also ongoing.

Regarding material issues, as long as Zhao Feng is not in a hurry to build a fleet for the time being, there is no need to worry.

It can be said that everything is moving in a good direction.

. . .

With the lizard man's 7-day protection period completely ended.

Zhao Feng once again used the base's [Electromagnetic Delivery] to reach the deep space of the universe.

This time he also flew up with a [kite] loaded with survey radar.

The purpose is to use it as a geostationary satellite for the planet.

This thing is not needed for surface reconnaissance. It is mainly used to detect lizardmen on the 9 nearby planets.

Although speaking of the Level 1 [Kite], the detection range of its shipboard radar is only 10 light seconds.

But when the [Survey Radar] was built on top of it, this distance directly increased by 10 times.

Came to a detection range of 100 light seconds.

In other words, you only need to use RTX4090.C to observe the general situation of at least 5 nearby living planets.

This is already very powerful.

After Zhao Feng drove the battleship to the far earth orbit.

He first put on the [Space Exoskeleton Armor], and then passed through the airtight cabin on the other side, after a series of pressurization and decompression.

Zhao Feng came to outer space in person for the first time.

In this boundless cosmic environment, he felt his own insignificance for the first time.

Don’t look at how strong and fierce he was on the ground~

But in this uninhabited deep sky, his strength is simply not enough.

Psychodynamic power?

That thing requires some help.

In a deep space environment, the distance between each planet is measured in light seconds.

So in other words, emptiness is the theme of the universe. In such an empty environment, what can he use to draw strength?

If you can't use force, you can't move. If you don't move in the universe, you can only slowly wait to die.

You know, there is no oxygen in the vacuum of the universe.

No matter how strong the mental power is, being able to store oxygen for 10 hours is the limit.

And for 10 hours, he could only watch himself die from lack of oxygen in an environment with no help.

In addition to lack of oxygen, there is also radiation, as well as various tiny star particles traveling through the universe at hundreds of times the speed of sound.

These things can kill people.

It can be said that once you leave the battleship, you leave the planet.

Regardless of how dangling he is on the ground, he is still essentially an ant.

Looking at the cosmic space in front of me that seems to be quiet, but is actually full of murderous intent.

At this moment, Zhao Feng's thoughts were spinning in a variety of ways.

After a while he sighed deeply.

'Why. . . Sure enough, it's still too weak. ’

Shaking his head, he clicked on the auxiliary backpack and flew out the modified "Sky Survey Kite".

Looking at the big guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned around and returned to his ship.

Because on the ground, the two elite robots "Alpha" and "Beta" had already been asked to help debug the parameters.

After he flew the "Sky Survey Kite" out, it automatically turned on and began its assigned mission.

Zhao Feng, who returned to the battleship, quickly received the real-time signal from the "Sky Survey Kite".

Nodding with satisfaction, he pushed the joystick, changed direction, and circled around RTX4090.c.

Simply click on the phased array radar and enter a state of mental connection.

Zhao Feng began an all-round detection of the planet.

After all, there are less than 10 million lizardmen, and keeping them is always a disaster.

It just so happened that their 7-day protection period had expired, so I might as well bury them.

At this time, regardless of how well the lizardmen on the ground are hidden, after facing the radar with the additional perception, the metaphysical level search effect.

If there is one end, there is nothing to hide.

The so-called invisible technology of the lizard people was just a joke in front of Zhao Zhibo.

After all, it's just invisibility on a basic physical level.

When facing the perceptual field on the spiritual level, which is a metaphysical field that is even more mysterious than the quantum field.

They are powerless to hide and cannot hide at all.

The fate of the remaining lizardmen needs no further elaboration.

First, mark a large area in deep space, and then go down to the surface of the planet to count them one by one.

Just like how he dealt with the zombie tide on this planet.

Under Zhao Feng's targeted elimination, the remaining lizardmen were wiped out one by one by missiles.

20 hours.

Within 20 hours after the protection period ends.

He then cleared all the lizardmen on RTX4090.c.

Male, female, old and young, no exception.

Just when he killed the last lizard man, the corresponding reward information popped up in the Xinghai system.

[Congratulations to player Zhao Feng, for clearing your planet of hostile races in advance. Because your suppression value is the first, you will be given a special reward of enhanced planet magnetic field strength, which lasts for 10 days]

(Tip: The planet’s magnetic field itself is extremely unstable. The so-called improvement is just an act of forcibly squeezing the planet by drinking poison to quench its thirst.)

'Um! ? How about playing? Is this a reward? ’

Zhao Feng scratched his head depressedly and continued to look down.

[Ding, the player Zhao Feng has been detected and still ranks first on the kill list. Tomorrow the galaxy you are in will turn on the forced peace mode, and there will be civilization-level forces recruiting you. You can choose whether to join it]

Looking at Xinghai's prompt, Zhao Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

But then the plug-in prompt message interrupted his thoughts.

(Recommendation: It is not recommended to join any force.)

(Tip: Be careful when adding points.)

Looking at the plug-in prompts, Zhao Feng curled his lips.

He sighed helplessly.

"Hey, no more, no more, that's just what I thought~"

【Ding! It is detected that the player Zhao Feng's suppression value is the first among all races. The background disasters in the universe of your galaxy will be weakened by 50%, and the background disasters of the universe of your race will be weakened by 20%]

"Hiss... Suppression, suppression, that's how it is."

Now Zhao Feng finally understood the true meaning of suppression value.

It was originally used to mitigate disasters.

50% is equivalent to reducing big things to small things, and small things to ordinary things.

"No! The background has weakened, but my planet cannot hold on any longer. If the planet's magnetic field is drained by then, in addition to stellar winds, cosmic rays will also cause disaster to the planet."

After much calculation, Zhao Feng found that no matter how he was rewarded, he would still lose money in the end!

There is no other way, who let him end up on such a planet?

But if you think about it carefully, there's nothing wrong with it.

Among earth players, whose planet has as many materials as the RTX4090.c where Zhao Feng lives?

When the difficulty is super doubled, the materials he can harvest are also super doubled.

From this perspective, it is "somewhat" difficult, but it is actually very reasonable.

And from a certain level, it perfectly explains what it means, the more you pay, the more you get in return.

Raising his hand to turn off the system prompt, Zhao Feng drove the [Kite] back to the base.

In order to cope with the next crisis, he must first build a floating airport.

Before, I thought about not being in a hurry and being ostentatious.

Now he is being forced to get everything done quickly.

. . .

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