That is a big fish!

Like a big fish like an island, Qin Shuang has never seen such a big fish.


With a sound like running water, the light egg covering Qin Shuang shattered and turned into thirty-six talisman, although it became dim, But still exuding huge power, it fell towards the big fish below.

"Boom boom boom..."

Qin Shuang stared at the scene below blankly. Thirty-six mushroom clouds rose from the body of the big fish, followed by The big fish made a terrible cry.

"puff puff puff..."

The terrible cry made Qin Shuang Qiqiao spurt blood, look pale. The figure is in the air on the verge of collapse.

It turns out that the base I built did not know when it was eaten by this big fish. In this way, the statues in it were all the cultivator that the big fish once swallowed, and the Primordial Spirit and soul were swallowed by it. It turned into a statue in the end.

This dark shadow is a spiritual world, and the spirit of every creature is very powerful. The minds of those cultivators who have been deceived are unconsciously turned into statues. If I don't have a Merit Tablet, I'm afraid I will become a statue.

"It's not dead yet!"

In Qin Shuang's field of vision, the big fish flicked its tail slowly and dived underwater. Qin Shuang thoughts move, threw all the blood refinement divine ability talisman and ordinary talisman that he refined to the big fish. The sky seemed to be a talisman fish.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless mushroom clouds suddenly lifted into the sky, and the black ocean set off huge waves. About a quarter of an hour later, the dark world fell silent again, and the big fish floated on the sea with its belly turned. Qin Shuang's mouth twitched. At this time, I felt a little heartache. Just now, under his anger, he threw down all the talisman, and even the blood refinement divine ability talisman was reduced to ashes.


Qin Shuang's figure swooped down towards the big fish, and a palm was placed on the big fish's body.


The big fish disappeared instantly and was taken into the Monster Suppressing Tower by Qin Shuang.


Falling into the ocean in the Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang stretched out his left hand and pointed his index to the space. A black vortex appeared in the space, Qin Shuang stepped in.

"Pu Tong!"

Qin Shuang sat down in the peach forest, gasping for breath. After about a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang stood up, walked out of the peach forest, and flew towards the lotus space.

In Qin Shuang’s Cave Mansion, Hua Taixiang was lying outside the door. From time to time, he took out a medicine pill from the storage ring and threw it into his mouth. At this time, his cultivation base had reached the Nine Heavens Profound. Immortal Ninth Layer, even if Qin Shuang takes a medicine pill, it has to run the cultivation technique refining for a period of time, but the flower is too fragrant but it is like eating jelly beans.

"en?" The flowers were too fragrant, and looked at the hollow in the hands. Spiritual consciousness swept the storage ring again, muttering in a low voice:

"Eat it? Oh, it’s eaten up, and then ask the elder sister."

Then he looked towards Qin Shuang in the Monster Suppressing Tower and called: "elder sister, I don’t have a medicine pill anymore!"


A storage bag fell abruptly in front of Hua Taixiang’s paws, Hua Taixiang closed the storage bag with a smile and began to eat again. medicine pill.

In the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Qin Shuang and Artifact Spirit are standing by the sea, looking at the sea in shock. I saw that the body of the big fish was gradually melting, and a vortex was born from the island-like big fish. When the big fish disappeared a little, the vortex expanded a little. Gradually the vortex began to bulge and formed on the sea. A water column, a rapidly rotating water column, and as the carcass of a big fish melts, the water column gets bigger and bigger and higher.

"Hua hua..."

Qin Shuang's shocked expression became stronger and stronger with the sound of the stirring of the sea. Murmured in a low voice:

"Old town, I feel that this water column is so familiar, I should have seen it."

"Have you seen?"

"en It seems to be..." Qin Shuang suddenly opened his eyes, and excitedly said: "I remember, I once saw in the dark world, it is such a rotating water column that can spray a dark corner. Is it possible that the dark corner is born? Chengdu was transformed by a powerful dark creature after death?"

Old Zhen thought for a while, and said slightly nodded: "It's very possible!"

Qin Shuang 欣happily said: "Is that in the future Monster Suppressing Tower will have a place where dark corners are constantly sprayed?"

The old town rolled his eyes and said: "Master, you are dreaming! Those dark corners are Transformed by this powerful dark creature, when the energy of its whole body is transformed into dark corners, this water column will definitely disappear."


Qin Shuang's face There was a trace of regret, and then he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Anyway, I will have a group of dark horns. My previous dark horns are gone, and the void lotus seed liquid and weak aquatic plants are gone. The Heaven and Earth Treasure lacking this attribute."

"It may take a long time for this dark creature to completely transform into a dark corner." The old town looked at the huge island-like Big fish said.

Qin Shuang looked at the speed at which the big fish melted, and couldn’t help but nodded and said: “Looking at this speed, it will take at least ten years before it can completely melt. If it takes time to turn into a dark corner I don’t know how much time it will take. Mr. Zhen, please pay attention to it. I’ll go to the cultivation. After returning from the empty space, I entered the dark corner and regained the Primordial Spirit and Yang God. There has been no cultivation. This time I should be able to The breakthrough has reached the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Third Layer."

"Go, master, the second round is about to be assessed, are you ready?"

"Probably. "

Qin Shuang is slightly nodded, she is not very sure about the assessment of Tianzi Academy, this time it is ten rounds of assessment, only the first round of assessment will kill tens of millions of cultivators.


It is death, not elimination!

From this, you can imagine how cruel this Tianziyuan assessment meeting will be!

The morning sun fell from in the sky and drove away the darkness. The Sky Purple City instantly became alive and noisy. Countless people flowed in one direction and gathered in the central square of Sky Purple City.

There are nine towers!

Tian Pagoda, Pill Pagoda, Fu Pagoda, Qi Pagoda, Array Pagoda, Qin Pagoda, Chess Pagoda, Book Pagoda, Painting Pagoda.

Today is the second round of Tianzicheng assessment.

Chuangqi Tower!

In the end, the cultivator still has to take martial arts as honor, the other is just to assist the cultivator to comprehend the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, to comprehend the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth more perfect, and to take a higher peak.

Therefore, although the nine towers of the Tianzi Academy's assessment were opened, it started with the fight of the three clans and ended with the tower of the sky. Start with Wu and end with Wu!

Qin Shuang and Jade Crown Court are walking side by side in the crowd, Qin Shuang Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Third Layer, and Jade Crown Court Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fifth Layer.

Behind them were Chu Dali, Tie Rourou, Lei Xing, and Hou Disha.


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