"Junior Sister Qin!"

One man and one woman, the man is Luofu, and the woman is Ning Caiyun. Qin Shuang cups the hands and said: "Qin Shuang has seen three senior brother and senior sister."

"Junior Sister Qin!" Tan Xiaotian walked up to Qin Shuang first and said: "Eldest Senior Brother, please A narration in the mansion."

"Junior Sister Qin, Senior Sister Zhang held a small banquet at Cave Mansion to congratulate Junior Sister on entering the Tianzi Courtyard." Ning Caiyun said with a smile.

"Junior Sister Qin, Senior Brother, please visit the mansion to exchange cultivation experience." Luofu also smiled.

"Always meet." Qin Shuang secretly said in one's heart, then nodded and said: "Qin Shuang just entered Tianziyuan and didn't understand everything. He just needs senior brothers and senior sisters. Please tell me, Senior Brother Tan will come first. I will follow Senior Brother Tan to see Eldest Senior Brother, then Senior Sister Zhang, and then Senior Brother."

Obviously, Qin Shuang is In the order of first-come, first-come, Tan Xiaotian naturally smiled, but Luo Fu and Ning Caiyun were unhappy in their hearts. However, Qin Shuang had just said that he simply didn't understand Tianziyuan, so he followed the order. Nor can he be angry with Qin Shuang.

The most important thing is that Qin Shuang is not an ordinary cultivator, so you can't get angry. Only smiled at Qin Shuang and followed Tan Xiaotian away in the sky.

This is a lobby.

The fairy cloud wood floor is like a cloud under your feet. The walls are engraved with the talisman array, and the endless sky appears when the talisman array runs. The ceiling is inlaid with a fire pearl, like a sun, entering the hall, as if stepping into the clouds.

Bright sunlight shines through the open windows, making the hall appear as if it is in one space, and another space can be seen through the windows.

Qin Shuang sat opposite Mu Chong, with a gentle smile on Mu Chong's face. Did not mention a word of soliciting Qin Shuang, but introduced Tianziyuan and Heavenly Palace in detail, and also expressed his aspirations during the chat. Qin Shuang interjects occasionally and listens most of the time.

This is a rare opportunity to learn about Tianziyuan and Heavenly Palace, but after learning about it, I am also secretly shocked. On the one hand, it shocked the cruel competition of Tianziyuan, on the other hand, it also shocked the strength of Heavenly Palace. It can be said that 60% of the best cultivators of innate talent in the dísciple of Tianziyuan are in Heavenly Palace, and Mu Chong's ambition is fully exposed.

"weng weng weng ……"

Qin Shuang's bracelet on his wrist vibrated. Qin Shuang ignored it and still listened carefully. The bracelet only vibrated a few times before returning to silence.

"This should be the task assigned by Tianziyuan!" Mu Chong's eyes fell on Qin Shuang's wrist, saying with a smile: "The cultivator in Tianziyuan, except for Get the missions that suit you by yourself. In addition to earning points, you must complete a mission assigned by Tianziyuan every year. This is to beware of some cultivators who are very wealthy, so they only know that they are cultivation at Tianziyuan instead of going out. Experience. Junior Sister should know that it’s just a cultivator of secluded cultivation, and battle strength will be very poor. The cultivator of Tianziyuan is not a flower in a greenhouse."

"Eldest Senior Brother said yes!" Qin Shuang agrees Nodded.

"You won't be wasting too much time, and Junior Sister Qin is welcome to visit frequently in the future." Mu Chong stood up and said.

Qin Shuang also stood up, and sincerely cups the hands and salutes: "many thanks Eldest Senior Brother, today to solve the puzzles."

The two walked out of the Cave Mansion side by side and saluted again. Mu Chong asked seemingly casually:

"Junior Sister Qin stayed in the Book Collection Pavilion for a few days, but found a cultivation technique that suits him?"

Qin Shuang's face is appropriate Yihong said: "I just took a look in the Book Collection Pavilion to understand what the Book Collection Pavilion has. When I encounter problems with the cultivation in the future, I can think of the inheritance that the Book Collection Pavilion has solved."

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang's heart moved: "And I have some research on footwork, I want to try to integrate some footwork."

"If you don't understand, you can come to talk to me. "Mu Chong said kindly.

"Many thanks Eldest Senior Brother, with the words Eldest Senior Brother, Junior Sister when the time comes is welcome."

"hahaha......" Mu Chong proudly He waved his hand and said: "You are welcome, Junior Sister! Heavenly Palace is an organization that helps each other, and everyone is equal in status. My Palace Lord is just a name."

"Eldest Senior Brother is proud of it, Eldest Senior Brother stay!"

Qin Shuang saluted again, bid farewell to Mu Chong, and walked down the mountain road. The eyes of wisdom flashed with rays of light.

"Everyone in Heavenly Palace has equal status and status. Mu Chong just puts on a name, hehe... But this Eldest Senior Brother is indeed gentle and moist, but it also contains domineering and leadership qualities."



A little bird flew down from a tree and landed on Qin Shuang's shoulder. Qin Shuang didn't have much, let the little bird fall on her shoulder, turned to look at the little bird, the little bird is also looking at her, two eyes are like two gems.

"Qin Shuang, I am here to show you to the Palace Lord." The little bird opened his mouth.

Qin Shuang smiled, stretched out a finger, and lightly stroked the golden feathers of the bird and said:

"Then lead the way!"


The little bird flew up from Qin Shuang's shoulder, Qin Shuang stepped on the void, followed behind the little bird, and after a while, landed on a Before Cave Mansion, I saw a simple and elegant woman standing in front of the Cave Mansion door, praising Qin Shuang cups the hands:

"Junior Sister Qin, magnificent!"

Qin Shuang smiled and shook his head and said, "Senior Sister Zhang is making a joke. Where is the grandeur? It's just not restrained. Compared with Senior Sister Zhang, Junior Sister is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and Senior Sister But like a treasure knife hidden in a knife case, no one knows the depth of the Senior Sister."

Zhang Zining’s eyes showed appreciation, and Qin Shuang’s condition at this time was exactly as she said. The same. Smiling and solemnly said:

"Junior Sister Qin, please!"

"Senior Sister Zhang, please!"

"Go with me!"

Senior Sister Zhang held Qin Shuang's arm, and the two walked into the Cave Mansion side by side. There was already a banquet in the Cave Mansion, with only four dishes, one soup, and one pot of wine. Zhang Zining said:

"Junior Sister Qin, please take a seat. This is the Hundred Flower Dew brewed by our Baihua Palace. You can taste it. Although it is not as good as your Monkey Wine, it is not as good as your Monkey Wine."

While talking, he poured wine for Qin Shuang, then raised his glass and said: "Please!"

"Please!" Qin Shuang raised his glass, touched Zhang Zining, and drank it. Exhausted, I feel the fragrance of my mouth, not only praised:

"Good wine!"

"Good wine, drink more."

Two people started Pushing the cup and changing the cup, Zhang Zining spoke softly, did not talk about the cruelty of Tianziyuan, nor did he elaborate on the Baihua Palace, but only talked about some interesting things about Tianziyuan, which made the two people laugh like silver bells from time to time.

Two hours, in this cheerful atmosphere, it seems that only a moment has passed. Zhang Zining put down the wine glass and looked at Qin Shuang seriously:

"Junior Sister Qin, I know that the years are still waiting for you, so I won't keep you. Finally, I will say a few words to you."


Thank you so much for the rewards of seaphay (100), Jiao Baiyue_moon willow head (100), and Bai Zibing (100)!



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