Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 126 The wave of mutations that was killed in advance [4000 words]

The 10 underground cities easily consumed all the swarm missiles.

1,680 missiles were exchanged for more than 300 million experience points.

After returning home for supplies.

Zhao Feng drove the [Kite] to continue his unfinished leveling journey.

That's right, it's leveling up.

For him now, these cats and dogs on RTX4090.c are just a bunch of leeks waiting to be harvested.

As his operations became more and more proficient, the speed of cleaning also continued to increase.

Soon, Zhao Feng's speed increased again, reaching the level of clearing three dungeons in one hour.

After two days, he cleaned up all the dungeons.

During this period, [The Kingdom of the Banshee], which was known as one of the three major dungeons, was also found by Zhao Feng and was slaughtered.

Most of the Yue variants in [Banshee Kingdom] are agile beings, characterized by their small size, fast speed, and difficulty in locking onto them.

However, precisely because they are agile monsters, their defense is relatively strong.

In the "narrow" underground city, even if they could escape faster than the Phantom Warriors, it would be of no use.

Just one round of fire coverage can kill them all.

While harvesting a large amount of "essence", the experience value was directly increased by 3 billion.

And these 3 billion experience points are just a small part of the next income.

In two days, a few wrong locations were eliminated, plus the previously found dungeons were added.

In total, he discovered 108 cities.

In these 108 underground cities.

Counting [Exploration City], [Banshee Country], and [Titan Laboratory], there are only 8 super cities.

And each of those 8 super cities provided Zhao Feng with more than 2.5 billion experience points.

The remaining small and medium-sized cities are a bit worse. You can only get 300 million to 700 million experience after clearing 10 cities.

All of them are added together, and after cleaning them all, Zhao Feng can get a total of about 27 billion experience points.

However, there is still an extremely long distance from the target of 60 billion.

Zhao Feng said that he had been prepared for this.

When clearing the dungeon, he did not deal with the core area of ​​the city.

That is where the db series protein processing workshop is located.

These diseased biological workshops are left behind, and they will start a crazy "high-yield" state in order to "self-preserve".

Of course, if they want to replenish the original number of zombies in the city, there will definitely be no chance.

But you can wait for two days to replenish the number of zombies in the dungeon to tens of millions.

Those eight super cities can even replenish over 100 million zombies.

At that time, he only needs to wait until the day before the novice period ends, and then go over and squeeze out the last value of the city.

. . .

After exploring all the dungeons.

The time has also come to 13:00 on the 27th in Xinghai World.

At this time, Beta had already served as the adjutant of the base.

After realizing the benefits of Alpha and Beta, these two elite robots, Zhao Feng tried to give life to the maintenance robot.

But the result this time is a bit hard to describe. . .

It is said that habitual thinking kills people, and Zhao Feng was also fooled by his own habitual thinking.

He originally thought that the mental expenditure required to give life to the three types of living robots should be the same.

But reality slapped him hard.

Mainly because he forgot a rule of life formation field.

That is the "thing" that is given life. The more it is separated from the category of life and the biological form, the more it consumes. This is a rigid requirement.

The maintenance robot has only one mechanical arm connected to the tracked vehicle. Not to mention it is humanoid, it does not even have a life form similar to it.

To give it life will require 3 times the amount of mental power required to bring it to life.

In other words, a Level 6 humanoid machine requires 36 points of mental power. If it is replaced by an unsound machine like this, it will require 108 points of mental power.

FC-1 is slightly better, at least it is still in the shape of a spider, more or less related to life forms.

But because FC-1 is a combat-type robot, its consumption is doubled, and it requires 72 points of mental power to activate it.

In fact, this is good, at least it will allow Zhao Feng to gradually restore his mental power to full strength.

After all, daily rest and sleep will only restore 80% of the maximum value.

It will take at least two days to get it back to 100%.

It seems that in less than 3 days, a wave of mutations will occur.

Zhao Feng felt that it was better to stay in top condition during this period.

But when it came to the mutation wave, he actually thought of a very interesting question.

