After emptying all the missiles on the battleship, Zhao Feng decided to end today's level-up activity.

There is no way, all the missiles have been fired, and he can only wait for the base to produce enough ammunition before he can continue to shoot ~

Controlling the battleship to adjust its course, Zhao Feng also collected all the materials from various mines along the way while returning.

A total of 1.6 million alloys, 150,000 titanium, 4500+ superconducting materials, silicon, copper, iron, lead and other by-product minerals are around 500,000.

Back at the base, Zhao Feng handed over the unloading and reloading of the [Kite] to his adjutant Beta.

He came to the B4 floor and distributed materials so that the refining workshop could begin the orderly production of T2 material, titanium alloy.

As for the T3 grade material, titanium crystal.

This is because [Material Science] in the technology tree has not been clicked yet, so it is not possible to manufacture it yet.

Just when Zhao Feng was allocating resources for production, he was surprised to find out.

T2 level materials, in addition to the required main materials themselves, also require certain rare elements to be produced.

Take titanium alloy as an example.

For every 10 units of titanium alloy, 1 unit of rare elements needs to be added.

Although the amount consumed is not large, it is a necessity.

Fortunately, he dug out a lot of rare earths from the ruins of [Titan Laboratory].

Tens of thousands of units of rare elements were easily extracted.

Otherwise, even if it is just T2 material, Zhao Feng will not be able to create it.

Next, he plans to consume 15w titanium, 7500 rare elements, and 600000 alloys to use these materials to produce 75000 titanium alloys.

Of course, T2 materials must be synthesized in a level 2 refining workshop, so the output will not increase for a while.

We need to wait for the 100 refining workshops at home to be upgraded.

Previously, Zhao Feng had no plans to renovate or upgrade the buildings in the airport.

Because the base could not be taken away before, so many resources were consumed for transformation, and in the end it could only be left on this planet, which was purely thankless.

But it's different now.

After the base was completed, the transformation plan "Floating Airport" popped up.

Everything is different.

Just unlock the airport ability.

Everything in the base can be taken away.

In this way, the renovation and upgrade of the buildings in the base are no longer a one-time deal.

The problem of distressed consumption is also solved.

As for the level of buildings in the base, there is nothing much to say, it must be improved.

Especially now that resources are abundant.

Zhao Feng even directly chose the third transformation plan of the [Mineral Refining Workshop], "integration".

That is the strongest solution that can increase production by 500%.

Of course, the additional resources consumed by this kind of transformation, especially rare resources, will be very scary.

If the 100-seat refining workshop wants to achieve integration in one step and upgrade to Level 3, it will require at least 7,000 units of room-temperature superconductors.

In comparison, the more than 50,000 additional alloys required are actually nothing.

Originally, according to normal development, he was building nuclear power plants and transforming them into "integrated" ones.

The resources in the base are not enough.

But fortunately, he found enough superconducting tracks in the i03 dungeon.

After the base was completely built, he immediately refined all the unused tracks into resources.

In this way, coupled with the stable production of the silver mining area, the resources needed for upgrading are enough.

Next, the construction must be left to professionals.

Decisively calling "Beta" over, Zhao Feng carefully explained to it the upcoming building upgrades in the base.

With Beta's solemn assurance, Zhao Feng left the B4 floor with satisfaction.

I have to say that having an adjutant is convenient, especially an elite adjutant like this.

He only needs to hand over the tasks, and he doesn't need to worry about the details at all.

In this way, when the refining workshop is completed, the construction materials for the airport can be obtained quickly.

As for the extra titanium alloy materials, most of them will be reserved for combat readiness stocks, and a small part will be used to build phase 3 buildings.

After arranging the infrastructure matters, Zhao Feng walked onto the lifting platform and headed to the next location.

After a few seconds, there was a "ding!" sound.

The lift reaches the upper level of B5, the technology manufacturing area

Zhao Feng stepped into it.

When he first entered this floor, he saw rows of various manufacturing workshops. Staring at the rows of buildings, he couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart.

Can it not be overwhelming? There are so many resources in his hands waiting for him to squander it, anyone standing here would be excited~

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Feng quickly calmed down his excitement.

In my mind, I began to think about how to deal with these resources next.

