Xiang Jiaojiang Qin Shuang selectively said something about Tianlinxing, and Tang Han's eyebrows danced, and Tang Qian's eyes also showed sigh. I didn't expect Qin Shuang to be just a soaring cultivator, growing up like this in such a short time. At this time, he also believed in Xiang Jiao, and said:

"Xiangyou, you are here, but what do you need old man to help?"

"I want to go I went to Qin Shuang, but I wanted to borrow some money from the senior. I must pay it back. If I don’t have the ability to pay it back, she will pay it back when I see Qin Shuang."

Tang Qianshou looked at Xiang Jiao and said: "You Why are you in such a hurry to find Qin Shuang?"

"Because..." Xiang Jiao hesitated and said: "It's related to Qin Shuang's life."

Tang Qianshou looked at him. Change: "What? Speak clearly!"

Xiang Jiao shook his head and said: "Can't say!"

Tang Qianshou complexion sank, looked at Xiang Jiao, Immortal Monarch Peak The coercion moved towards Xiangjiao.

"Tick Tick Tick..."

Big drops of sweat fell on Jiao’s forehead, and a layer of sweat soon accumulated on the ground. It's just that Xiang Jiao still stubbornly stared at Tang Qianshou, looking at Motionless As Mountains.


He breathed out at Jiao. If Tang Qian didn't take back the pressure, he would fall from his chair to the ground. A single thought emerged in my heart.

"Qin Shuang said it is really good, I have not been in vain for the tempering of my mood over the years."

"I can give you the fairy crystal, you don't need to pay it back." At this time Tang Qianshou's face has been replaced with a gentle smile: "In the future, if you have the ability, I hope to take care of Xiaohan."

Xiang Jiao couldn't help sighing, this is the Great Family. Patriarch's heart and wisdom, if he hadn't walked outside of the Star Domain and had traveled in the past few years, even if he had obtained the position of patriarch in Tianlinxing, he would not have this courage and wisdom.

I came out right!

Now I stood up and offered a salute to Tang Qianshou: "Senior is polite, Junior will remember this love, but with Qin Shuang, I’m afraid I won’t need Junior to take care of Xiaohan."


"hahaha..." Tang Qianshou said with a big smile: "Xiang Xiaoyou, I have an idea. You can help me consider it. Is it feasible?"

"Senior, please tell me ."

"I want to send someone to Tianlinxing to invite Qin Shuang’s dísciple and people around to Moxing. You should also know that Qin Shuang has a mansion in Moxing, and they will cultivation in the future. The resources of the old man, what do you think?"

Xiang Jiao thought about it, nodded and said: "I think it is feasible. I will inform Qin Shuang about this."


Sky Forest Star.

In front of the gate of Qin Mansion, a stalwart young man stood. I have endured the hardships of a long journey, with a tired look on his face, but his breath is sturdy, and I can see that I have gone through the killing all the way.

The door opened, and a young man walked out and cups the hands to the young man: "In Yuantong, who is this brother?"

"Longxing in Jin Longxing!"


In the vast void, the figure of Demon Lord shuttled through it, his eyes moved slightly, and a hint of joy appeared on his face. Looking at a bright starry sky.

"Finally I’m in the Star Domain, and I can take the Transmission Formation. I don’t know if the person who attracted me is Qin Shuang or Xiang Jiao? Little fellow is not bad, I even cultivated the devil’s heart to the Third Layer After I swallow it, there will be a leap in the recovery of the cultivation base, hehe......"

No Space Secret Realm.

Qin Shuang, surrounded by the Demon Race cultivator, flew towards the ice field. Qin Shuang's gaze swept over the surrounding Demon Race cultivator from time to time, and from time to time he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. As long as he killed these Demon Race cultivators and swallowed their demonic energy, it would not only restore the previous consumption, but also the demon heart. Will go a step further.

It's just that Qin Shuang is so weak nowadays, how dare you take action on these many Demon Races?

"Little Confucian, do you still have enough power to seal the Demon Heart?" Ling Xiang Xiao Confucian sounded transmission.

"Can seal a layer." Xiaoru replied.

"One floor is fine, plus my chain of destruction and the word talisman, it should be able to temporarily seal the devil's heart for a period of time."

"But...you are not afraid of the seal anymore. Demon Heart, reveal the breath of your Human Race?"

"Incompletely seal, leave a portal to allow the demonic energy to flow out continuously, and I will restrain aura again, and it should be able to be covered by the demonic energy. Let's do it!"


The little Confucian and the spirit work together, one after another Grand Virtue Qi forms a seal and moves towards the seal of the demon heart, at the same time, the spirit is also released Out of the chain of destruction, entangled toward the demon heart.


Qin Shuang opened his mouth and called out pitifully sternly, and the demonic energy swelled all over his body.

"no! you dare!"


Qin Shuang's body stood there stiffly, and then resumed his activities again, his eyes Sweeping through the demons, only the slender raised blood lines in the pupils of those eyes slowly disappeared.


Qin Shuang exhaled for a long time, the spirit finally regained the control of the body, but did not completely seal the devil heart, still left A portal was opened, allowing demonic energy to flow out continuously, obscuring the breath of Qin Shuang Human Race.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?"

The demons looked at Qin Shuang with different eyes. Every Demon Race cultivator is eager to get the true solution of the demonic path. But they knew that they couldn't kill Qin Shuang to seize treasure in an empty space. Because they knew that even if they killed Qin Shuang, swallowed Qin Shuang, obtained Qin Shuang's memory, and obtained the true understanding of the demonic path, they would not live long. As long as you leave the Wukong Secret Realm, you will be exposed immediately, and then you will be caught by Su Luomu and swallow yourself.

No one is willing to do such things as wedding dresses for others.

They just want to be able to get Qin Shuang to teach them a little while in Wukong Secret Realm, even if they only teach themselves a little bit of the true solution of the demonic path, this is enough. As for leaving Wukong Secret Realm, he will naturally report Qin Shuang’s affairs to Su Luo Mu immediately. As for how Su Luo Mu treats Qin Shuang, is it devouring Qin Shuang or treating her as a demonic path Saintess, then not It's their business.


When the demons saw that the demonic energy that Qin Shuang shielded around the body was fading, they were about to reveal Qin Shuang's true face, and they all opened up. With eyes widened, he looked at Qin Shuang's face.

Qin Shuang's facial muscles squirmed quickly, and then dissipated the mask of the demonic energy of the face, revealing a face of evil and charm, which is very different from the original appearance of Qin Shuang.

"Your Majesty!" A Demon Race cultivator next to him showed a pleasing smile on his face and said: "Can you teach us a little bit of the demonic path? Just a little bit."

Qin Shuang moved forward, the demons followed closely, and the Demon Race cultivator said again:

"Your Highness, Human Race is so prosperous now, Monster and Demon Races are suppressed so much. Now although the demonic path is booming, But our background is no longer able to keep up with Human Race. If your Royal Highness can teach me the true explanation of the demonic path, the demonic path will be prosperous in a short time, and I am willing to follow your highness."

"I wait. Willing to follow His Royal Highness." Zhong Mohong said.


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