One day, if Qin Shuang can become a Great Grandmaster, no matter what kind of Great Grandmaster, it will be able to obtain countless Peak inheritance by virtue of the ability of Great Grandmaster.

There is no shortage of resources and inheritance. Why does Qin Shuang join the family?

In other words, what can these families give Qin Shuang?

Xu Mo gave up the idea of ​​soliciting Qin Shuang in an instant, but the idea of ​​befriending Qin Shuang became more and more ingrained. Four Grandmasters have enough qualifications to associate with him.

even more how, this Qin Shuang is only 41 years old, and he is Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Third Layer. If he can pass the level of Immortal Monarch, even if he cannot understand the law in the future, his cultivation will be to Immortal Monarch Peak. There is absolutely no problem with being a giant in Spirit World.

Xu Family is powerful, but it also needs powerful friends!

Thirty-four Young Clan Head and direct descendant dísciple looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain with complicated eyes. In their opinion, Qin Shuang will soon become a member of their circle. , Because Qin Shuang will definitely join one of the 34 families. No cultivator can refuse the attraction of the Sky Purple City family.

Especially Qin Shuang is still from the Star Domain in China. If any family recruited Qin Shuang before, I am afraid that Qin Shuang will be so excited that he will immediately show his determination.

But now...

Qin Shuang has chosen the family because they believe that all 34 families will recruit Qin Shuang.

Although the expressions in the eyes of Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng are as complicated as those of other Young Clan Heads, they have different thoughts in their hearts. The two of them almost at the same time believed that Qin Shuang would not join any clan because their thoughts were the same as Xu Mo.


Whether Qin Shuang joins their family or not, as Qin Shuang's four Grandmasters, it is enough to be eligible to join their circle.


A sneer awakened those Young Clan Head and dísciple, and frowned one by one.

Who dares to laugh at them?

Looking for fame in the past, he saw that it was Xu Kaiyun who sneered.

Xu Family four siblings were not long after each other, and they soared one after another, causing a sensation in Tianzicheng. In the very short period of ascension, the strengths, aptitude and innate talent demonstrated by Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan and Xu Azure Lotus surprised Heaven's Chosen in Tianzicheng. Moreover, Xu Kaitian has a bold and majestic personality, and Xu Kaishan has an upright and upright personality. Azure Lotus is gentle and beautiful, and soon won the respect of these Heaven's Chosen.

Only Xu Kaiyun is extremely young.


It's the ultimate!

The cultivation base is slow to advance, but arrogant. Walking, sitting and lying, are all dudes. He refuses to work hard in cultivation, but he has a lot of tricks. The three of Xu Kaitian siblings are Great Encompassing Golden Immortal, but he is still a Heavenly Immortal period, and is criticized and despised by all family dísciples.

I don’t know what dogshit luck I left. I left Tianzi City and wandered for a few years. After I came back, it turned out to be Great Encompassing Golden Immortal! And Xu Family patriarch also gave him the opportunity to enter the Xu Family Secret Realm. This exit, it turned out to be Nine Heavens Profound Immortal.

It is unbearable to be laughed at by such a person!

However, Xu Kaiyun is the Xu Family dísciple after all. The Young Clan Head of Xu Family is here. It is not their turn to reprimand, but Xu Luoxue should reprimand, so these people look at Xu Luoxue.

Xu Luoxue's face sank. He has never considered Xu Kaiyun. In his opinion, Xu Kaiyun is like those dudes who have appeared in Xu Family. If Xu Kaiyun comes back this time, it is still only in the Heavenly Immortal period, even if it is the Peak in the Heavenly Immortal period, he will also suggest canceling the dísciple treatment of Xu Kaiyun’s direct lineage. Such a person must continue his welfare and let him fend for himself, or go to Xu Family shops, mines and other places contribute to the family.

But I didn't expect that when Xu Kaiyun came back, he was already Great Encompassing Golden Immortal! Even so, in Xu Luoxue's eyes, Xu Kaiyun was still stinky shit. At this time, seeing Xu Kaiyun sneer for no reason, he lost his face and wanted to scold him.

However, before he could speak, he heard an in a low, muffled voice voice saying:

"Kaiyun, what are you laughing at?"

Xu Kaiyun patted Chu Dali’s shoulders and said in a sarcasm: "Dali, there are such a group of people who are pretentious. And these pretentious people have formed a circle. They think this circle is noble, and only people like them have it. Qualified to enter this circle. Once they feel that some people are qualified to enter their circle, they will invite them with alms, and those who are invited also feel that this is a great honor and lick their faces. This makes them lick their faces. They are even more pretentious, thinking that their circle is the highest circle of Spirit World. However, they don’t know, there are always people who don’t take their circle seriously, Dali, do you know why?"


Xu Kaiyun said with a big smile: "Because someone didn't take their circle seriously, the boss would never be proud of joining their circle, hahaha... …"

Xu Luoxue and other thirty-four dísciples couldn't help but turn black at the same time. Xu Kaitian looked helpless and had a headache for his younger brother.


A burst of cheers attracted the attention of these people. Looking towards the light curtain, I saw Qin Shuang already standing in the Ninth Layer of the tower. superior.


These four heavy words appeared in the hearts of thirty-four Young Clan Head at the same time.

Array Tower Ninth Layer.

Qin Shuang appeared in front of the stairs, she chose to quit without the slightest hesitation. It is impossible to break the formation, so why waste time?

Qin Shuang's figure fell on the ground and looked up at the ranking list.

First place: Qin Shuang, Middle Star Domain, Mo Xing.

Qin Shuang has a bright smile on his face.


Shen Chongguang's extremely cheerful laughter sounded from the cloud platform: "The last name is paid, and the bet is ready."

"hmph!" Fu Hongguang snorted and said with a black face and cold face: "Don't be happy too early. If Qin Shuang is at the apprentice level for the remaining four rounds, she will only get 8,000 at most."

"chi..." Shen Chongguang let out a sneer without hesitation: "You said this, do you believe it yourself?"

Fu Hongguang's face is even darker!


Xu Kaiyun and several people rushed towards Qin Shuang, and Xu Kaitian three siblings came over with a smile. The thirty-four dísciple's eyes were complicated.

"Boss, you are amazing! The qualifications of Tianzi Academy are as easy as pie for you!" Xu Kaiyun was full of excitement, as if he were four Grandmasters.

"Congratulations!" Xu Kaitian and the others also stepped forward to congratulate.

"Thank you!" Qin Shuang one after another returned the gift.

"Qin Shuang, what do you see in the formation?" Xu Kaishan asked curiously.

Qin Shuang chooses some formations and tells a few people to listen to them. People in the formation are being teleported out continuously, sometimes at the same moment, a cultivator is teleported out.


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