"It's not! But at the moment in Spirit World, only our Xu Family will be. Please also Qin Fellow Daoist to tell you where you learned it."

"hehe..." Qin Shuang lightly smiled Two voices: "Since it was not created by your Xu Family, everyone can learn from it. Everyone relies on their own chances. Why do I tell you about my chances?"

Xu Luoyu's expression It became gloomy, but there was no way to refute this, Qin Shuang lightly cups the hands to the 34 Young Masters and said:

"I just finished the assessment, I am a little tired, Qin Shuang will return first!"

The words fall, turn around and leave. Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali, Tie Rou softly followed behind. Xu Kaishan and Xu Azure Lotus looked at Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaitian cups the hands towards Xu Luoxue and the others, and took Xu Kaishan and Xu Azure Lotus and left in strides.

"hehe..." Ren Pingsheng said with a smile: "Brother Luo Xue, you Xu Family are very arrogant!"

"hehe..." Xu Luoxue smiled lightly. Two words: "Xu Family has soared up more cultivators. When they first came up, they were all proud of Phoenix. After a while, you will know that you are just a chicken!"


Peach Garden.

Qin Shuang, Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Azure Lotus, Chu Dali, Tie Rourou, Hou Disha, Lei Xing, Yuguan Court, Wei Qingjue sitting around a table, fragrant beast meat , Monkey Wine, big mouth fish, corn rice with corn syrup, everyone eats Divine Immortal. The chopsticks do not fall, and no one speaks at all.

After eating for one hour, everyone put down their chopsticks one after another, and their faces were satisfied.

"Qin Shuang, I didn't expect that when we met in the Immemorial space, your cultivation base was much worse than us, but now it has surpassed us." Xu Kaitian looked at Qin Shuang and said with emotion.

"It's a coincidence!" Qin Shuang said with a smile,

"Qin Shuang, when you finish your assessment, we will discuss it." Xu Kaishan looked at Qin Shuang expectantly.

"Okay!" Qin Shuang nodded and said: "I also want to see the Absolute Art of Xu Family. By the way, I am curious, how did your Xu Family become the first family of Spirit World, with Such a deep foundation?"

Xu Kaitian said with pride on his face: "That's because of our Xu Family's Old Ancestor Xu Ziyan. Speaking of our Old Ancestor, it is definitely a Legendary..."

The moon has been rising to the sky, Qin Shuang and the others are still immersed in the world of Xu Family’s Old Ancestor Xu Ziyan having ups and downs and surging forward with great momentum.

It's just amazing!

"Huh..." Qin Shuang exhaled a long breath and murmured: "It's so yearning!"

Xu Kaitian and the others have left, and will go there in three days. Watch Qin Shuang run through the talisman tower. After leaving Xu Kaitian and the others, Qin Shuang returned to his Cave Mansion and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower.

"Old town, has the water spirit been refined?"

Qin Shuang asked when he saw the old town. After returning from Wukong Secret Realm, Qin Shuang gave the Demon Sect to the veteran of the town, so that the veteran of the town could extract it. Think about it after so long, it should have been refined. But I didn’t expect that the old man anxiously said:

"It's refined, master, please go see something with me first."

Before Qin Shuang asked, he The old town elder grabbed his arm, and in just an instant, he was already standing on the beach. Qin Shuang's expression was taken aback.

In her vision, the big fish brought back from the dark space has completely disappeared and turned into a huge water column, a circling water column.


This is not what surprised Qin Shuang. What surprised Qin Shuang was that at the top of the water column, there was a talisman floating.


It shouldn’t be a talisman, it just looks like a talisman, and it’s not made of runes, but of notes.

"What's that?"

"That's Dao Yin." Zhen Lao's eyes flashed with excitement.


"en! Not every dark creature will condense Taoyin. According to Human Sovereign, billions of dark creatures will condense a Taoyin . This is a deep understanding of nature that will condense Taoyin. Once Taoyin is condensed, a world of tune will be played, one voice and one world, and the enemy will sink into the world of tune."

Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold, sounded that after being swallowed by a big fish, I fell into the world one by one. I originally thought that the big fish had formed a world by itself, but it turned out to be just sinking into the big fish's musical world. Looking at the Dao Yin, Qin Shuang licked her dry lips and said:

"What is it...what use is it for me?"

"Refining her and comprehending the Sound of Great Dao, it will give you a qualitative change in the realm of your rhythm."


Qin Shuang stepped on the void, he was already standing above the circling water column, here is Monster Suppressing Tower, this circling water column is not the slightest danger to her.

Qin Shuang was hesitant at this time. She didn't know whether to use Primordial Spirit, Yang God, or spirit to refining the Tao Yin. After thinking about it, they decided to leave it to Primordial Spirit, and Yang God and Ling decided on their own. She approached the Daoyin, then opened her mouth and took a breath.

The sound turned into a stream of notes, flowing into Qin Shuang's mouth.

Qin Shuang slowly closed his eyes and stood empty in the air.

The sound entered Qin Shuang's body, and Dao Heart suddenly buzzed, and then saw the creek-like notes flow towards Dao Heart.

The notes flowed into the Dao Heart of Qin Shuang, not to the spirit, but to the ancient Qin held by the right hand of the spirit.

"Ding dong dong......"

That Ancient Qin string is automatic, the notes are beating, and the melody is rippling, Qin Shuang's figure is slowly Falling in the air, and finally landing on the sea, sitting cross-legged, as the sea undulates, the blue water reflects the appearance of Qin Shuang.

Countless notes flowed into the Ancient Qin that was born in Qin Shuang Dao Heart, flowed in Ancient Qin, flowed into every corner of Ancient Qin, and then gathered in the middle of Ancient Qin. Ancient Qin has turned into a solid state and is continuously improving its quality.

two hours.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Those notes are the central gathering of Ancient Qin, and finally turned into a colorful note symbol. Upon closer inspection, it is a large note symbol constructed from countless small notes.


Qin Shuang thoughts move, and the ancient Qin flowed out and placed it horizontally on Qin Shuang's knees. Qin Shuang's eyes fell on Ancient Qin.

At this time, the Ancient Qin has changed its appearance, the whole body is like jade, and the strings cannot be seen unless you look closely, crystal clear and near-transparent. Qin Shuang placed his hand lightly on Ancient Qin, and a sense of solidity came from his hand.

Completely solid, real piano!

"Top Grade Immortal Artifact!"

Qin Shuang's eyes flashed, this Ancient Qin born in his Dao Heart has turned into a real piano, and it is still A Top Grade Immortal Artifact.

"This Ancient Qin is still possible to evolve!" The old man didn't know when he appeared beside Qin Shuang, looking at the Ancient Qin with scorching eyes.


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