At this time, the lizard man was so excited just now.

Now they are so frustrated and panicked.

The lizardman commander Hal, who had looked disdainful before, now looked like his eyes were splitting.

Its mouth was still chanting:

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!"

The condition of the adjutant next to Hal was even worse. In its pupils, it seemed that the scene of the mass bomb being deflected was still replaying.

Firelight and weird curves are constantly intertwined in the retina.

It can't imagine how terrifying the defense capability is to achieve such a level.

Even the strongest armor developed by the Lizardmen, the "Dragon Scale Armor", could not withstand the close range bombardment of the "Battle Ram".

Even if the battleship armor plate is thickened to 1000mm or even 2000mm.

It is simply impossible to resist an attack of this magnitude without any injuries.

You know, the picture in the live broadcast didn't even change at all.

No sound or vibration came through.

This kind of powerful material that can deflect attacks as well as sound insulation and shock absorption should not exist at the current stage.

At this time, all the lizardmen who understood the principle slightly fell into deep self-doubt.

But Zhao Feng, who landed on the ground, didn't care what the lizard man's reaction was.

For these lizards who showed super "strategic" abilities and taught him a lesson.

Zhao Feng showed the utmost sincerity.

As for the sincerity of the enemy, it means killing without leaving any room.

Accompanied by screams.

Their communication channels quickly became a mess.

This time, Zhao Feng did not show any special abilities.

He simply relies on his "body" to fight with the weapons in his hands.

The main reason why I didn't use AOE skills was because I was afraid of accidentally destroying those "advanced equipment".

After all, there are three land-based mechas and a special deformable railgun.

Just capture it and do the reverse derivation.

His weapon technology will definitely have a triple jump.

. . .

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the senior management of the Lizardmen were watching helplessly as the 3,000 most elite warriors were slaughtered one by one by Zhao Feng.

The seemingly ordinary attack caused horrific damage.

Whether behind cover or in a blind spot.

Whether it is facing the "self-destructing lizard" that charges bravely.

Or the "Old Six Lizard" with a black gun behind his back.

He can achieve precise harvesting.

You must know that during the Vietnam War, every 50,000 bullets killed one soldier.

In modern warfare, only one soldier is killed for every 100,000 bullets.

But here, Zhao Feng, in this interstellar battlefield environment.

It seems that all theories have been overturned.

He kills his enemies with just one mass shot.

Zhao Feng casually fired the railgun, and if it killed less than 2, it would be considered a loss.

It's not that he turned on the shooting assistance module of the script.

It is true that this thing is simple and crude.

But the consumption of mental energy is also really high.

And the reason why it can achieve this effect is like "cheating".

It’s also thanks to the BUG-level state of mental connection.

When the synchronization rate reaches 90.1%.

The warship's radar provides multiple types of shared vision all the time.

And the locations of all enemies are projected onto his pupils and highlighted.

The battleship's brain core is not idle either. It is calculating at high speed every second the types of attacks the lizard man may make and predicting its next move.

At the same time, the threat level is updated from time to time, and the auxiliary mark gives priority to killing targets.

If you look at it from a macro perspective, it looks like two chess players playing chess.

One is an amateur 9-dan, and the other is an Alpha Dog.

Is there any suspense in this matchup?

In addition, there is the invisible and insubstantial aid of mind power.

Constantly creating small accidents on the battlefield that go unnoticed.

For example, falling on the ground, "forgetting" to turn on insurance, etc.

In this environment, Zhao Feng faced off against the lizard man.

It's like the Terminator versus S.W.A.T.

Besides crushing, crushing.

I saw the electromagnetic gun in his left hand and the pulse laser in his right hand.

With one sweep of the laser, dozens of lizardmen were cut in half.

The electromagnetic gun spits out headshots through walls.

In the past, Zhao Feng had to turn on the plug-in's auxiliary aiming when using weapons.

Now, with the spiritual connection, the battleship fire control radar and the intelligent brain are jointly assisted.

His shooting level is not much different from that of Gua Ge who fired the "Big Top".

It's almost spinning on the spot and spiraling into the sky~

While his attacks are invincible, his defense is also terrifyingly strong.

With the blessing of "infinite shield", Zhao Feng can not only kill accurately like Brother Gua.

It can also be like a terminator, "shooting" against the counterattack firepower of the lizardmen.

At the beginning, the lizard warriors were really brave~

But the more they were beaten, the colder their hearts became, and the more they were beaten, the more desperate they became.

When the number of elite lizardmen dropped to less than 500, deserters appeared.

