"Senior Sister Zhang, please advise!" Qin Shuang also said seriously.

"I can't talk about advice, I can only say that it is my experience. If you don't join any organization in Tianziyuan, then you have given up the opportunity to communicate with a group of talented people. The Four Treasures don’t need me to say you, you also understand. The reason for joining Tianzi Academy is that in addition to the various inheritance and resources here, the most important thing is that this place gathers the talents of the entire Spirit World and communicates with the talents from different Star Domains. It’s very important for a cultivator. If you reject this, why join Tianziyuan?

Besides the importance of communication, will you always be alone when you go out on missions? This is the same as loose cultivator. Is there a difference? Why do you have to join Tianzi Academy?"

Qin Shuang pondered for a moment, cups the hands and thanked him: "Many thanks Senior Sister Zhang for advice, I will consider it."

Zhang Zining nodded, stood up and said: "I will send you."

"Thanks to Senior Sister Zhang!"

Zhang Zining looked at Qin Shuang's back and sighed slightly. Ning Caiyun appeared beside her and said:

"Senior Sister Zhang, will Qin Shuang join us?"

Zhang Zining shook her head slightly and said: "She is a stubborn person, I won’t join any organization in the short term."

"What about us?"

"Go with the flow! She didn't go far on the road of cultivation like this. The road of cultivation is just one. There are thorny roads, and only by supporting each other can we go further.

She comes from Star Domain. The harsh environment limits her vision. After a while, she will wake up. We only You need to wait slowly."

Qin Shuang just put spiritual consciousness into the bracelet, and wanted to see the mission sent by the Tianzi Academy, he saw a Golden Peng in the sky facing her Dived down. Qin Shuang raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly. The Golden Peng stopped three meters away from her, opened the mouth and said:

"Please come up, I will take you to see the palace lord."

Qin Shuang nodded, When he was upright, he flew onto Golden Peng's back. The Golden Peng Spread The Wings flew extremely fast, and in a short while, it fell in front of a Cave Mansion. Before Cave Mansion, there stood a stalwart man, full beard, with a pair of copper bell-like eyes. The eagle looked at the wolf and saw Qin Shuang falling from the back of Golden Peng, striding forward:

"Junior Sister Qin, a certain house is the Lord of the Land Palace!"

Qin Shuang cups the hands and said: "Qin Shuang has met Senior Brother."

"No need for more Gift!" Fu Suiyue waved his hand: "Junior Sister Qin, please!"

"Fu Senior Brother, please!" I walked inside and entered the Cave Mansion. Unceremoniously, he said:

"Junior Sister Qin, you are welcome. If someone invited you today, I want to discuss with Junior Sister Qin. In your opinion, cultivation What is the most important thing?"

Qin Shuang pondered for a moment: "Longevity!"

"Wrong!" Fu Suiyue waved his hand: "Longevity is important, but certain I think the most important thing is to improve the strength. Don’t think that what someone is talking about is the cultivation base!


It’s the real battle strength. What we are pursuing is to sweep the same level, higher Rank challenge. Only in this way can we live long and go far..."

Qin Shuang does not hide his opinions and competes with each other. This is a dispute over the great road, and it is indisputable.

The two people talked and talked, and in the end, no one convinced anyone. Fu Suiyue's theory is that everything is aimed at battle strength. Moreover, Qin Shuang's theory is that longevity is the ultimate goal, and battle strength is a means to achieve this ultimate goal.

The two people argued endlessly, but they felt heartily, unconsciously, two hours passed. During these two hours, both parties were fighting for their own big Dao Idol, so they both racked their brains, spent a lot of effort, and finally felt tired. Both sides stopped almost at the same time, and then looked at each other and laughed.

"Junior Sister Qin, that’s it for today. All you need to know is that joining the underworld will increase your battle strength very quickly. If you want to improve in this area, come find XX."

"Okay!" Qin Shuang refreshedly nodded and said: "I will leave today, I am also a little tired!"

"Mou will give you!"


Qin Shuang returned to her Cave Mansion. She went to three banquets in one day and was indeed a little tired. Lying on the bed, he fell asleep.

In the early morning.

Qin Shuang wakes up, walks out of the room, and sits cross-legged on the roof ridge.

Morning sun was born, Qin Shuang carried great circulation cultivation, and a touch of Purple Qi Rising From The East was absorbed by Qin Shuang's breath. When the sky was bright, Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and his figure drew an arc in the air and landed on the swing. While swinging on the swing, he recalled seeing the three leading figures of the Tianzi Academy yesterday.

From the point of view of behavior, Mu Chong is as gentle as jade, Zhang Zining is like the elder sister next door, and he is unparalleled in the years.


Mu Chong is definitely not as gentle as jade, he has strong ambitions in his heart. And Zhang Zining also hides tenacious, wisdom, and pride under the surface of the elder sister next door. Qin Shuang even thinks that she is too deliberate. Under the domineering appearance of Fu Suiyue, I am afraid that the methods are cruel.

The process of the three people inviting Qin Shuang was completely different.

Mu Chong, who is as gentle as jade, gave the Tianziyuan to Qin Shuang a very detailed explanation like his elder brother, really like an Eldest Senior Brother, explaining to Little Junior Sister. However, Zhang Zining didn't introduce the slightest Tianziyuan, but told her that entering Tianziyuan must adapt to the situation where she is no longer a loose cultivator. Otherwise, how is it different from loose cultivator? Like the elder sister next door, I talked a lot about the life of my daughter's house. In the past years, I only exchanged cultivation experience with Qin Shuang, the direction of the road.

They really have their own characteristics, and their characteristics are distinct.

Qin Shuang Weiwei shook the head and temporarily put these three people down. They all make sense, but they are not suitable for Qin Shuang, at least not suitable for Qin Shuang for the time being. They need to go out and practice, so they need to work together to complete the task. However, Qin Shuang is different. At least now is different from those people.

Qin Shuang has been fighting since the beginning of cultivation, struggling on the edge of life and death several times, her nerves are too tight, and she needs to rest for a while. And Tianziyuan is undoubtedly a relatively safe place to keep Qin Shuang away from fighting.

So, Qin Shuang has decided to stay in Tianziyuan for a while and go to the dark world to increase his profound power. Let your nerves relax.

There is a degree of relaxation, which is also a necessary means of cultivation. If you are too nervous, you will surely smudge your mind and stagnate.

"Let’s take a look at the mission first!"

Qin Shuang penetrated spiritual consciousness into the bracelet, and a message was displayed in her spiritual consciousness.

"Congratulations to Qin Shuang, you have entered Tianziyuan and become a dísciple in Tianziyuan. As a dísciple of Tianziyuan, you can get one hundred points every month, and the accumulated branch will automatically be added In your identity bracelet, you can use these points to go to Mission Palace to redeem any cultivation resources you want.

This is only for the welfare of new students, specifically, it is for the dísciple living in Ding District, so Benefits given. If you can enter the C district residence cultivation, the monthly bonus points will be increased to 200. If you can enter the B district residence cultivation, you will get 400 bonus points every month. If you Able to enter the settlement cultivation in District A, you will get 800 points of welfare benefits every month. Now you can enter the Heaven's Chosen Peak settlement cultivation, you will get 1,600 points of welfare benefits."


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