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"Phoenix Fellow Daoist Ming!"

Qin Shuang just got rid of these representatives of all influence, he heard another voice coming and turned back At first glance, it was the four Monster Race Alchemy Dao Masters. So I stopped, and cups the hands said:

"I have seen four Masters!"

Firethorn smiled and rejoiced, and he looked down at Qin Shuang and said: "Look Feng Fellow Daoist Ming’s injury will be completely recovered tomorrow. I’m waiting to set up a banquet in Huixianlou to celebrate our Monster Realm’s addition of another Alchemy Dao Master."

Qin Shuang knows that as long as I pay it back Thinking of hanging out in Monster Race as Fengming, you can’t refuse, and say with a smile:

"It's a great honor."

"Okay, that's it. We will talk again tomorrow, without delaying Feng Fellow Daoist Ming's healing."

After Qin Shuang and the four Alchemy Dao Masters left, they walked towards the Qingqiu Mountain residence with Qin Shuang and Hu Meiniang. Qin Shuang looked at the direction where the Azure Ox clan had just left, secretly said in one's heart:

"You are forcing me to attack the Azure Ox clan!"

Qin Shuang is back Qingqiushan's residence returned to the room. Qingqiushan also knew that Qin Shuang was in need of healing, and sent two Monster Races to Qin Shuang to guard the law outside the door.

Qin Shuang entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and took medicine pill to heal his injuries. Then began to comprehend Burn Up Eight Desolates.

The next day.

Qin Shuang brother Monster Suppressing Tower came out with a smile on his face. More than 300 days of comprehension in Monster Suppressing Tower allowed her to comprehend Burn Up Eight Desolates to Small Accomplishment Peak.

thoughts move, called out the fire Avatar Fengming, and then turned the Monster Suppressing Tower into a dust, which was held by Fengming, Qin Shuang thoughts move, and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower middle.

Qin Shuang left the residence of Qingqiu Mountain and walked towards Huixian Tower. She is going to a banquet for four Monster Realm Alchemy Dao Masters. Soon after leaving the residence of Qingqiu Mountain, Fengming waved his sleeves casually and threw the Monster Suppressing Tower into an alley.

In a short while.

Qin Shuang's figure appeared in the alley, put the Monster Suppressing Tower away, transformed his appearance, and walked out of Myriad Demons City.

Walking out of the city gate, looking at Tantan Avenue ahead, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, secretly said in one's heart:

"Azure Ox clan, you should still have these many clan The middle dísciple is on the way here, aren’t you trying to kill me? Then I’ll kill you first. It happens to use your heads to sharpen the realm that I just broke through."

Qin Shuang's figure is gone, the next moment is already beyond a thousand li. The figure fell on a mountain peak, sit cross-legged. Here is a must pass to Myriad Demons City, Qin Shuang communicates with Fengming inside, and Qin Shuang and Fengming immediately seem to be one person. Qin Shuang can see and hear everything around Fengming, and Fengming can also see everything around Qin Shuang.

At this time, Fengming is sitting around the table with four Monster Race Alchemy Dao Masters. The table has just been filled with delicacies, among the politeness of each other, the exchange of Dan Dao Heart has not yet begun.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the four Monster Race Pill Dao teachers gradually began to communicate with Fengming. On the mountain, Qin Shuang listened to the exchanges of the four Monster Race Alchemy Dao Masters, and passed the response words to Fengming, and then Fengming said it out of her mouth. Qin Shuang mastered the realm just right, keeping it at the level of Alchemy Dao Master Level 1 Peak. Even so, it shocked the hearts of the four Monster Race Alchemy Dao Masters. Pyracantha could not help but sighed:

"Fengming Master, it seems that it will not take long before you will break through to Level 2 Alchemy Dao Master."

These five Alchemy Dao Masters one Communication, then forget the time. It wasn't until dusk that the five Alchemy Dao Masters reluctantly separated. At the gate of the restaurant, Firethorn gently said:

"Feng Fellow Daoist Ming, how about we continue to communicate tomorrow?"

Feng Ming politely refused: "Today with four Fellow Daoist The exchanges are very rewarding, and I also yearn to have a lot of communication with the four Fellow Daoists. It’s just that Fengming has some personal matters to deal with. After Fengming has handled the personal matters, he must visit the four Fellow Daoists."

"Okay, I will wait for you to sweep the couch!"

Fengming left and walked slowly along the crowd. There was a slight sneer at the corner of her mouth, and she keenly sensed that a cultivator was following herself, locking spiritual consciousness on her body.

Fengming paused, turned and walked towards the cultivator of the Azure Ox clan who followed him. The cultivator narrowed his gaze and quickly converged on spiritual consciousness, pretending that there was nothing wrong, and walked towards Qin Shuang. The two cultivators quickly walked across from each other. Feng Ming barked his teeth for a moment, and suddenly slammed his fist towards the opponent. The opponent who had been prepared brazenly greeted him with a punch.


With a loud noise, the cultivator of the Azure Ox clan flew out upside down, the whole arm was like noodles, and the bones inside were struck. Got to be shattered.

Fengming’s spiritual power cultivation base is not as good as Qin Shuang, but the body cultivator is far beyond Qin Shuang. Don't forget, she is refined with the ancestor-level Fire Phoenix skeleton. When it is refined into Avatar, it has the strength of Martial Sage First Layer. Moreover, she spent much more time cultivating the bronze body tempering technique in the Monster Suppressing Tower than Qin Shuang, and now her body strength and power have reached the Martial Sage Sixth Layer.

Fengming slowly pushed forward towards the cultivator of the young clan. The cultivator was lying on the ground, with one arm propped on the ground, and his feet on the ground. He retracted and said:


"You, you...what are you doing?"


Fengming crushed his ankle with one foot, making that Azure The cultivator of the Ox clan let out a scream, attracting a large number of Monster Race cultivators around to watch.

"Hey, isn't that Fengming?"


"What is she doing?"

"It should be the cultivator of the Azure Ox clan who followed Fengming and let Fengming discover it."

"It seems that Fengming and the Azure Ox clan are completely in line with each other!"

"It’s exciting to listen to one person to one clan."

"It’s fun to watch this time."

"I heard that Qin Shuang of Human Race used to Before the opening of the Demon Gate, I faced off against the Huo Family alone. I didn’t expect that our Monster Race is ruthless now!"

"This is the talent of our Monster Race, and cannot be lagging behind Human. Race."

Fengming lifts the head, looking at a silhouette on the roof ridge, and saying:

"If you want to fight, just wait outside Myriad Demons City World War I. In Myriad Demons City, what's the point of being unable to fight for life and death? If you want to know my whereabouts, just guard at the city gate. If you follow me in the city and disturb my life, don’t blame me. All of you are disabled."


The young cultivator on the roof stomped on the void and landed in front of Qin Shuang. Negative voice:

"It is in Myriad Demons City, our Azure Ox family will not make you feel better. Today you have a party with four Alchemy Dao Masters, so we are just following. Waiting for tomorrow, we The Azure Ox clan will continuously besiege you and beat you to the maimed every day."

Qin Shuang's gaze shrank and said: "Okay, I'm waiting for you. But you have to be prepared."



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