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"It's a Life and Death Instant room!"

Such a crisp decisive victory made the elder Monster Race in the tall buildings not only sigh . At this time, the eyes of these older Monster Race characters are all on Qin Shuang on the Life and Death Stage.

"How many years has it been? Monster Realm has rarely seen such a wonderful battle."

"This Fengming is now the Monster God Third Layer. If she waits until her breakthrough To the demon saint, we will definitely shine in our Monster Realm."

"More than Monster Realm? Human Race is also a genius Qin Shuang, Demon Race has a genius, and now our Monster Race has a phoenix. The future is the time for these juniors to compete. I hope Fengming will not shame us on Monster Race."

"Jin Longxing of Human Race Martial Sect Hall has been very active recently. It is said that his strength is not weaker than that of Qin Shuang. By the way, why hasn’t there been any news about Qin Shuang recently?"

"Maybe it is secluded cultivation!"

"I heard that Human Race is on the other side of the sea, and there is cultivation. Dao Fa's hope is that the three stars are called Mo Zizai, Du Zhan and Fa Ruxue."

"They are too weak!"

"The situation of Yaodao Gao Litian attaches great importance to Fengming. , I still have contempt for Fengming in my heart." Feng Wu lightly said in front of the window.

Feng Tian's face beside him calmly said: "This is the glitz, but he has no chance to wash away the glitz."

"Fengming, you are so bold!"

A sound suddenly erupted in the silence, and a sturdy silhouette rushed towards Qin Shuang like a hill. The imposing manner that broke out was monstrous.

"Demon saint!"

Qin Shuang's face once again, he didn't expect that Monster Race would suddenly attack her after the end of the Life and Death Stage. At this time, it was too late to release the Dao Fa, and Qin Shuang could only use the power of his body to blast his fists fiercely towards the opposite side.


With a loud bang, Qin Shuang felt the bones of both arms shatter, and "deng deng deng" backed back continuously. With a sound of "pu", spits out mouthful of blood.

"The Demon Saint Fourth Layer!"

Qin Shuang was stunned in his heart, but the demon saint on the opposite side was taken aback. He had no idea that Qin Shuang would be able to catch it. He didn't die with one punch.

"Kill her!"

"Vengeance for Senior Brother Gao!"

The cultivator of the Azure Ox clan screamed, his face full of grief and anger, Eyes full of killing intent.


Qin Shuang turned on the Fire Phoenix body without any hesitation, combining three attributes. Although it is only one third of fusion, it has also made her cultivation progress reach the peak of the third layer of the demon saint.

"clang clang clang..."

Three hundred 81 Fengyu's small sword came out around the body, constructed into a pair of armor and worn on Qin Shuang's body.


At this time, the third floor of the Demon Saint also reacted. With a roar of anger, he rushed towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed, his left arm was pulled back, and his back arched like a dragon, shaped like a bow.


The combination of Fengfeng Fist and the shocking force has increased Qin Shuang's power again. Twenty Fire Phoenix roared out. Outrageously with the fist strikes of that demon saint.

In the huge roar, the demon saint's figure staggered backwards, his body was sweating like syrup, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. You know, when Qin Shuang was playing against the Demon Blade, before entering the Sword Domain, there was no integration of the three powers, which made her completely unexpected that Qin Shuang's strength would be so strong. I thought that Qin Shuang was just a strong Taoist law.


Fengyu giant sword is out of the sheath.


sword shadow Hengkong!

"It's Sword Domain again!"

All the monsters are full of lingering in their hearts.


shouting loudly, another silhouette flew out from the Azure Ox clan, in midair slapped a palm, and slapped it towards Hengkong sword shadow.

"Is Phoenix Clan deceiving me no one?"

Feng Wu's figure flew out of the window, flipped her palm, and slapped towards the demon saint of the Azure Ox clan.


The big hand of the demon saint of the Azure Ox clan was smashed to pieces, and then Feng Wu's palm continued, and the demon saint fan flew out with a slap. . The demon saint of the Azure Ox clan rolled a few times in the air, stabilized his figure, and stared at Feng Wu said:

"Do you want to take care of this?"

" How to drop?"

"Are you going to fight with the Azure Ox clan?"

"How to drop?"


Hengkong sword shadow suddenly burst, Qin Shuang's figure staggered to appear, looking up and spits out mouthful of blood. The eyes of the Azure Ox clan in the sky lit up, but then the complexion changed.

A headless corpse fell from the air. But it was the demon saint who was shrouded by Qin Shuang and entered the Sword Domain. At first glance, Qin Shuang had his head crushed.

"You..." The demon saint who was fanned by Feng Wu looked at Qin Shuang with a deadly gaze, coldly said:

"Feng Ming, Feng Wu can protect you for a while , Can’t protect you for a lifetime. You just hide in Myriad Demons City and don’t go out forever!" Qin Shuang raised his hand and wiped the blood stain on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, also coldly said:

"I want to see if I, Fengming, died first, or your Azure Ox clan died first."

The central square was silent, and everyone looked at Qin Shuang in amazement.


"If others want to kill her, she will destroy the people!"

"If this Fengming can't be killed at once, the most So don't provoke her."

Every look towards Qin Shuang has become a lot more cautious.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The demon saint of the Azure Ox clan stared at Qin Shuang for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Feng Wu. Moved towards the Azure Ox clan below shouted:

"Let’s go!"

The demon saint flew towards the residence of the Azure Ox clan, the Azure Ox clan on the ground The cultivator all stared at Qin Shuang like an arrow, and then "shuaa~" steered the demon cloud away.

Qin Shuang squinted his eyes slightly, then took a deep breath and his expression returned to calm. Take out a medicine pill and take it, and then moved towards Feng Wu to give a deep ceremony:

"many thanks Master Fengwu."

Feng Wu glanced at Qin Shuang with a slight corner of her mouth. Qiao said: "How do you do it yourself!"

When the words fell, Feng Wu's silhouette disappeared into the air. Feng Tian at the window also glanced at Qin Shuang, disappeared.

"Master Fengming! I am the Lilun of Huaijiang Mountain, a small gift, no respect."

"Master Fengming! I am the Fengqing from Laishan, a small gift , No respect."

"Fengming Master! I am......"


One by one, representatives of various strengths It rushed over and surrounded Qin Shuang in the middle. One by one, while giving gifts, they introduced themselves.

Qin Shuang took a look at the gift and his eyes lit up. These all influences are all herbal medicines, and they are all Top Grade herbal medicines like Four-leaf Gastrodia. Although there is only one, it is also extremely precious.

Qin Shuang will naturally not refuse such a gift. After receiving all of them, I also communicated with the Great Cultivator of these Monster Races.

After receiving the gift, I briefly exchanged a few words. Qin Shuang said: "Fellow Daoist, Fengming has suffered some injuries..."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Master Fengming quickly go back to heal his injuries. Later, we will invite Master Fengming to a banquet to celebrate. Fengming Master’s injury recover completely."


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