Dao Heart, Sea of ​​Consciousness, the beating sound in the astral space meets and merges in Qin Shuang's body, erupting a more magnificent beating sound.

"dong dong dong......"

As passionate as a drum of war!

Qin Shuang's consciousness was concentrated, and there was no feeling of burning anymore. Instead, he was fighting intent high, and his fighting spirit rushed into the sky!


Qin Shuang pushed the door completely open and stepped out. What appeared in front of her was no longer a jade green lawn. There were flowers and green trees. Among the flowers, under the green trees, there was a swing. On the swing, there was a woman sitting with her head down and swinging on the swing. While singing.

Countless flowers swayed with her singing, like elves in bright costumes, dancing to the singing.

"The dark sky...ah...the dark earth...ah...the dark river..."

Qin Shuang glanced at the woman, the woman seemed to simply not I found Qin Shuang, still singing with his head down. Qin Shuang looked away from her and began to observe the entire garden, and saw a door opposite her.

Qin Shuang stepped on the lawn, walked towards the door, and passed in front of the woman. She couldn't help but glanced at the woman, who suddenly raised her head, her pale complexion His eyes had no pupils, they were all white, staring at Qin Shuang, but the beautiful singing voice came from the pale lips.

"Ah...dark soul...ah...I long for light..."

Qin Shuang's hair stood up immediately, a cold air rising from his feet, straight to the top of his head, Let the top of the head go numb.

The woman was still swinging on the swing, staring at Qin Shuang with white eyes, singing lithe and graceful singing in her mouth.

"Ah...Where did the time go...In this gloomy time, I can't feel the ebbing of time...Ah..."

Qin Shuang hurriedly moved away His eyes rushed towards the door in front.

"Ah... passing... Ah... it passed away my memory... Ah... I left other people's memory..."

Qin Shuang suddenly felt The singing was behind her, she stopped suddenly and turned around suddenly.


The sweat is like pulp, and the whole clothes are soaked!

She saw the woman standing behind her, singing beautiful songs in her mouth, and staring at her with white eyes.

Qin Shuang felt that he was numb all over, and couldn't help but step by step backwards, while the woman followed Qin Shuang's footsteps, step by step forward.

"Who are you?" Qin Shuang couldn't help but ask.


When she opened her mouth, she felt that the Fire Phoenix Primordial Spirit that controlled her body suddenly became sluggish, and then flew out towards the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Her eyes saw the strange smile on the face of the opposite woman, her singing stopped, but her mouth opened, as if waiting for Qin Shuang’s Fire Phoenix Primordial Spirit to fly out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness and devour the Fire. Phoenix Primordial Spirit.


A talisman fell off the Merit Tablet and turned into silk runes hovering around the Fire Phoenix Primordial Spirit, forming a light mask. Fire Phoenix Primordial Spirit's sluggish eyes regained their agility. Regained control of the body, step by step stepped back.

The woman's weird smile changed obviously, as if she felt surprised, and then she sang a ballad again.


Unconsciously, she has backed to the end, her back hit the door, knocked the door open, she hurried back two steps , The body retreated into the gate.

The woman stopped at the gate, seemingly unable to enter. Her eyes were all white, staring at Qin Shuang, her mouth closed.


Qin Shuang closed the door, blocking the opponent's weird sight.

She turned around and saw a staircase.

Raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyes patrolled the stairs, and finally stepped onto the stairs.


Qin Shuang stepped on the stairs, making a hollow sound.

Qin Shuang stood at the top of the stairs and looked inside, looking blank again.

She went back to the previous room. The Human Race and the Monster Race also appeared to be playing chess. The Monster Race held a chess piece in midair, and the Human Race was in midair. It was a sneer on his face.

"How can I get out?"

Qin Shuang stood there quietly, his eyes swept across the remaining two doors, and wanted to see inside those two doors have what. However, in the end, her gaze fell on the two chess players, and then walked towards the two players, walking carefully, holding the fire sword in her hands.

She walked a few times before the case, the one human one monster still had no response, Qin Shuang's eyes fell on the chessboard, but in an instant, Qin Shuang fell into the world on the chessboard, and she became A soldier, wearing white clothed white armor, was fighting against the enemy in black clothed black armor.

She started to petrify little by little again.


The Merit Tablet in Qin Shuang Sea of ​​Consciousness buzzed, and a talisman fell off and turned into silk runes and brushed across the four Primordial Spirit, and at this time the four Primordial Spirits are undergoing a trace of petrification, and after the runes pass, they dissolve the petrification.


There is still a slight strange aura rising from the chessboard and entering Qin Shuang’s body, allowing Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ling and Yang God to regain Once started to petrochemical, this time it turned out to be petrochemical from the inside out.


The Merit Tablet vibrated and found the root of petrochemicals. A talisman floated out of Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness and circled the chessboard. , And then gave up the chessboard and circled the entire room.

"weng weng weng ……"

That talisman kept shaking in the air, and that kind of shaking formed a mysterious wave, directly into the Sea of ​​Qin Shuang Consciousness.

"weng weng weng ……"

The Merit Tablet vibrated, one by one talisman fell off, rushing out of Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and finally appeared in Qin Shuang’s body in total There are a total of thirty-six talisman around, circling around Qin Shuang's body, circling faster and faster, and finally a light cocoon is formed, covering Qin Shuang inside. At this time, Qin Shuang was fully awake, and the petrification on his body had completely disappeared.


Qin Shuang rose up into the sky like a bare egg, breaking through the ceiling, straight up.

"Boom boom boom..."

With a series of roars, Qin Shuang feels like he has shuttled through countless space wall barriers, surrounded by hard rays of light, and the radiant light egg begins Become gradually dimmed.

"Boom boom boom..."

Qin Shuang can feel the pressure one after another is breaking, as if breaking one after another space wall barrier, suddenly as if the pressure disappears, then Guangdan accelerated into the sky. Qin Shuang in Guangdan looked down through the light curtain and saw a huge island floating in the black ocean. As Guangdan lifted into the sky, the island was in sight. The medium gradually became smaller, and Qin Shuang finally saw clearly what it was.


Thank you very much for the rainy night and looking forward to the snow (1000), dcc_closely (500), Zhao Yilin and Ziyan (500), study hard (200), a gust of wind james (200) , Yunwu Feiyang Sisixian (100), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), earnest study and study (100) for rewards!



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