Qin Shuang's heart is awe-inspiring. These Demon Race cultivators are forcing themselves. If they don't agree, they may take risks and want to swallow their Demon Race cultivator.

Demon Race has always been a selfish race.

"hmph!" Qin Shuang was coldly snorted, his heart turned, and the demons had already flown out of the ice field and were in a plain. Qin Shuang paused and said:

"It is not impossible for me to teach you the true explanation of the demonic path, and I do need followers. But..." Qin Shuang's eyes showed a look of ridicule said:

"If you want to be my follower, you have to show me some ability, right? It can also be called a name-voting certificate."

The spirit of the demons After shaking, they said in unison: "What does your Highness want us to do?"

"I want you to inform the demons as much as possible and let them come here. At the same time, I need you to hunt Monster Race a lot. I need the skin and blood of Monster Race."

"His Royal Highness, the strongest one is Monster Race today. We should kill Human Race." And demonic path.

Qin Shuang lightly said: "I need the skin and blood of Demon Race to make a talisman. You should kill a lot of Monster Race cultivator first, and then I will use the talisman made by Monster Race and take you to kill Human. Race. So, the first place in this tribal fight must be us."

"His Royal Highness, will you make a talisman?" Each Demon Race opened its eyes wide in shock.

Qin Shuang proudly said: "As long as you are satisfied with your Highness, I will teach you when the time comes. These demonic paths have true solutions."

"Okay! "The demons became excited: "Let's notify other Fellow Daoist and kill Monster Race at the same time. Your Highness, can I leave some cultivator to protect you?"

Qin Shuang nodded, she knows this It's not that Demon Race wants to protect her, but it's monitoring her, afraid that she will run away.

Soon, ten Demon Race cultivators were left behind, and the remaining Demon Race cultivators left quickly.

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged, exploring Yang God and Primordial Spirit, and sighed in his heart. Yang God and Primordial Spirit have not yet awakened. Turning to the Demon Race cultivator sitting next to him and asked:

"How many half-step Immortal Kings are there today in our Demon Race?"

"There should be more than twenty." A Demon Race cultivator.

"More than that, there should be half a step Immortal King has been traveling outside, or I don't know where to retreat." Another Demon Race cultivator said.

"How many Human Race half-step Immortal Kings are there?"

"I don't know, it should be more than Demon Race!"

"What about Monster Race? "

"Monster Race should be less. But it is not less. If we win first this time, we get Human Race and Monster Race each with a Star Domain, and we can invade them. Our Demon Race will He soon became the overlord of Spirit World and surpassed Human Race."

"This requires a long time. Where can the background become so easy to become deep? It is difficult to surpass Human Race in a short time." Qin Shuang lightly said.

"Our Demon Race has a Demon Palace. It is said that this Demon Palace fell from Immortal World about 100,000 years ago, but the Demon Palace can’t get in. Now the Demon Race is booming, maybe you can. Go in. Once we get the inheritance in Demon Palace, in a short time, our Demon Race will surpass Human Race. Become the overlord of Spirit World."

"Demon Palace!"

Qin Shuang was shocked. You must know that Qin Shuang is now a fellow practitioner of the Fairy and Demon, and Demon Palace also has an extraordinary attraction for her. After banging on some of the secrets of Demon Race, Qin Shuang closed his eyes on the grounds of cultivation.

She called Fengming in the heart, and she quickly got Fengming's response. It turned out that Feng Min had been following her secretly, not far from her. Qin Shuang immediately let Fengming stay away from here, looking for a hidden place to hide, because Demon Race is about to start hunting Monster Race cultivator in large numbers.

In the following days, there will be continuously Demon Race cultivators coming together, and they all bring Monster Race corpses, some more, some less.

Qin Shuang commanded Demon Race to peel off the skin of Monster Race and collect the blood. She made a rune pen out of Monster Race hair, and then selected some Demon Race cultivators and began to teach them The basic method of making talisman paper. Then those Demon Race cultivators began to make Monster Race leather bubbles into talisman paper, and Qin Shuang made talisman day and night. After making a batch of talisman, Qin Shuang will drive a talisman into the ground on the plain, and tell the Demon Race cultivator that she is going to deploy a Defensive Great Array. When the Defensive Great Array is successfully deployed, she starts to teach the crowd. When the demonic path is really understood.

When imparting the true explanation of the demonic path, the demons are likely to enter the sudden enlightenment stage at any time. Without the protection of the Defensive Great Array, once attacked by Human Race and Monster Race, the demons who enter the sudden enlightenment are the lambs to be slaughtered.

As the demons heard, no one doubted Qin Shuang. Because in their eyes, Qin Shuang is a Demon Race, impossible together with Human Race or Monster Race to murder them. Therefore, they hunted Monster Race even more vigorously, and those Demon Race made of talisman paper believed in Qin Shuang even more.

Qin Shuang has begun to teach them the inheritance of making talisman paper, what else is untrustworthy?

So, whenever Qin Shuang started to set up the formation, although they could not understand, they followed Qin Shuang and admired it, as if they could understand it.

More than a month has passed, and there are 36 days left before Secret Realm is reopened.

This day.

An earth platform was built in the middle of the plain, and Qin Shuang stood on the earth platform. A densely packed Demon Race cultivator stands around the soil platform.

After more than a month of fighting, first entered the Secret Realm and then the chaos, then the three races searched for and killed each other, and then later, Demon Race specifically looked for Monster Race to kill , Eventually led to a large-scale war broke out between Monster Race and Demon Race. Up to now, Qin Shuang does not know how much Monster Race is left, but there are only more than 10 million of the nearly 40 million Demon Race cultivators left, and they are all gathered here at this time, shrouded in a large formation under Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang glanced across the demons, opened the mouth and said: "Everyone Fellow Daoist, I will open the Defensive Great Array now, and then teach you the true explanation of the demonic path."

"Thank You Your Highness!" Ten million Demon Race cultivator shouted in unison.

"array start!" Qin Shuang stretched his arms to both sides.


On the plain, the brilliance is shining, a huge light curtain rises, and all the Demon Race cultivators look excitedly at the light curtain all around , I saw that the light curtain rises toward the sky, and then converges toward the middle at the highest point.


Like a bell ringing, grandiose, light curtains gather together, like a huge bowl upside down on the plain, covering all the Demon Races inside .

"His Royal Highness!" I didn't know it was the Demon Race cultivator who roared, and then all the Demon Race cultivators raised their arms and cheered.

"His Royal Highness Hero!"

"His Royal Highness Hero!"


When these demon races cheered and cheered When the cultivator turned around and looked at the soil platform in the center, he was surprised to find that Qin Shuang, who was standing on the soil platform, had disappeared.

On the empty soil platform, where is there a silhouette?


Thank you very much for the rainy night and looking forward to the snow (1000), Juluya (100), study hard (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) , Zhao Yilin, Ziyan (100), Yun Wu Feiyang Sisi Xian (100) rewards!



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