Although there were deserters, the audience watching the live broadcast did not despise them.

Everyone can completely understand their mood. Facing a monster like Zhao Feng that is currently unsolvable, it is wise to run away.

More than 83% of the battle losses not only shook the hearts of the warriors on the front line.

The same is true in the hearts of the lizardman staff, consultants, and even the senior executives watching the live broadcast.

An invisible fear crept into their hearts.

The good news from other planets and the rapid progress of the results seemed irrelevant at this moment.

If they can't solve Zhao Feng's problem, what's the point even if all the surrounding planets are ruled?

. . .

With the death of the last lizardman warrior.

A report on the combat strength assessment report of the "human race strongman" negotiated by the lizardman staff team, as well as the corresponding treatment methods.

It was also handed over to the top leader, the Emperor of the Lizardmen, Darwin.

After reading the lengthy report, it couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Throw away the unnecessary rhetoric.

Their advice is summed up in one word.


Hard drag!

Don't fight back.

If he wants to kill, then kill him.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't trigger a counterattack and doesn't have large-scale weapons, how many people can he kill by himself?

At this time, there are more than 3 billion lizardmen on RTX4090.C, and he can kill 100 of them in one minute.

It would take more than 20,000 days to kill all the remaining clan members.

For them now, exchanging population for time is already a profit.

To be honest, as the emperor of the lizard people.

After Darwin read half of the report, he felt angry from the bottom of his heart, but he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Because it knows that what the staff said is right.

In such a short period of time, they really couldn't solve the hidden danger of Zhao Feng.

But delaying time is different.

Just put it off as long as possible.

They then hope to turn defeat into victory.

in the planning of the staff team.

As long as it takes 8-9 days, the lizard tribes on the 9 surrounding planets can develop space capabilities.

After more than 12 days of delay, their number of frigates can exceed 1,000.

At that time, no matter how powerful the most powerful man on earth is, no matter how powerful the battleship is.

But faced with the encirclement and suppression by 1,000 frigates of the same class, they are nothing more than lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Even if there is no way to kill him by force.

It is still possible to restrict them from leaving the planet, seal off outer space, and prevent them from developing cosmic resources.

When the time comes, all it takes is to completely seal the planet. No matter how powerful Zhao Feng's individual strength is, he can't make any waves.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead an army.

As the most powerful member of the Lizardmen royal family.

After a moment of hesitation, Darwin directly agreed to the plan requirements provided by the staff.

The time-delaying strategy they chose seems to have nothing wrong with it at first glance.

But the premise is that Zhao Feng does not have enough reconnaissance methods to discover them.

There are no high-speed vehicles to carry out long-distance attacks.

And the most important point is that under the restrictions of the Star Sea, there are no strong enough "means" to carry out large-scale massacres.

If these three preconditions are all true, there is nothing wrong with them choosing to force the move.

Arrangements can be made by guessing the opponent's strength and limited observation, which is obviously not that reliable.

The lizardmen thought that Zhao Feng's battleship had limited detection capabilities and that his attack methods were limited.

But in fact, just a few minutes later, they saw the image of their own camp in the subsequent live broadcast.

After all, there is still one hour to counterattack, how could Zhao Feng waste it?

After putting all the land-based mechas into the kite's warehouse.

He then drove the battleship and started cruising and killing mode.

Launching [kites] into space before was not in vain.

Zhao Feng recorded all the lizard people's landing points on this half of the planet.

Now that he no longer has to pretend to be a little sheep, he won't be polite.

The freshly baked ammunition was fired before it was even warmed up.

The various lizard tribes that have just received orders are preparing to disperse and migrate.

While the teams were still being assigned, they were bombarded by a hail of missiles.

The ultra-long-distance locking of the fire control radar and the precise calculation of the ballistic trajectory by the intelligent brain.

Coupled with the inertial guidance capability of the swarm missile.

Let the damage capability of each missile be brought into full play.

Accompanied by round after round of bullet rain.

The Lizardmen tribe once again suffered a devastating blow.

What do you mean shield?

Wouldn't it be a big deal if a Lv.1 shield was used against a Lv.6 swarm missile? The membrane is almost broken with a poke. . .

After this attack, all the lizardmen tribes in the hemisphere, centered on Zhao Feng's base, were annihilated.

During this period, Zhao Feng also accidentally annihilated the royal family of the Lizardmen.

It was a place where 200 million lizardmen descended.

In order to kill efficiently, he even had to activate the swarm missile launcher stunt.

Only then could this lizard tribe be cleared out at once without reducing the speed.

