"Qingxue, come here and let me take a look."

After Ye Fei calmed down for a while and made sure everything was alright, he reached out to the little fox.


The little fox came over and lay in Ye Fei's palm.

The two little balls were too small. Ye Fei's hand was not small, but this size, similar to that of a one-month-old kitten, did not match their fighting power at all.

Ye Fei had never thought about this before, but now he suddenly thought of it, and his eyes were fixed on the little fox in his palm.


With a headache like it was about to explode, Ye Fei finally saw the hidden information of the little fox.

Just now, the Beast King's inner elixir dropped to more than 60, and slowly recovered to more than 80. His energy and physical strength dropped to single digits in an instant.

This talent of seeing through is really scary....

Fortunately, it is really useful

【Pet: Qingxue (Level 7 Fox Cub)...Ordinary beast pet, upper limit of level 10, the absorption rate of beast essence stones produced by foxes is 100%, the absorption rate of beast essence stones produced by non-foxes is 90%, and intelligent pets】

There is not much hidden information, but it is not visible under normal circumstances.

The upper limit is level 10, and it also allows Ye Fei to understand why those beast essence stones are marked but can be eaten at will.

The same tribe absorbs more, and non-same tribe absorbs less.

However, the upper limit of the little fox is level 10, which means it is best to feed it to level 10, and then use the beast king's inner pill.

But the little fox is upper limit 10, what about the little white tiger?

Ye Fei did not forget that the little white tiger had eaten the beast king's inner pill, so can his tiger king's inner pill still be given to the little white tiger?

"Forget it, I'm going to take a nap first, you two can play slowly..."

Having a headache, Ye Fei was not in a hurry to check on the little white tiger, for he was afraid that he would fall asleep if he wasn't paying attention.

He returned to the house and checked the time. It was just after two in the afternoon, so he decided to take a nap first.

He slept until dark, then Ye Fei got up to make dinner. During this time, he also swept the yard, except for the location of the snow lotus.

After cleaning, Ye Fei looked at his current state. His energy and physical strength were both above ninety. After dinner, he increased these two items a little bit, then he held the little white tiger to check on him.

【Pet: Fengbai (Level 6 White Tiger Cub)...Premature birth due to near-death, the beast king inner pill produced by the cub's mother is used to make up for it. Ordinary beast pet, level cap 10, 100% absorption rate of beast essence stone produced by tiger tribe, 90% absorption rate of beast essence stone produced by non-tiger tribe, enhanced pet】

In the hidden attributes of the little white tiger, there is an additional premature birth, as well as a reminder of how the beast king inner pill of the big white tiger was consumed.

In other words, the two little guys have to reach level 10 before they can start evolving.

Ye Fei covered his still aching head and put the two beast king inner pills away first, thinking about how to attract more wolves so that the two little ones can eat more.

Does he have to howl a few more times in the middle of the night?

Last time, he was in pain and howled in the middle of the night, so he attracted the wolves. Can he do it now?


Anyway, just give it a try, Ye Fei reached out and held the two little ones in his arms, and shouted at the loudest voice he could.

As a result, there was silence....

"Go play, I'm practicing, don't look at me..."

Ye Fei sat in the center of the futon, put down the two little creatures, and let them do whatever they wanted.

He howled just now, but didn't attract the wolves, but the two little balls might have thought he was having a seizure. As he had a headache and couldn't practice for the time being, Ye Fei opened the chat channel to see what others were talking about.

Occasionally, when he was eating or cleaning the yard, Ye Fei would watch like this.

When he saw someone say that the wall of the yard was destroyed, and soon a wild wolf took the opportunity to attack, Ye Fei's eyes flashed, and he removed a few pieces of the wooden wall away from the planting area.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, good evening. The locust plague is over here. How are you doing over there? 】

After finishing his work, the junior sent a message to Ye Fei after dinner.

【Me: No, I haven't been there yet. I've only been here once. Judging from the chat messages, there should be many more. People are always attacked.

Ye Fei replied with a message, and then continued to stare at the gap in the yard that he had deliberately adjusted, watching the strong wind outside sending cold snowflakes in.

The temperature in the yard was dropping, and the plants began to show signs of slow growth again, but Ye Fei was focused on attracting the beasts this time, and he didn't plan to stop until the plants were frostbitten.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: You guys should work hard. I haven't had time to practice these days. I'm afraid that the locusts will eat up all the grass around me. I'm going to practice. Seniors, work hard too.]

This junior replied. After Ye Fei replied with a"Come on", he didn't send any more messages.

And Ye Fei finally saw a large group of gray creatures appear in the raging snowstorm.

【Wild wolves have appeared near your home, please be prepared for protection]

The wild wolves have arrived at the door, and the defense prompt has finally appeared

"Qingxue, Fengbai, go out and kill them, and eat all that can be eaten."

Ye Fei did not take out his weapon, but shook his head and pointed outside to the two little guys.

When the wolves arrived outside the yard, he quickly put up the two wooden walls that had been removed to block the first few wolves that rushed in.

The combat power of the wild wolf pack this time was between 21 and 27. Although the number might be no less than fifty, it would not cause any trouble to the two little guys.


The little fox raised its head and shouted twice, then slapped the little white tiger on the head with one claw, turned around and rushed out of the yard.

It couldn't understand what it said, but its human had been feeling uncomfortable since the afternoon, so it didn't want to let humans hunt.


The little white tiger yawned, raised its paw and scratched its head, then turned to Ye Fei and called softly, then ran out of the courtyard wall and went hunting with the little fox.

【Kill the wild wolf, survival points +3]

A series of survival points received information was refreshed, Ye Fei raised his hands to cover his head, and sat in the yard and continued to wait with a tangled expression.

It would be bad if he was found out to deceive these two little dumplings by pretending to be sick.

However, he had to do it this way. If he went to the kitchen to handle it himself, the amount of animal essence stone produced would be much less.

Of course, there would be more other materials.

But these materials were not as good as the improvement of the two little guys.

So after making sure that there was no problem, Ye Fei looked at his current 88 points of spiritual energy and decided to practice first, and wake up in two hours to clean up the remains of the wild wolf.

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