It is to clear out all the zombies in the dungeons and the corpses in the wild.

If all the mutated creatures near the equator are wiped out, will the mutation wave still happen?

. . .

Let’s not mention what Zhao Feng thought about.

In the past two days, players on RTX4090.c have clearly felt that this "world" seems to be different from before.

The first is the zombie tide. The previous zombies will form a "tide" from time to time and invade the player's settlement.

But in the past two days, the number of zombies has become less and less for some unknown reason.

The threat to player settlements has dropped off a cliff.

It’s just that the quantity is decreasing, but the quality of the zombies is getting worse and worse, which other players can’t understand at all.

After all, it stands to reason that the difficulty of the trials should gradually increase over time.

Unexpectedly, on this planet, it is completely the other way around.

What’s even more interesting is that this abnormal phenomenon does not make local players feel relaxed.

On the contrary, it frightened the players who lived on the dark side of the planet.

As the saying goes, when something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Most of the players on the dark side of the planet have experienced the terrifying ice explosion in the past few days.

Some have even witnessed a zombie tsunami.

All the players who survived by chance knew one thing clearly.

Xinghai is abnormal = didn’t hold it in well!

Maybe there's going to be a catastrophe.

At this time, all players on RTX4090.c are working hard to collect supplies, reserve resources, and strengthen settlements.

I am afraid that I will be affected by the unknown AOE that follows.

This state lasted for two days.

Until a player posted a photo of [Kite] chasing the Titan corpses and bombarding them wildly.

Only then did everyone react and understand why the number of zombies had become so small.

The regional channel, which was originally a bit depressing, became lively again after this photo was released.

Xiao Li: I have already said that if the boss is on our planet, he will definitely clean up the zombies.

Ju Qiang: Fortunately it was a false alarm! While the boss clears out the corpse tide, we can develop steadily for a few days.

Wang Chen: Don’t be careless, and don’t lower your vigilance when collecting supplies! The mutation wave mentioned by the Xinghai System is coming soon. Even if the big guys are cleaning up the corpse wave, everyone should be more cautious and don't capsize in the gutter!

Yang Yu: @Zhao Feng, can the boss come to the equator area to help? The attacks of mutant beasts have become more and more crazy recently! We can't stand it anymore.

Fan Yilin: Why can you post pictures and win over big guys? Why doesn’t this fairy’s chat interface have this function?

Shang Phosphorus: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Video]

Just as everyone was speaking enthusiastically, someone else posted a photo of [Kite], along with a short video that lasted more than 6 minutes.

There is nothing much to say about the pictures, they are all snapshots of [Kite].

The content of the video is different. As the video plays, it can be seen that the shooting location should be halfway up a mountain.

In the video, countless zombies were seen swarming on the plain below.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find out.

Normally it should be a dark outdoor environment.

The video turned out to be exceptionally clear and bright, and the scene was also in color.

Compare it to the total loss of picture quality that players posted before, which was greenish and had poor light and dark resolution.

The video content posted by this boss is simply high-definition and uncensored.

Amidst a barrage of "666" and "Niu Wow Niu Wow", the video continued to play downwards.

I saw a huge number of corpses on the plain.

Even if you stand halfway up the mountain and look down, you can't see the end at a glance.

While that scene was spectacular, it could not help but make those present feel a sense of despair.

Just when everyone thought the cameraman was going to be cold.

In the distance, there was a continuous sonic boom, and then a giant battleship that looked like a B2 bomber on Earth suddenly appeared over the plain as if teleporting.

Just as the battleship stopped, overwhelming white thin lines shot out from an invisible angle behind the battleship.

The dense black dots flew into the air, turned around, and headed straight to the ground.

The seemingly chaotic trajectory actually dropped each missile accurately to everywhere on the plain.

What followed was a devastating explosion and shock wave.

I saw the "wave" coming straight to the top of the mountain where the cameraman was.

At this time, in the video, a very cooperative voice came out, "Fuck!"

Immediately afterwards, amid a burst of spinning and a huge roar, the video screen turned pitch black.

