Qin Shuang’s heart beat violently: "Old town, do you mean...it can evolve into Immortal Treasure?"

"en!" Old town nodded and said: "It It was originally not refined, but created something from nothing. It was born in your Dao Heart and has unlimited possibilities. Whether she can evolve into Immortal Treasure depends on the realm of your Dao Heart cultivation. It depends on what realm you have learned about Sound of Great Dao. Every bit of your understanding of Sound of Great Dao in the future will improve this Ancient Qin.

However, you should start from this one now. Get the sound of reaching in Ancient Qin."

"How to get it?"

"Put your hand on that note."

Qin Shuang stretches He put out a hand and pressed it on the note in the center of Ancient Qin.

"ding dong 咚……"

The sound of heaven resounded in Qin Shuang's heart, the Sound of Great Dao roared in Qin Shuang's heart, and Qin Shuang was roaring in rhythm. in the world.

Primordial Spirit, Yang God and Ling are instantly intoxicated.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.

The sea water under Qin Shuang began to circulate, and every drop of water turned into a note, forming a vortex of notes. The vortex expanded gradually, and a crash-bang sounded in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Sound, but the sound of flowing water contains a rhythm that makes everything intoxicated.

The big mouth fish in the sea jumped out of the sea, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, like one after another rainbow. The fragrant beasts dancing lightly and gracefully in the forest, even the flowers and trees are shaking lightly.

The sound of running water gradually stopped, the big mouth fish dived into the seabed, the tired beast fell asleep, the grass stopped shaking, the silence in the Monster Suppressing Tower returned, and Qin Shuang opened his eyes.

Standing up from the surface of the water and walking towards the shore, Ancient Qin turned into a stream of light and entered Dao Heart.


Splitting the air sound sounded, Qin Shuang stretched out his hand, and then spread his palm in front of him, with a dark corner lying on the palm of his hand. There was a brilliant melting on the face.

At this moment, a hundred flowers are in full bloom in the Monster Suppressing Tower...

"Master, how?" Qin Shuang's feet landed on the bank, and the old man asked with a smile.

"Nightmare!" Qin Shuang said softly.


"en!" Qin Shuang whispered: "I comprehended a song, it is a nightmare!"

Qin Shuang binoculars Slightly squinted, and heard everything she had encountered in the big fish. Originally thought it was the world where the big fish cultivation appeared, but now she knew that it was a nightmare sung by the big fish, and plunged herself into the nightmare. If it weren't for Merit Tablet, he would turn to stone in the nightmare and eventually die.

"Old town, has the water spirit been refined?"

"en!" Old town nodded, extend the hand, with a drop of water in her palm.

Qin Shuang looked down, although it was just a drop of water, it exuded surging energy. Qin Shuang extended the hand, after receiving the drop of water, he felt heavy immediately.


In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit sent out a longing restlessness, Qin Shuang took out a jade box and put the water in the jade box Inside, whispered:

"Don’t worry, I will refining after I finish the assessment. Otherwise you will fall asleep. I still need you during the assessment."

Qin Shuang Collapse I left the jade box, thoughts move, and left the Monster Suppressing Tower. Strolling among the peach trees, gradually relaxes the mood.

The central square.

A dense crowd once again gathered, and Qin Shuang's name topped the list. An Immortal Monarch volleyed and landed on the gimbal, and the Immortal Monarchs on the gimbal greeted the Immortal Monarch one after another.

"Ji Mou, how did you come? Pill Pagoda's assessment has been completed."

Ji Mouhan said with a smile: "Some things have been delayed, let's talk about this. There is no dísciple for the cultivator of this year. I just thought about moving, and suddenly wanted to come and have a look."

When the words fell, Ji Mou looked at the ranking list and saw the name of Qin Shuang, Mou light flashed.

"clan elder told me that a pill concocting genius appeared in this assessment, called Qin Shuang, I don’t know if it’s a little girl."

"Ji Mou, didn’t you hear The name of Qin Shuang, do you want to recruit her?" An Immortal Monarch with said with a smile: "With her pill concocting realm, even if she wants to join the family, I’m afraid she will join the 34 families of Sky Purple Star One, you don't have a chance!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ji Mouhan said with a smile, but looked at the name of Qin Shuang on the ranking list with a little more nostalgia, a hint of urgency.

"Asssing disciples are here!"

The Immortal Monarch looked into the sky, and they saw a cultivator descend from the sky, before the talisman tower.

Today is the third round of Tianziyuan's assessment, the Tower of Talisman assessment. At the order of Hai Kuotian, the dean of Tianzi Academy, numerous cultivators began to flood into the gate of the talisman.

Still, the cultivator of the inner Star Domain first went in first. Qin Shuang and the others stood in the line and looked towards the talisman.

"weng weng weng ……"

In just an instant, light curtains appeared one after another, Qin Shuang randomly probed spiritual consciousness into a light curtain, and saw one The cultivator was standing on the First Layer of the talisman and looked up at the sky. Above the cultivator, a huge talisman appeared, covering the entire layer. While rotating, the huge talisman slowly fell downward. . When I saw that cultivator, he reached out and grabbed a rune pen floating in front of him, looking towards the huge talisman flying away, and then waving the rune pen to draw a rune pattern towards The huge talisman was printed.


The huge talisman shook, then dissipated.


The figure of the young man appeared in the Second Layer of the talisman, and a huge talisman began to spin down again.

On the highest platform, Lang Heng said with a smile to Wen Hualiang: "Brother Wen, your family Wen Yu is probably the first in the talisman assessment."

Qin Shuang The cultivator I observed was one of the two assessment quotas for Tian Zixing. Wen Jia’s side branch dísciple Wen Yu, his speed was extremely fast, he cracked the talisman of the Second Layer and rushed to the Third Layer in less than 3 breaths time. Then rushed to Fourth Layer and Fifth Layer. Although there was a light curtain continuously chasing behind and following closely from behind to rise, it was always behind him and kept him in the lead.

"At this speed, I don't want to wait until we go in, the cultivators in Star Domain have completed the assessment of the Talisman." Yu Guanting whispered.

"Are you sure today?" Qin Shuang asked.

Yu Guanting said with a confident smile at the corner of her mouth: "Thanks to your help, I have now entered the Grandmaster realm."

An Shicong’s mouth is also exposed. With a confident smile, Wei Qingjue saw An Shicong’s confident smile and couldn’t help asking:

"Have you also stepped into the realm of Grandmaster?"

Qin Shuang looked at An Shi Cong glanced, Qin Shuang was not at all surprised that An Shicong stepped into the realm of Talisman Dao Grandmaster. In the prison is the cultivation and death Profound Truth, so the Pill Pagoda assessment is not the strong point of the prison. An Shicong is the last step in the Eighth Layer, and has not succeeded in refining the Immortal Pill, the realm of Grandmaster. However, the talisman should be the strength of the jailer.

"Eighth Layer!"


Thank you very much for the rainy night looking forward to the falling snow (1000), the clouds dance and the silk fairy (200), a gust of wind james (200), Gongyue Wangchang (100), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100) rewards!



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