Qin Shuang put away a happy smile, his brows were frowned into two caterpillars, tangled for a long time, and finally sighed.

She didn't want to take Demon Soul water anymore, because that would make the Demon Heart out of control. However, after the battle with Limo, she desperately needs Primordial Spirit and Yang God to wake up.

Now she is the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Second Layer. If Primordial Spirit and Yang God wake up, her cultivation base will reach the lowest Immortal Monarch Second Layer. Even if she encounters a power demon, she won’t be like it anymore. She was so embarrassed before, and her hopes of living to three months increased greatly. Therefore, she has to take Demon Soul water.

"Let’s eat then!"

Qin Shuang ate Demon Soul water drop by drop, thirteen Demon Race necklaces, because just entered Wukong Secret Realm, the three races The battle started, and the Demon Race cultivator did not have time to take Demon Soul water. There are three drops of Demon Soul water in each pendant. Thirteen Demon Race necklaces are thirty-nine drops of Demon Soul water.

Qin Shuang quickly put thirty-nine drops of Demon Soul under the water. Primordial Spirit, Yang God and the spirit are all absorbing the energy of Demon Soul water, and the negative emotions of killing bloodthirsty are all absorbed by the demon. Heart absorption. Myriad forms Guo is also quietly recovering Qin Shuang's body. At this point, Qin Shuang had nothing to do. After thinking about it, he took out the Essence Power spring from a Monster Race necklace pendant and took a drop.

In just a breath of time, the Essence Power consumed by Qin Shuang's body was completely restored, and Qin Shuang also felt the Essence Power in his body condensed again.


Qin Shuang is not only surprised, this Essence Power Spring is definitely not just to restore the consumed Essence Power, although it restores Essence Power faster than Revolving Essence Pill It’s too much, but based on this, it’s impossible to be regarded as Supreme Treasure by Monster Race. The reason why it is regarded as Supreme Treasure is because it has a condensed effect on Essence Power. With this effect, if there is enough Essence Power, as long as the state of mind is on the comprehended road, the leap-through breakthrough is definitely not a problem.

Of course, Qin Shuang who owns Monster Suppressing Tower does not need this, but for other cultivators, regardless of race, it is definitely a Supreme Treasure.

Qin Shuang collected these Essence Power springs into the iron box that originally contained the myriad forms fruit in the belt, and then lay in the crack of the cliff, waiting for the injury to recover completely.

Suddenly, Qin Shuang opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and then he called Fengming in the heart.

Quickly, he got Fengming's response and asked Fengming to come and join him. Qin Shuang closed his eyes, lay in the crack, and waited quietly.

"Qingjue, are you still alive?" Yu Guanting carried Wei Qingjue on his back, fleeing frantically.

"I can't die!" Wei Qingjue on the back of Yuguanting breathed out: "But if we are caught up, we are probably dead. We need a safe place to heal our injuries. "

"It's okay. We have temporarily dumped the Monster Race behind. We just need to find a relatively safe place."

Jade Crown Court flew around while fleeing. Searching, eyes shined, looked towards a valley fell, and landed directly in an inconspicuous corner of the valley, putting Wei Qingjue down. Wei Qingjue glanced around and said:

"It's not very safe here either..." When the words fell, he passed out.

Jade Crown Court took out the hidden formation and activated it in front of him, and the silhouettes of the two disappeared in the corner of the valley.


On the day when Purple City was attacked by Demon Race, when the blood moon was clear, the Secret Realm where the Demon Lord was located was closed by the mighty demonic energy, no matter who was near the Secret Realm, it would Enchanted, gradually, it became a forbidden place.

"dong dong dong......"

I don’t know from what day, the sound of heart beating from Secret Realm, and the sound of heart beating more and more over time It was louder and louder, and in the end, the entire Tianlinxing could hear it. Let Tianlinxing's numerous cultivators fall into deep fear.

This day.

The heartbeat that made the Tianlinxing cultivator's fearful heart beat suddenly disappeared, and then disappeared abruptly.

The world is shaking, and countless Great Cultivator stars are flying towards Secret Realm.

Within Secret Realm.

The huge heart is no longer beating, but it is squirming. As it squirts, its shape begins to change.

Finally turned into a stalwart silhouette!

"hahaha..." The voice laughed wildly: "I didn't expect the legend to be true. The time for Demon Race to reign has arrived, and the world's fortune will gather in Demon Race. My Demon Lord also uses this fortune to recover He took a deep breath and seemed to be able to smell the distant starry sky, just in this brief moment. The distant Mo Xing, who was working in the field, suddenly stood up straight, with big cold sweat bursting out of his forehead, his eyes seemed to travel through the starry sky, looking in the direction of Tianlin Xing.

"Xiang Jiao, what's the matter with you?" a man next to him asked with concern.

"dong dong dong......"

Xiang Jiao's heart beat violently, his face was extremely pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, and he trembled:

"He... came out..."

"Who? Who came out?"

Xiang Jiao put down his hoe and said: "I'm leaving."


"You are going? Where are you going?"

He looked at the inner Star Domain with an arrogant look, and said in the direction of Tian Zixing: "I'm going to tell her, he will come out Now."

No Secret Realm available.

A silhouette appeared in the sky above a crack, and he looked down. Suddenly the space below the crack rippled, and Qin Shuang's silhouette appeared abruptly. Fengming looked happy, and fell on the opposite side of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang looked at Fengming's somewhat pale face and said:


"en!" Fengming nodded and said: "Almost completely recovered."


Qin Shuang spiritual consciousness swept away, put down the worry on his face, put his hand on his belt and wiped it, took out a Healing Pill and handed it to Fengming:

"Take it, one hour should be It's recovering completely."

Fengming took it, took the medicine pill, and sat cross-legged to heal the injury.

After one hour.

Qin Shuang and Fengming sat opposite each other, Qin Shuang handed the remaining Essence Power springs to Fengming and said:

"Give it to you."


Fengming knew that Qin Shuang had a Monster Suppressing Tower and did not need Essence Power springs, so he took those Essence Power springs and put them away, took out one and swallowed it down and said:

"Qin Shuang, this Essence Power spring is very effective for me. If I have enough Essence Power spring, my cultivation base will be advanced by leaps and bounds."

Qin Shuang's eyes flickered and said: "Let’s grab it. Demon Race’s Demon Soul water is also very useful to me. You and I teamed up, and the Demon Soul water you grabbed belongs to me, and the Essence Power spring belongs to you."

"Okay!" Fengming gladly nodded.

"You enter my Sea of ​​Consciousness."

Fengming was nodded, and the two stood up. Fengming walked towards Qin Shuang, merged into Qin Shuang's body, into Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and sat cross-legged.

This is an ice field, vast and desolate.

Qin Shuang is walking on the wasteland. On this road, Qin Shuang and Fengming fight each day, and fight countless times a day. Qin Shuang will immediately take the Demon Soul water he gets, and if there is no fight, Fengming will take the Essence Power Spring cultivation in Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.


Thank you very much for the rainy night looking forward to falling snow (10500), ice below zero (100), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100), study hard (100) ), Yun Wu Fei Yang Si Si Xian (100) rewards!



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