‘First of all, the alloy must leave 200,000 to upgrade the building. In this case, I can still use 800,000, which is a lot. What equipment should I build? .’

Staring at the equipment and weapons that could currently be produced in the base, Zhao Feng fell into deep thought.

'First of all, the firepower is completely sufficient, and the output capability of the swarm missiles even has some overflow. ’

‘Then there are defensive means. Personally speaking, the Lv.6 S-type shield generator is definitely enough.

But if it is used on a battleship, the S-type shield generator is actually a bit unsightly.’

‘It would be more practical to replace it with additional armor plates. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng knew what to strengthen next.

Whether it is armor plates or shield generators, the main materials of these two types of equipment are T1 alloys, as well as T0 silicon, copper, lead, energy explosives and other additive materials.

Take [Deflection Armor] as an example. The manufacturing of only one armor plate is required.

Alloy x10, copper x2, lead x1, and energy x10 are enough.

The time required is only 3 minutes.

If all 800,000 units of alloy were used to produce it, it would be enough to produce 80,000 pieces.

A 100-unit armor manufacturing workshop only takes more than 30 hours to produce them all.

If all are enhanced without damage, you can finally get 5,000 pieces of Level 5 [Deflection Armor].

Of course, Lv.5 is certainly not the last step in strengthening.

In Zhao Feng's view, equipment without the blessing of qualitative changes has no soul.

Then it must be strengthened again.

Based on the calculation, the success rate of upgrading from Lv.5 to Lv.6 is only 50%.

If the desired value is not consumed and all are strengthened by default, there will be 1250 pieces of Lv.6 deflection armor left.

The known kite is 68 meters long, 136 meters wide and 12 meters high.

The upper and lower sides, plus the curvature of the front, can cover an area of ​​about 9,400 square meters of armor.

One unit of armor plate is a standard 1 square meter.

If you want to assemble all the external armor of [Kite], you will need 9,400 yuan.

1,250 yuan?

That's not even close.

As for whether you should settle for Level 5 armor?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

For his own life, Zhao Feng values ​​​​more than anything else and will never allow any sloppiness!

If you want Lv.6, you must Lv.6.

Of course this is just his preliminary idea.

It can only be imagined.

You must know that in addition to the consumption of materials, strengthening also requires a huge supply of energy.

Starting from 80,000 yuan, it needs to be strengthened in pairs, and it needs to be strengthened 40,000 times.

Although armor plate strengthening consumes less energy, each strengthening still requires 30 energy points.

If they were all strengthened to Level 2, the energy consumption required would be as high as 1.2 million.

Plus the energy consumption of 800,000 required for manufacturing.

That is a full energy gap of 2 million.

Although Zhao Feng has gradually built 200 nuclear power plants, the daily energy output is only a little over 2.4 million.

If they were all used to strengthen armor plates, they would have to face the dilemma of discontinuing most of the equipment.

That was not the result he wanted.

So there is only one thing he has to do now, stock up.

The energy problem can be solved slowly, but the equipment inventory must not be reduced.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng waved his hand and chose to make all [Deflection Armor]

As for why not choose the more comprehensive standard armor.

Zhao Feng said that comprehensive balance represents comprehensive mediocrity, and to do it, you must achieve the ultimate.

Moreover, the armor plate itself has certain natural resistance to high-energy lasers and other beam weapons, and those resistances are actually enough.

It would be better to superimpose all the resistance coefficients on kinetic energy weapons that pose a greater threat to the battleship structure.

After working for a while, all the supplies were finally consumed.

Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief and took the lift with peace of mind, returning to the commander's rest area on the B2 floor.

As soon as he returned to the rest area, Ruolan transformed into a koala and hung on Zhao Feng.

Ruolan couldn't bear to see her husband for two days.

You must know that she is at home every day, cooking and breaking down ingredients.

Basically every day from morning to night.

There is no way, there are too many fiber products moved from the underground city!

The scanning bracelet is okay for occasional use, but it consumes a lot of energy when used continuously.

But in order to live better and to be able to help Zhao Feng, she worked hard every day.

It can be said that Ruolan is so busy that she is exhausted every day.

The days were busy, tiring, and a little boring.