As the saying goes, things in the world are impermanent, and the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

By some strange combination of circumstances, the lizard people's center of power was blown up to the sky by Zhao Feng.

The staff's plan was implemented, but unfortunately, they could no longer see it.

At this time, the entire lizardmen tribe fell directly into a state of leaderlessness.

The lizardman tribes scattered on various planets were also fooled.

The disadvantages of absolute centralization were revealed at this moment.

High concentration of wisdom, high concentration of power.

The class division of society makes them lose their senior managers.

This brought everything to a state of paralysis.

After a brief period of chaos, there was an internal struggle for power.

After the rule makers, the royal family of the lizardmen were completely wiped out.

The ambitions of other tribes gradually emerged.

In the past, when there was an emperor who could overwhelm everyone, everyone was still willing to obey orders.

Now that the "Emperor" is gone, the seemingly "high-end" civilization of the Lizard People is gone.

It was immediately knocked back to its original appearance.

Tribal mode once again replaced the monarchy.

As for the emperor's order? Rescue?

They can only mean, hehe~

The royal family has all been wiped out, why are they still being rescued? I’m afraid you don’t want to eat shit~

Wouldn't it be nice to develop yourself into the boss?

Let the people on the RTX4090.c devote their last bit of light and heat to delay them as long as possible~

When they develop, they will definitely take revenge. . . Bar?

. . .

As time passed, Zhao Feng's live broadcast was forcibly shut down by the Xinghai system after 24 hours.

During this period, he went to the other side of the planet and used "Fire Escape" to slaughter several more tribes.

This made the lizardmen disperse a little faster.

And after the live broadcast was shut down.

Zhao Feng completely let himself go.

A more bloody and horrific massacre unfolded.

In order to hide his strength, he misled the aliens watching the live broadcast.

He did not use abilities such as "Psychic Flying Blade".

Of course, part of the reason is that he has poor control over megatons of telekinesis.

However, after increasing the shock value, Zhao Feng was still unable to finely control megatons of telekinesis.

It is not a problem to weave a telekinesis flying blade net as thick as a hair.

After the live broadcast was closed, Zhao Feng took a decisive break for 8 hours.

Immediately after waking up, he started non-stop the "lizard man cleanup plan" that he had long envisioned.

First, reduce the flying height of the battleship to about 50 meters.

Then, the telekinesis flying blades were woven into a net so that it could cover the entire airspace below the battleship.

This is not over yet, in order to ensure lethality.

Zhao Feng also penetrated the flying blade net to a depth of 5 meters underground.

After everything is ready, the "cleaning plan" officially begins.

As the [Kite] continued to accelerate, it soon reached the ultimate speed in the atmosphere of Mach 20.

At such a high speed, if it were replaced by the previous thousand-ton telekinesis net, it would definitely not be able to sustain it.

But what Zhao Feng activated at this time was a "net" formed by millions of tons of telekinesis.

The speed of Mach 20 is not enough to destroy it.

Soon, the 1,800-meter-wide and 55-meter-high area directly below the battleship became a "dead zone" in a sense.

Any area that is sorted out by this seemingly empty "flying blade net".

Whether it's mountains, rocks, mineral deposits, lizardmen, firearms, or walking mechas.

As long as they are tangible objects, after being swept through the "dead zone", they will all be reduced to small squares with a diameter of less than 1 centimeter.

If you look down from the universe.

It can be clearly found that the surface of the planet RTX4090.c is being erased and changed by an invisible eraser.

At this time, the lizard man who was still alive on RTX4090.c was even more miserable.

Often before the sonic boom sounds, they feel their vision go dark and lose consciousness.

After crossing the "dead zone", each lizard man became a "sculpture"

Immediately afterwards, these "sculptures" will be blown into a plate of "loose sand" by the ultra-low-altitude sonic explosion accompanying the dead zone.

The scene was extremely bloody and brutal.

Of course, because Zhao Feng's attack area is limited after all.

Moreover, in order not to lose speed, every time the battleship goes straight to clear the ground, there will inevitably be surviving lizardmen.

But even they survived by chance.

But after witnessing the scene where relatives and tribesmen were cut into pieces of flesh in an instant.

After experiencing such despair and great terror.

Most lizardmen suffer from PTSD.

Later, whenever these lizardmen heard the sound of sonic booms and passed by, they would tremble involuntarily and excrement and urine would flow out.

One by one, they all completely lost the ability to fight again.

no doubt.

This is a massacre.

A complete massacre.

. . .

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