"The power of Limo is huge and invincible, but Primordial Spirit is weak and can use sound power."


Qin Shuang opened his mouth and charged towards the opposite side. The devil issued a long whistle.

Burning soul!

The giant axe that Limo lifted was just a meal, and his body trembled violently, his eyes showed extreme pain, and the soul in his body seemed to be burning.


It's burning!

Qin Shuang thoughts move, thirty-six fairy swords whizzed out, forming a small circulation sword array around that Limo.

“clang! ”

A huge sword cry, thirty-six high grade fairy swords turned into powder in an instant, and the sword qi in the small circulation sword array is like a dragon, criss -crossed, Na Limo's body was twisted into powder.

Qin Shuang's profound knowledge shed from Dao Heart, turned into a hand, took out the last drop of longevity liquid in the necklace and swallowed it. Just after finishing this, Qin Shuang's face changed drastically. Take one step forward.

so close, yet worlds apart!

Hurricaneously towards the distance, but when he just started, he was hit hard, the blood burst into flight, and his body was hit hard.

"You were able to kill Limo, I wonder if you still have the energy to kill me?"

Qin Shuang's body was tumbling in the air, finally stabilizing his body. I couldn't help but a mouthful of blood spurted. Under the treatment of longevity liquid, Qin Shuang's two arms recovered completely, staring at the opposite side. I saw a Great Demon appear in the air and looked down at her.

“It’s another Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer Peak!”

Qin Shuang couldn’t help but groan in his heart. At this time, Qin Shuang’s condition is not good. Although his arms have recovered, his body The injury did not recover completely.

Qin Shuang spit out another mouthful of blood, put his hand on his belt and took out the myriad forms fruit sealed with wax, quickly undo seal, removed the wax shell, stuffed it into the mouth and swallowed it. opened the mouth and said:

"How about you compare with the magic?"

"You will know if you try!"

The Demon Race cultivator is facing Qin Shuang rushed over, the demonic energy swelled and turned into a magic cloud, shrouded towards Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang instantly fell into a dark space with thick demonic energy everywhere.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

Suddenly countless fists appeared in the boundless magic cloud, all of which were transformed by the magic cloud, and the fists blasted towards Qin Shuang Although Qin Shuang stopped the overwhelming majority, there are still unprepared fist strikes on Qin Shuang.

In just an instant, the Demon Race cultivator has the advantage. As long as he is given time, this advantage will be turned into a victory, and Qin Shuang will be killed in the end.

Suddenly, Qin Shuang’s body burst out with dazzling light, and Qin Shuang is like a sun. The light dispels the darkness and expels the demonic energy. It is the Light Attribute method that Qin Shuang has comprehended:

The sun shines!

The magic cloud is penetrated by the light and converges towards the middle, converging into the figure of the Demon Race cultivator, frowning slightly, and looking at Qin Shuang with a slight dread.

"I didn't expect you to be a Light Spirit Root, but unfortunately you are too weak."

The Demon Race cultivator took out a magic knife and rushed towards Qin Shuang. The magic knife flashed in the air, like a black lightning, and it came to Qin Shuang in an instant.


Qin Shuang's figure flew upside down. Although he still used the shock and a little starlight, he still couldn't stop the opponent's power. The figure flew upside down, but Qin Shuang's heart was let go. The true strength of the opponent was not as good as Limo, only about the power of the Immortal Monarch Second Layer.

Qin Shuang threw out two talisman with his hands up. The two talisman are ordinary talisman, but both have the power of Immortal Monarch. Once they are released, they drown the Demon Race cultivator.

Qin Shuang took advantage of the moment when the Demon Race cultivator was covered, and took out the six talisman again, building a six-in-one rune.


Liuhe killing burst out with a thunderous roar, and the body of the Demon Race cultivator was smashed into pieces. Qin Shuang stretched out his hand, grabbed two necklaces, and ran so close, yet worlds apart, and fled madly.


Qin Shuang's figure fell into a narrow gap in a cliff and lay there, hu hu panting heavily. She doesn't need to heal her injuries, myriad forms fruit will heal her body, as long as she doesn't encounter Demon cultivator during this time. He stretched his hand to his chest, took out the Concealment Array Disk, activated the array disk, and Qin Shuang's figure disappeared.

"It's amazing! Demon Race is so amazing! This battle lost two Immortal Monarch blood refinement divine ability talisman, eight ordinary talisman. Thirty-six fairy sword, three longevity liquid , A myriad forms result. If every Demon Race is so powerful. The disaster of Human Race has arrived, maybe it will be killed by Demon Race, I don’t know if I can live to three months.

No Every Demon Race is so powerful!"

Qin Shuang recalled the Demon Race he had killed before, only the power demon he encountered later and the Demon Race cultivator killed by the talisman, and the rest. It's not that powerful. For example, the cultivator who took out the gate is not his opponent.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuang sighed slightly in relief, but reminded myself that I should be more careful in the future. Whether it is Demon Race or Monster Race, it is Heaven's Chosen of Monster and Demon Races. Can't tolerate carelessness.

Qin Shuang turned over and sat up, and took out a necklace from his arms. These necklaces were obtained from the killed Demon Race cultivator and Monster Race cultivator. In fact, Qin Shuang didn't just kill these Demons. Race cultivator and Monster Race cultivator, many of them did not have time to get the necklace from the Demon cultivator.

Qin Shuang counted them. There were 23 in total. Qin Shuang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She definitely killed more than 23 and more than 83.

"It's a pity!"

Qin Shuang sighed, opened the pendants one by one, and distinguished them. There were 13 Demon Races and 10 Monster Races. .

Qin Shuang took out a drop of Demon Soul water, thought for a while, swallowed it in, and was ready to sharpen his mood.


After the Demon Soul water was swallowed, the energy was instantly absorbed by Dao Heart, Sea of ​​Consciousness and Soul Space. But the mood of killing and bloodthirsty was instantly absorbed by the Devil's Heart, and Qin Shuang simply didn't give Qin Shuang any chance to sharpen his mood.

Qin Shuang heart startled, cannot help but feel the devil heart, his face becomes dignified. After absorbing the slaughter and bloodthirsty mood, she could perceive that the Demon Heart is strong, although there is only one, but if Qin Shuang continues to consume Demon Soul water, how strong will the Demon Heart be?

Will it be so powerful that it is overwhelmingly dominant?

Qin Shuang went to perceive the spirit, Primordial Spirit and Yang God separately, eyebrow raised, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

It really deserves to be Demon Soul water. It is regarded as the Demon Soul water of the Supreme Treasure by the three clans. Only this drop of Demon Soul water makes the spirit stronger. Primordial Spirit and Yang God also use the Demon Soul water. The energy of Soul water is completely absorbed, and Qin Shuang clearly perceives that Primordial Spirit and Yang God are a little closer to awakening.


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