Just when everyone thought this video was over.

The progress bar that was only halfway through betrayed everything.

About 2 minutes later, accompanied by the male's moans and the sound of gravel rubbing against each other, the camera slowly turned on.

Some blurry pictures were displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

Although it was unclear what changes had taken place on the plain, the heavy breathing of the cameraman aroused extreme curiosity among the players watching the video.

As the camera automatically focuses, from blur to clear, the scene under the mountain is gradually revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone gasped in unison, making this cold world slightly warmer.

In the video, the previously endless plains had disappeared.

Instead, there are patches of hills and mountains.

It was as if the photographer had left his original position during these two dark minutes.

But before, the tide of corpses was as endless as the plain. . .

Where else can there be a wave of corpses? The ashes are all mixed with cement~

With the final long shot, the video ends.

In the regional channel, some naughty players directly clicked on the kill list of the world channel to check Zhao Feng's points.

I saw that Zhao Feng, who was in first place at this time, had already reached 30.8 billion+ points.

The second-placed Li Yunfeng seemed to have looked away, and never made any progress after his points exceeded 1 million.

In the regional channel, everyone's chat content has gradually gone astray.

Everyone is looking forward to when they can have their own battleship like a big boss.

At this time, on this planet, except for the settlements near the equator, which have not received "care", they are still in dire straits.

The area on the dark side of the planet can be said to have been completely liberated.

When everyone knew that the boss was killing zombies "silently for them".

The pressure of survival that had been weighing heavily on everyone's heads could be said to have suddenly relaxed.

Although nothing could be seen on the chat channel, many players in various settlements were actually crying with joy.

Everyone who survived on this planet thanked him in their hearts.

Of course Zhao Feng didn't know this.

He was just looking for the corpses on the ground to replenish his experience because his experience gap was too big.

But just this unintentional move made everyone mistakenly think that he, Zhao Feng, was silently saving everyone.

As the saying goes, invisible pretense is the most deadly. In this way, he gained great prestige without knowing it.

It also solved the unpredictable situation that people were worried about before in a different way.

People have the mentality of worshiping the strong, especially in this apocalyptic environment.

At this time, Zhao Feng, in the eyes of everyone, was the kind of "hero" whose true identity was revealed.

First of all, Zhao Feng's approach is much better than those guys who only talk but don't do anything.

And the natural intimacy is countless times higher than those of those who put on a show.

In a sense, his approach coincides with the upright method of "kingdom".

Even though he doesn’t know it himself~

Anyway, after such an incident, most people thanked and even admired Zhao Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

If he recruits players at this time, he can easily gain a large number of die-hard fans.

But at this time, he was very busy. Even if he knew that he had gained people's admiration by accident, he had no time to deal with recruitment matters.

no way! There is too much information about the corpse group compiled by the phase radar!

There are more than 50 places where there are more than 100 million corpses!

There are even 200-300 corpses among the tens of millions.

If it's okay in a plain area, 300-500 missiles can clear out the corpses at once.

But if you want to kill the tide of corpses gathering in hills or mountains, it will be too troublesome!

After 1 round of [Flight of the Bumblebee], it is estimated that several hundred more missiles will be needed.

The rate at which ammunition is consumed is completely out of proportion to the rate at which it is replenished.

For this reason, Zhao Feng had to increase the number of weapons, armor and modular manufacturing workshops to 100.

Of course, building so many workshops is not just for ammunition.

. . .

Just yesterday was the 26th day of Xinghai World.

Because Beta replaced Alpha and became the adjutant of the base.

The construction speed in [Airport] has been improved to an epic level.

4 types of robot factories, each with 200 seats, were completed ahead of schedule.

As a result, the base's daily production capacity of all types of robots will reach 1,600!

After the addition of this wave of mining robots, his alloy production capacity has not reached the limit of 2.4 million per day.

But alloy production capacity of more than 1 million units is still achievable.

In this case, if the manufacturing workshop is too small.

When will high-level equipment be ready?

. . .

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