Zhao Feng was too busy to come back before, which she could understand, but today this guy went home, how could Ruolan let him go?

Accompanied by screams.

This night is another sleepless night~

After an hour, the fighting stopped.

Satisfied Ruolan suddenly looked up at Zhao Feng and said:

"Xiao Feng, can our base recruit some people to help?"

"These past few days, since you haven't been at home, I almost vomited when I decomposed those fiber products!"

When Zhao Feng heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said seriously:

"It's my fault, wife! I'm going to recruit some players tomorrow. How about recruiting 50 people first?"

Ruolan's eyes lit up when she heard what he said: "Okay! It doesn't matter if there are more or less people, as long as someone shares the burden for me!"

Looking at Ruolan's expectant eyes, Zhao Feng felt his heart heat up.

Eight hours later, Zhao Feng was woken up by the alarm clock.

He pulled his arm out again, feeling the numbness in his arm.

Zhao Feng couldn't help being speechless for a while.

‘I’m not good at sleeping, it’s stuck in my arm’

Shaking his head and putting on all his armor, Zhao Feng stood up and headed to the parking area on the lower level of B5.

It has been 28 days since I came to the Star Sea World, and time is getting tighter and tighter.

Today's mission, in addition to exterminating the zombie tide wandering on the planet, also requires a trip to the super large settlement on the equator.

Although Zhao Feng did not watch the regional channel, he estimated that the number of mutated creatures there should soon reach a critical value.

If he doesn't help those players exterminate the beast tide, I'm afraid that in one to two days, the settlement will be directly flooded by hungry mutant creatures.

Driving the battleship out of the base, following the planned route, killing monsters all the way to the target area, as the number of missiles dropped rapidly again.

His experience points began to rise slowly.

34 billion, 35 billion, 38 billion.

After destroying 500 missiles, Zhao Feng stopped killing the corpses.

Glancing at the inventory of missiles in the auxiliary backpack.

Staring there, there are still 300 base ammo left.

He couldn't help but touch his chin.

‘That should be enough, right? ’

At this time, the large settlement in the equatorial area was already showing signs of fatigue.

When Zhao Feng passed by before, there was no mutated creature that could break into the city wall.

Now, let alone the city wall being lowered, the entire wall is now covered with densely packed mutated creatures.

The strange thing is that their types are actually different from each other. The herbivorous and carnivorous ones all stand together, but they don't fight each other.

Instead, they all targeted the players on the city wall.

Faced with such a terrifying offensive, the senior leaders of the settlement had already personally stepped down to direct the battle.

The walls of the city were filled with men, women, old and young, and anyone with any fighting ability stood up.

There is no way, if we don't work hard at this critical moment, we really have no chance.

When the mutated creatures come in, they don't care whether you are old, weak, women or children. They won't let go of the meat you should eat.

As time went by, the fighting on the wall became more intense.

Li Ming: Have you contacted Zhao Feng?

Yang Yu: I have been in the regional channel @Big Boss for several days, but there has been no response at all.

Listening to the conversation between the two army commanders, some ministers nearby couldn't help but look sad.

At this time, the city wall had begun to see red, and from time to time, players would be caught and thrown down into the city by monsters that rushed up.

The horrifying screams and faint chewing sounds made all players who heard it shudder.

But he could only bite the bullet and persist.

Of course, there are always smart people who choose to hide and avoid war and become deserters.

But they also don't think about it. If the front line is lost, no matter how well they hide, they will be nothing more than fresh meat in a shell.

What greeted them was still tragic death.

Another 3 hours passed.

The city walls were already covered with blood, and the death toll in the settlement had exceeded 3,000.

If it weren't for the legion commander and various ministers taking the lead, standing at the front and leading everyone to resist the impact of the tide of alien beasts.

This team may not have been completely broken up in the mutiny.

As time went by, their persistence finally paid off.

Along with the continuous roar, Zhao Feng drove his ship and rushed over in time.

This made everyone present feel relieved.

What's more, some people burst into tears because of the sudden relaxation of their emotions.

When the [Kite] completely stopped over the settlement.

The scene seen in the video before was repeated again in the eyes of these players.

This time the bullet rain was more intensive.

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