"Huh..." Shen Chongguang is also lightly sighed in relief. As long as Qin Shuang passes this layer, even if it fails to pass the Eighth Layer, a master of immortality is enough to make Qin Shuang within a hundred.

So, he looked at Zheng Lun. Zheng Lun was already in the Sixth Layer at this time. Shen Chongguang frowned slightly, sighed in his heart, and secretly said:

"It seems that I have put more pressure on Zheng Lun, and his mentality is a bit unstable. Otherwise, he will not waste so much time in Sixth Layer. Hope is placed on Qin Shuang."

Qin Shuang spent more time on Seventh Layer than the first 60% of the time combined. It took about a quarter of an hour to rush to Eighth. Layer.

At this time, there are many people on the Eighth Layer, but almost all cultivators are on the Level 1 step, only two people are not.

One is a picture of Wen Mercury. At this time, he is standing on the level 5 step, and Qin Shuang is standing at the level 1 step. He has not had time to step up to the level 1.

Took a deep breath, Qin Shuang knew the real test was coming. Stepped up to the Level 1 step.

It is like unfolding a picture scroll. As the picture scroll unfolds, it gradually covers the stairs and becomes the world in the picture scroll.

Under the sun, Qin Shuang is standing in an unfamiliar city. At this time she was standing on a square in this city, with white pigeons searching for food at her feet, surrounded by a circle of buildings, and there were streets between buildings.

The surrounding area is very noisy, and there is a constant flow of people in the square and the streets outside the square.

Qin Shuang's face couldn't help showing a wry smile, which is worthy of being a Grandmaster Level fairy formation, directly giving you a city. It is necessary to find the formation eye in such a big city to break through this fairy formation.

Formation eye is probably a building, there are many buildings here. It may also be a piece of furniture in a certain building, and there are many pieces of furniture in each building. It might also be someone in this city, just look at the crowd, maybe even a tree or a grass.

Qin Shuang walked out of the square, walked into a tea house casually, asked for a pot of tea, poured a cup of tea, the tea soup was golden and smelly.

"It really looks like it!"

Qin Shuang sighed, picked up the teacup and drank it in one fell swoop.

"Even the taste can be set up. It seems that I am still more or less affected by the fairy formation."

Qin Shuang holds the teacup and looks down at the teacup.


Like a statue holding a teacup!

Qin Shuang's eyes began to flow with brilliance. It was one after another slender formation mark, converging towards her pupils, and finally covering a pair of pupils, and Qin Shuang's pupils became colorful.

Take a glimpse and know all about it!

This is the inheritance of Qin Shuang cultivation. By observing one point of the fairy formation, we can find the formation eye that can break the whole formation.

In Qin Shuang's splendid within both eyes, the tea cup in his hand began to change. It is no longer a white jade tea cup, but a grid-like shape. The grid is slender one after another The formation mark composition. And the grid that constructs the teacup is also related to everything around it. A very slender formation mark from the teacup, like extremely slender tentacles, protrudes to the surroundings, and is connected with the surrounding grids, and the surrounding grids form a sheet. Tables, chairs, tableware, cultivator...


Qin Shuang crushed the tea cup in his hand, one after another slender like a tentacle The formation mark trembled, and Qin Shuang's eyes released colorful rays of light. Enveloping those trembling tentacles, they quickly confirmed a formation mark, and the tremor of that formation mark was transmitted to the formation mark connected to it, one after another was transmitted quickly.

At this time, Qin Shuang had already flown out of the teahouse, his eyes were fixed on the trembling formation mark that was going away quickly, and his figure flew in that direction. Continuously change direction, sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes flying high, sometimes diving, sometimes hovering in place...


Qin Shuang fell on the side of the road Under a tree, there are more than a dozen weeds under the tree. Qin Shuang extend the hand means to pinch and pull that weed.


The whole city vibrated, then twisted, disappeared, and the stairs appeared...

"Moved, moved , Qin Shuang moved!" Xu Kaiyun waved his fist excitedly.


The crowd became a sensation. Now that Qin Shuang can break through the formation of Level 1 and step onto Level 2, it means that Qin Shuang is facing Grandmaster Level Xianzhen has research. And it seems that after only a few ten breaths of her time, she broke the Level 1 formation, which shows that Qin Shuang has a lot of research on the Grandmaster Level fairy formation. Maybe you can really get through the Eighth Layer, that's the real Grandmaster.

Four Grandmasters!

Even if the latter assessment only reaches the Immortal Master's realm, you will definitely be able to enter the top 100, even if it is a realm that is so bad that it is only an apprentice, it is enough to enter the top 10,000. Qin Shuang has already Obtained the qualifications of Tianzi Academy.

Tang Qianshou and Yu Xiao were so happy that they couldn't shut their mouths. Although his grandson Yu Guanting had been sent out at this time, they were still ecstatic. Fu Hongguang on the other side was already black.

Shen Chongguang is still nervous, because he knows this round is very important. If Qin Shuang gets through the Eighth Layer this round, according to previous experience, Qin Shuang will basically be in the top five thousand. He can declare victory in advance, and he can let go of a hanging heart.

"Don't patronize Qin Shuang!" Immortal Monarch Feng Xiaochen said with an unstoppable smile on his face: "An Shicong has also entered the Eighth Layer."

Everyone was overjoyed, and hurriedly looked towards An Shicong's light curtain, and saw that An Shicong stepped onto the Level 1 step of the Eighth Layer at this time.

"Oh? Wei Qingjue is not bad too, in Seventh Layer." Immortal Monarch joyfully said.

Shen Chongguang is overjoyed. It seems that this year's Blu-ray Star Domain has achieved good results. Specially glanced at Fu Hongguang, Fu Hongguang's face was black, pretending not to see Shen Chongguang's gaze.

"hehehe......" Shen Chongguang didn't care and laughed unstoppably.

"Qin Shuang has followed the above picture."

At this time, Qin Shuang has already stepped onto Level 7, and the text picture is also on Level 7. .

Thirty-four patriarchs stared at Qin Shuang in the light curtain, and they had already made up their minds. It was time to recruit Qin Shuang.

It's just that Xu Mo just thought for a while, and shook the head. He felt that it was impossible for Qin Shuang to join any family, even if it was Xu Family, Qin Shuang would not join.

First of all, Qin Shuang will not be able to use cultivation resources. Will a person of the four Grandmasters of the Pill Talisman Array lack cultivation resources?

No one will lack her!

Secondly, Qin Shuang will not lack cultivation inheritance. After entering Tianziyuan, will he lack cultivation inheritance? Was Ziyuan still the first Academy in Spirit World that day?


Thanks a lot to Liao Mubai (1500), book friend 20180321070733031 (1000), rainy night and snow (500), a gust of wind james (200), WY worry-free (200), Seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Yun Wu Fei Yang Si Si Xian (100) rewards!



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