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The demon heard, but they were all nodded. I very much thought that Hu Meiniang made sense. Even more how, they have been waiting for so long, and it is inevitable that there are grievances in their hearts. It was the Monster Race youth who used to regard the Demon Sword as an idol. At this time, their hearts were not firm, and their perception of the Demon Sword also declined slightly.

Time is still passing by, unconsciously another two quarters of an hour have passed, the older characters are okay, and the experience is so much, the temper will be calm. However, some young Monster Race cultivators are a little uncomfortable, and some cultivators who have not been able to understand the evil sword Gao Litian have already started to abuse them.

At this time, a blade glow suddenly burst from the residence of the Azure Ox clan, and the blade glow spread toward the central square like an unrolled bolt of white silk, under the sunlight. , Shining brightly.


When the blade glow spreads, a "kengkeng" knife sounds, if a light bridge is born out of thin air.

A silhouette is gradually raised from the residence of the Azure Ox clan, with a light bridge formed by the blade glow, and a white clothes lightly with a spooky beauty on his face, spreading along the blade glow. The bridge of light comes here and there.

He is the demon sword high plowing the sky, stepping on the blade glow, and when he walks, he emits a "kengkeng" knife sound, domineering and horizontal, pushing people toward Qin Shuang in an imposing manner.

He is looking forward to the wind, with a smile on his eyebrows. Ready to welcome the cheers. He even raised his hand and waved to the crowd.


His smile froze, and his arms swayed into the air stagnated, and he found no cheers!

"How is this possible?"

When did he fight in the past, was it not the cheers of the vast crowd?

Why is there no cultivator cheering this time?

So quiet?

Even if I do not show up for a long time, I can't stop the enthusiasm of those idiots. Why is it so calm this time?

Where did he know that those who admired her in the past were severely reprimanded by the elders, and he knew that Qin Shuang was the Alchemy Dao Master, and that he also had the strength not weaker than the demon sword, how could it be like before, Cheers when you see the demon sword?

On the tall buildings around the square, there are groups of elder Monster Race people sitting next to the window. Before a window, Feng Wu stood side by side with the graceful woman. Feng Wu whispered:

"From the point of view of the sword beam released by the demon sword, his strength is indeed good. The youth number one expert is also well deserved."

The graceful woman nodded and said: "The strength is good, but also a little clever. It's just a bit flashy and not enough precipitation."

"Triumphant progress along the way, no setbacks, natural flashy."

Feng Wuqing said with a smile: "How does Fengtian Senior Sister feel about Fengming?"

Feng Tian looked at Fengming, and his eyes shone brightly and said: "What she exudes is indeed pure Phoenix Clan breath, and the grade is not low. It is our Phoenix Clan that does not need to doubt."

"The grade is not low?" Fengwu eyebrow raised.

"en!" Fengtian nodded and said: "The worst is also Grade 6 aptitude, and it can be Grade 7. If you dare to challenge Yaodao, how could her aptitude be bad?"

"Then, Fengtian Senior Sister thinks which of the two of them can have the last laugh?"

Feng Tian shook his head and said, "I know a little bit about Demon Blade, but I don't know anything about Fengming. How can we determine the outcome between them?"

"We have received news that Fengming only has the Monster God Third Layer. The Demon Blade is already a half-step demon saint."

Feng Tian shook his head again and said: "The duel between two cultivators is more than just a cultivation base. There is also their aptitude, a person with good aptitude can burst out beyond their own cultivation base. And their cultivation. The cultivation technique, a good cultivation technique can also make the strength of the cultivator surpass its own cultivation base. The same is the repair method, as well as their scheming, experience, fighting intent, spiritual weapon, etc., these aspects, no matter That aspect can fill the gap between Fengming and Demon Sword. If Fengming is very good in all aspects, he may not be able to kill Demon Sword at a higher level. Of course, Demon Sword must be good in every aspect. See which of them is better in every aspect."

"Yes!" Feng Wu nodded and said: "Whether Fengming is excellent in these areas, we don't know. But in terms of cultivation base , But has fallen behind the demon knife, and it is not little bit behind. To fill this gap, you must have more surpasses in other areas."

"Not bad!"

"This battle between juniors makes me look forward to it."

At this time, Yao Dao Gao Litian awkwardly put down his raised hand, his eyes on the crowd below Search for those cultivators that he is familiar with, that is, the group of idiots in his heart, and those Monster Race cultivators that have been enthusiastically admiring him.


He saw these Monster Race cultivators, but when he saw the cultivator's eyes touch him, he lowered his eyes and didn't look at him.

"Something must have happened!"

The demon knife's heart shivered with cold, the invincible imposing manner that had exploded, became weak, and the complexion became ugly, giving birth to a wave in my heart. Anger, this is a kind of anger that has been held, but suddenly discovered that no one pays attention to him anymore. The sense of imbalance erupted. The Demon Sword turned the anger into an extremely imposing manner and ran towards Qin Shuang. That vast imposing manner was forced towards Qin Shuang like a river of swords.

The face instantly changes of Seikao and Hu Meiniang are pale, and the imposing manner that flows like a river of swords flows like a torrent, making people feel desperate.

The demon sword plows the sky step by step, walking towards Qin Shuang with the blade glow. Every time he takes a step forward, the imposing manner rises by one point. As he advances step by step, his imposing manner seems to be the same The sky is connected, although his figure is only more than two zhangs, but at this time, it gives Chaigao and Humei Niang a giant feeling of being able to support both heaven and earth. Chaigao and Hu Meiniang suddenly lost their confidence in their hearts.

"I am afraid that Feng's younger sister will be killed this time..."

At this time, not only Qiao Gao and Hu Mei Niang have this feeling, but also many Monster Race cultivators. This feeling. In their field of vision, the imposing manner of the demon sword became more and more prosperous, and Qin Shuang was completely suppressed. If this continues, without having to fight, Qin Shuang will collapse his confidence and kneel on the ground.

"Sure enough, as Hu Meiniang said, every race has people who are blessed by heaven. It's me Qin Shuang viewing the sky from the bottom of a well. Before, I was able to kill the demon saint. , I thought I was Number One Person under Monster Saint, and under Monster Saint, no one was my opponent. It seems that I didn’t meet the real genius of Monster Race.

Li Tian definitely has the power to kill the demon saint, but...I am not bad!"


Qin Shuang's body suddenly sounded a sword cry , With his hands behind him, looked up at the demon sword Gao Litian above the blade glow in the air.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"


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