[Claws 181, Fangs 52, Sinews 47, Bones 255, Meat 132, Primary Leather 101]

After Ye Fei had practiced for two hours, he opened his eyes and touched the heads of the two little kids who had fallen asleep, then adjusted the courtyard wall and processed it.

There were more things than last time, after all, the number of wild wolves this time exceeded fifty.

But these broken wolf corpses still only had white-grade materials.

As for the lower gray...

Cutting down trees will produce that thing, but cooking will not.

Looking at the pile of things, Ye Fei put them on the trading channel to continue selling, then adjusted the yard and continued to sit in the center of the futon to absorb the spiritual energy.

Until the next morning, Ye Fei looked at the two little white balls playing around him, and after confirming that they had successfully advanced once, he planned to try today after dinner. As for today's random tasks...

We'll see what happens in the afternoon. Today we're just chopping wood, which is easy.

"Okay, I won't go out today. I want to try to temper my body again...."

Ye Fei looked at the two little guys who jumped onto his shoulders after dinner, touched their little heads, and then continued to sit in the center of the futon.

The temperature in the yard had risen after the wall was restored, and the plants began to grow normally.

At this time, he wanted to temper his body, so he definitely couldn't open the wall again.

As for whether the painful sound during tempering can attract wolves...

He tried to be as quiet as possible, because even if there was a danger warning during the body tempering, he himself could not hear it.

But after consuming 100 points of spiritual energy to start the body tempering, Ye Fei suddenly determined that today's body tempering was not a question of whether he wanted to be quiet or not.

This time, the part that was tempered and improved was actually the heart!


This time, he didn't need to control himself. As soon as the body was tempered

, Ye Fei cried out in pain. The pain in his chest spread outward.

From his chest to his limbs, Ye Fei lay flat.

His expression was still distorted by pain, but his limbs were out of control. Occasionally, he twitched to prove that he was still alive.


The little fox lay beside Ye Fei, and suddenly wanted to howl.

But unfortunately, it didn't have time to express its sadness, because Ye Fei's voice just now attracted the wild wolves again.

After the little white tiger ran out, the little fox followed him out.


Ye Fei was lying down now. Except for the pain in his chest, he was fine.

He could hear the wolf howling outside the yard and see the information on the virtual panel in front of him.

The wild wolves, whose combat power was barely over 30 points, could not stand up to the two little guys who had just been promoted.

When the two little guys came back to Ye Fei, his body tempering was not over yet.

【Body Tempering Successful, Strength +1, Defense +1]

Strength +1, defense +1, Ye Fei moved his stiff limbs and suddenly sat up.

The pain of this body tempering was a bit too much, but it was only strong at the beginning, and then it was like numbness from the pain.

However, this is the seventh time of body tempering, and five more times will be enough....

I am really looking forward to it!

But now he still has to continue to cook and process the broken wolf bodies. He skillfully adjusted the yard. The two little dumplings on the futon did not advance this time, but fell asleep because of exhaustion.

"Sure enough, the demand is increasing."

Ye Fei sighed at the two little guys' demand for beast essence stones, adjusted the expansion of the courtyard wall, and processed the more than 50 broken wolf corpses this time.

The butcher still only dropped white materials, but the number of these items increased, and it was still good to make money.

While the two little guys were sleeping, Ye Fei sold the materials except the beast bones again.

After selling them, he should also start preparing the first-level reinforcement materials.

【Materials for making a first-level home reinforcement: Primary wood 20, iron ore 10, animal bones 5]

He has a lot of wood, so Ye Fei doesn't need to buy it for the time being. But he doesn't have iron ore. He only has more than 500 animal bones, which is definitely not enough, but he can wait until the two little balls have rested before continuing to attract and lure the beasts.

1 point 10 iron ores...

After Ye Fei sold all the cooking materials except the animal bones, together with the direct gains from killing the wild wolves, he now has a total of 1,698 points.

As for the iron ore that he couldn't dig at home, Ye Fei didn't hesitate and directly bought 10,000 of them, which was exactly 1,000 pieces of materials, spending 1,000 points.

A total of 5,000 animal bones were needed, and he only had one-tenth of them. He definitely couldn't get them together before tomorrow evening, so he could only try his best to continue making money.

However, the boy on the iceberg said that he would not die....

Could it be that the other party's talent is the type of foresight?

Or is it some kind of ability that the boy himself possesses?

Who knows!

After a moment of distraction, Ye Fei quickly retracted his thoughts. He started making the current 100 copies first, and put the other materials in the locker in the house for storage.

"Sure enough, we still have to chop down trees."

Ye Fei checked the primary wood he currently had in stock and finally determined that he didn't have enough primary wood.

All the dead trees near his home were gone. If Ye Fei wanted to chop down a tree at this time, the nearest one would be 500 meters away from his yard.

But no matter how far or near, trees still had to be chopped down.

"No way..."

When Ye Fei was ready to go out and chop down trees, he stopped at the door.

He stared at the pine tree in the yard, and his eyes were sad for a moment.

He planted trees for greening, and now that the tree has grown up, does it mean he can chop it down?

【[Strong pine tree (mature stage): Green value 5 points, can be cut down]

5 points of green value, the same as the seedling stage.

However, Ye Fei was a little hesitant about whether it could be cut down.

Should I try it?

Reducing the green value by 5 points is nothing to worry about, but whether the tree planted at home will drop high-level materials or ordinary primary wood, this makes Ye Fei very curious.

Curious, so I tried it. Ye Fei looked at the axe in his hand and swung it up to chop it down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

It was indeed different from the dead trees outside. This time, it didn't fall down with just one axe.

When this pine tree was finally felled after more than 20 axe blows, a thick pile of scattered materials piled up in front of Ye Fei.

【Cut down the sturdy pine trees and get: 50 primary wood, 54 pine needles, 15 reinforced wood (green), 6 resin (blue)]

A lot of materials dropped, and 15 reinforced woods dropped directly. According to the calculation that 20 primary woods can synthesize one reinforced wood, this is equivalent to 350 woods dropped.

But this is not the point. Ye Fei's focus now is on this blue quality resin.

The price of this thing is really expensive.

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