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"Huh what?" Third Uncle gloomy face said: "In the future, take a long-term view and be able to compete with a three-layer demon. Sheng punched and didn't lose the slightest bit of a blow. Do you think she really doesn't have a stronger hole card? Do you really think that the demon sword will take her down?"

Myriad Demons City.

Phoenix Clan station.

Feng Wu sat lazily on a chair, looking at a graceful woman on the opposite side, and said: "You mean Fengming?"

"en!" Graceful woman nodded and said.

"I know her, she built a Fengming City in Martial Artist Continent, and some Human Races raised in captivity grow herbs for her. I just heard that she is a Pill Dao master. I never heard that she is a Alchemy Dao Master!"

Feng Wu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is she a Pill Dao genius? It took more than a year to become the Alchemy Dao Master? And I heard her She is very strong, but her origins are unclear. It is said that she has been living outside since she was a child. We need to pay attention to her."

The graceful woman said with a smile: "Yes, a living outside, a lonely environment Without family support, but with such a cultivation base, it was so turbulent, I would like to see her."

The next day.

The noon sun was shining down in the sky, shining all over the giant city of monsters.

Myriad Demons City has a total of four huge squares, East, South, West, North and Centre. Qin Shuang participated in the pill concocting tournament in Dongcheng. At this time, every Monster Race cultivator was flying towards the central square with the demon cloud. In an instant, the demon cloud swelled and rushed straight into the sky.

Today is a big day for Monster Race. It was originally a feast for the youngster. You can see the Monster Race number one expert, Gao Litian, the demon knife, and Gao Litian, the demon knife, killing opponents. , This is a bloody and exciting thing.

However, it is different now.

Almost all the forces in Myriad Demons City know Fengming's identity and strength!

Level 1 Alchemy Dao Master, and can also fight against the third floor of the demon saint without losing the wind. For the first time, all influence felt that Yao Dao Gao Litian was facing a real challenge this time, and also believed that Fengming had the upper hand.

The reputation of Yao Dao Gao Litian is very good. According to legend, he once killed the Demon Saint.

However, that is just a legend, not seeing is believing. However, Qin Shuang and Lin Mao on the third floor of the Demon Sage made a punch, but they were seen by many representatives of the forces in the crowd. Therefore, it is inevitable to lean towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's status as Alchemy Dao Master, coupled with her demonstrated strength, makes all influence want to be good. Therefore, almost all Monster Races in the city know the identity and strength of Qin Shuang's Alchemy Dao Master, but there is no cultivator to inform the Azure Ox family.

At this time, under the Life and Death Stage in the central square, Qin Shuang stands with his hands behind. On her left side stood Cracking Sky and Cracking Sky, and on the right stood Hu Meiniang. The people of the cracking sky and the Qingqiushan clan also stood behind her, waiting quietly.

The young Monster Race cultivator on the central square was very quiet at this time. If this had been before, they would have mocked Gao Litian's opponent and shouted that the monster would win.

However, at this time, they all looked at Qin Shuang curiously, with shock in their eyes.

Such a young Alchemy Dao Master!

Moreover, you can also fight against the three-tier demon saint!

Is it true?

The representatives of those forces also stood there quietly, although they smiled kindly at Qin Shuang, they did not come up to strike up a conversation. The gift I was going to give yesterday did not come forward. After all, they don't know whether it will be the demon knife or Qin Shuang who will die on the Life and Death Stage. If you give Qin Shuang a gift at this time. Once Qin Shuang is dead, wouldn't it be cheaper to kill Qin Shuang's demon knife Gao Litian?

The rule on the Life and Death Stage is that all property of the deceased party belongs to the victorious party.

Hu Meiniang's face showed a trace of anger, and she whispered: "Too despicable!"

"What despicable?" Qin Shuang said with a smile.

"It's noon, and the demon sword is not coming. This is to make you wait for heart in chaos."

Qin Shuang peaceful said: "He should be paying attention to this. , But I forgot. While I am waiting for him here, he is also waiting for my heart in chaos. If my heart is not upset, his heart will be upset."

Hu Meiniang is still worried: "The demon sword is really strong!"

"The demon sword must die!" Qin Shuang lightly said.

"It's weird today!" Cracked Heaven and Cracked the high-pressure voice in a low voice.

"What's weird?"

"Why is there no cultivator to taunt you?"

Qin Shuang couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard it.

The residence of the Azure Ox family in Myriad Demons City.

The demon knife Gao Litian sat quietly in the pavilion in the middle of the pond, a pot of tea vainly white. A white clothed demon sword ploughs the sky, quietly Earth Grade tea.

With the sound of footsteps, a middle-aged cultivator walked up the Jiuqu Corridor and said:

"Plowing the sky, one hour is past noon, why are you still not leaving?"

"No hurry!" Yaodao Gao Litian faintly smiled and said: "Let her wait. When she waits for the heart in chaos, I will kill him like a chicken. Fifth Uncle, we Drink tea."

Fifth Uncle sat down opposite the demon knife and watched the demon knife pour tea for him, said with a smile:

"I don’t know where Fengming came from. She came out, dare to fight you. Is it necessary to take it that seriously?"

The demon knife put down the teapot, a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth and said: "No matter if she is strong or weak, I will Treat it with all your strength."

Central Plaza.

In silence, Hu Meiniang rolled her eyes and suddenly loudly said: "Feng younger sister, it has been nearly two hours, and the demon sword hasn’t come yet. Is he afraid?"

The cracking sky and cracking on the side hummed loudly: "Didn't you just say it? The demon knife deliberately let Feng younger sister wait, wanting Feng younger sister to wait for the heart in chaos."

The demons were nodded one after another, in fact they had already seen the scheming of the demons. They also believe that Qin Shuang has seen it a long time ago. But it's one thing to see it, and it's another thing to keep your mind up. Cracking Tianyi glared at Hu Meiniang fiercely, and said in his heart, aren't you chaotic Feng's younger sister's heart? He hurriedly said to Qin Shuang:

"Feng younger sister, the shameless demon sword Gao Litian is not coming, just to make you heart in chaos, you must keep your breath."

Although he said so, everyone can see that his heart has already been messed up. And at this time, Hu Meiniang opened the mouth and said again:

"That's also scary! If Yaodao is not scared, I feel that he will definitely be able to defeat Fengming, then he has already appeared, and again Why use this kind of crafty plots and machinations that can't be used on the table? He is still afraid of Feng younger sister. It seems that Yaodao faces Feng younger sister, and fear has grown in his heart. Feng younger sister will cut the Yaodao today. "

Qin Shuang couldn't help but feel happy, this fox Meiniang is indeed from Qingqiu Mountain, she is very smart. Such words reached the ears of Yaodao Gao Litian, I am afraid his heart will be upset, hehe......


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