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Qin Shuang handed the Monster Race a jade bottle, and the Monster Race opened the jade bottle. There were three thousand-strength Body Tempering Pills inside. Pour it out. Look, it was Top Grade Dan, and there was ecstasy on his face. He immediately packed the herbs that Qin Shuang had ordered into wooden boxes and handed them to Qin Shuang. After Qin Shuang put it away, he began to sweep the goods around the stalls in the square.

She was even more happy when she saw that some herbs still had life force. The herbs with life force were immediately sent to the Monster Suppressing Tower, and Fengming and Fengyan were planted in the Medicine Garden.

"Big brother, why don’t you have Top Grade herbs like Four-leaf Gastrodia here?"

"No!" The Monster Race saw Qin Shuang using medicine pill After purchasing his herbal medicine, he was very kind to Qin Shuang:

"We have all sold to the four seniors!"

Qin Shuang glanced at the place on the high platform The four Monster Race Alchemy Dao Masters are clear in their hearts. The status of the four Monster Race Pill Refinement Masters in the Monster Race pill concocting world can be imagined. Of course, the Monster Race cultivator has Top Grade herbs for sale to them, and they will not treat those Monster Race cultivators badly. Will give out the medicine pill needed by Monster Race cultivator, so those Monster Race cultivator will naturally not be sold to others,

Qin Shuang nodded, will continue to scan it regardless. This is a rare opportunity Only once in a hundred years. Only at such a grand ceremony as the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference would so many high-quality herbs gather.

However, Qin Shuang's sweep of goods gradually caused a sensation. After many Monster Race cultivators inquired about them, Qin Shuang exchanged all medicine pill for fear that they were not in their turn, and squeezed around Qin Shuang one by one, arrogantly wanting to trade with Qin Shuang. This momentum attracted the attention of the four Alchemy Dao Masters on the high platform, and they looked towards this side.


A Monster Race cultivator that is pill concocting is in the fryer, and the anger is poured on Qin Shuang's body, moving towards Qin Shuang in a big stride He rushed over and shouted with a grim look:

"Lowly maid, did you know that it affected my pill concocting?"

The words fell, looked towards Qin Shuang’s belly Kicked over.

Qin Shuang's gaze was sharp, extend the hand grabbed the opponent's ankle which was only three inches from his lower abdomen, and the Monster Race felt his ankle as if it was being strapped by an iron hoop. There was a sharp pain. Qin Shuang threw his arm up.


The Monster Race cultivator was picked up by Qin Shuang, hit the ground fiercely, and immediately passed out.




A group of people looked towards Qin Shuang and came around These people are all Pill Refinement Masters and pill concocting apprentices. Seeing that Qin Shuang dared to knock a Pill Dao master unconscious, and in front of the four Alchemy Dao Masters, in front of them Pill Dao masters and Pill Dao apprentices This is simply a challenge to the Pill Dao world.

How can this be tolerated?

The faces of the four Alchemy Dao Masters on the high platform are also sinking. From their point of view, Qin Shuang is disrespectful to the Pill Dao world. The adjustment of the Pill Dao world is just beating their four. The face of a Pill Dao representative.

"Do you know what you are doing?" A clear and beautiful voice sounded, Qin Shuang walked along with the reputation, and saw that Tao Fairy walked over with a cold face, coldly said:

"In front of our Pill Dao world, assaulting our Pill Dao division, are you provoking our Pill Dao world?"

At this time, there are more than a dozen Monster Race cultivators from Walking out of the crowd, it was the Level 10 Pill Dao divisions, headed by the three Level 10 Pill Dao divisions who won the first three days. One of them walked up to Qin Shuang proudly and looked down at Qin Shuang and said:

"Lowly maid, no matter what kind of cultivation base you are, and no matter what kind of background you are, no one can save you. Contrary to our Pill Dao world, the entire Monster Realm has no place for you."

"The Chongwu clan supports the Pill Dao world!" a majestic old man said sternly.

"Huaijiang people support the Pill Dao world!" There is a Monster Race cultivator opened the mouth and said.

"Lowly maid, kneel down and die!"


One by one, the majestic voices sounded, and Qin Shuang looked at the cultivator Sweeping away, frowned slightly. These cultivators exude a powerful aura, and every cultivator is Monster Saint. Listening to what they say, even fools know that even if these people are not the patriarch of the Great Influence of all parties, they are also the Elder level. I didn’t hear the names of their clan. This is a statement on behalf of their clan. position.

Qin Shuang stood in front of these people without any fear at all, on the contrary, he looked very interested. Although the Pill Dao division in Human Race is also very important, it is not as exaggerated as Monster Race. It seems that the scarcer the thing, the more precious it is. These Great Influence representatives will kill themselves at all costs to please the Pill Dao world.

"Oh...No, in their eyes, they are an ant about to be crushed to death. They simply don't need to pay."

I looked up at the four on the high platform. An old man with face sank like water, Qin Shuang's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm.

"It seems that today I want to appear as a Level 10 Pill Dao teacher, it is not enough to calm this unexpected situation! Then appear as a Level 1 Alchemy Dao Master."

"Lowly maid, can't you hear what this saint said?"

A powerful demon saint strode out and blasted a punch at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang greeted him with a punch.


The two fists touched and there was a loud thunderous noise. Both the demon saint and Qin Shuang shook their shoulders, and Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly. , Her body is Martial Sage Third Layer, so at least the other party is Monster Saint Third Layer. Seeing the fierce gazes around, Qin Shuang's heart was stunned, knowing that this could not go on, otherwise even if she had all her cards, she would not be able to beat so many demon saints. When I was about to glance over the Pill Dao divisions, he said sarcastically:

"Just your broken Alchemy Realm, also worthy of representing the Pill Dao world?"

"What did you say?" The Pill Dao division was furious.

However, the representative of all influence is a slight change in each look. The cultivators who can represent a force to participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference are not fools, but they are all very intelligent. They immediately reacted from Qin Shuang's mouth. Qin Shuang should also be a Pill Dao teacher.

If Qin Shuang is also the Pill Dao Master, then she smashes the Pill Dao Master in front of all the demons. This is the internal struggle of the Pill Dao world. It is definitely not the face of the Pill Dao world. It's not to provoke Pill Dao's world, the interest is completely different.

And what do their representatives of various strengths come here?

Is it because they like to watch pill concocting?

Just kidding!

What can I see in pill concocting? They don't understand pill concocting.

They came here for only one purpose, and that is to recruit Pill Dao.

This is a once-in-a-century opportunity. The entire Monster Realm Pill Dao division will gather here. Through their competitions, they will select promising Pill Dao divisions to recruit. If they can recruit one or two, then All families are really important. Even if you can't recruit, you have to get along with the various Pill Dao divisions. Therefore, just now, so many representatives of the powers stood up against Qin Shuang, just to gain the favor of Master Pill Dao.


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