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These four seniors came to the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, on the one hand, they collected some herbs, and on the other hand, they held the One Time Pill Dao Conference. Everyday all will select one In the first place, the four seniors will each give a single herb as a reward. Have you seen the four boxes at the table of the four seniors? The herbs in the box have been announced before today’s game. They are Four-leaf Spiderweed, Four-leaf Earth Dragon Flower, Four-leaf Vanilla, and Four-leaf Gastrodia. "

Qin Shuang can't help but his heart beats fiercely. These are all four-leaf herbs. They are all Top Grade herbs. They are the main medicine in medicine pill that can be refined to suit Martial Sage. These four scarce herbs have long disappeared in Martial Artist Continent. Even if the last time the Monster Race's Fenglin Pavilion brought him from Monster Realm, they are only three leaves at most. There is simply no four leaves.

"This must be obtained! "Qin Shuang's heart made up his mind in an instant.

"Also, if these four seniors fancy, it is very likely that they will be accepted as dísciple by the four seniors. "The Monster Race's tone is full of envy.

"Will everyday all be ranked first? "Qin Shuang asked.

"Hmm, haven't I told you? "The Monster Race cultivator said impatiently.

"When does the daily race end? "

"Sunset! "

Qin Shuang looked up at the sky. It was only morning at this time, and there was still a long way to go before sunset. It doesn’t take long to make a medicine pill by yourself, especially for low-level medicine pill. ...

Thinking of this, Qin Shuang asked the Monster Race cultivator again: "How many days has this Pill Dao conference started?" "

"It's been three days. "

"What realm did the first place achieve every day?" "

"They are all Level 10 Pill Dao divisions. Let me tell you, in our Monster Realm, there are no more than 20 Level 10 Pill Dao divisions. The three Pill Dao divisions who won the first place are well-known figures among these less than twenty people. Do you see that the dozen or so cultivators in the center are Level 10 Pill Dao divisions. Today’s first place must come from them. I am very optimistic about Tao Fairy. The quality of her refined medicine pill is second only to the three Pill Masters who won the first place. "

"Peach Fairy? "

"Yes, that's the Fairy in the peach red dress. "

Qin Shuang followed the Monster Race cultivator's fingers, and saw a young Monster Race woman focusing on pill concocting. It was really peach blossom and delicate. Just glanced at her pill concocting. Qin Shuang couldn’t help but shook his head. It was really rough. He retracted his gaze, looked at the Monster Race cultivator and said:

"The three Pill Dao divisions who won the first place, but they were caught by the four Senior received as dísciple? "

"No! "The Monster Race cultivator curl one's lip said: "The three are all the oldest, and they have no cultivation value at all. Look at it, after today's Tao Fairy won the first place, it must have been accepted as a dísciple by the four seniors. "

Qin Shuang turned his gaze to the surroundings and saw many Monster Race cultivators staring at Tao Fairy with scorching eyes. If it weren’t for fear of disturbing Tao Fairy, I’m afraid they would all shout cheer.

"With my realm, refining a Level 10 Pill Dao medicine pill, for me, it is only one hour. Can't finish refining medicine pill, wait here until sunset, right? Let's take a look at the herbs first. "

Qin Shuang moved towards that Monster Race cultivator cups the hands Thank you, and started looking along the herbal medicine booth again.

Don’t say it, in order to participate in this ten thousand monsters conference , These Monster Race cultivators prepare high-grade herbs. Although there is no Top Grade like Yotsuba, the lowest is middle grade, with a lot of high-grade herbs.

I visited a few stalls. After that, Qin Shuang felt that something was wrong. Because these herbal medicines are very good, the price is naturally not low. Although it is a lot lower than in Martial Artist Continent, the Spirit Stone is also like flowing water, from Qin Shuang's hands Spend it out.

"This won’t work, it’s a shame! "

Qin Shuang immediately realized the problem and could no longer use the Spirit Stone to buy herbs. At this time, she was squatting in front of a stall, picking up a three-leaf cabbage grass and asking:


"Big brother, how do you sell this herb? "

"A piece of Top Grade Spirit Stone. "

Qin Shuang slashed his teeth. A Top Grade Spirit Stone sounds like only one piece, but when converted into a high grade Spirit Stone, it is 100 yuan, and a middle grade Spirit Stone is 10,000 yuan. Stone is one million yuan, definitely not a small amount.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, this time she was going to show her identity as a Level 10 Pill Dao teacher. The level of Pill Dao is too high. After all, I once showed in Fengming City that I was just a Level 7 Pill Dao division. It would be suspicious to become an Alchemy Dao Master. I can refine it as a Level 10 Pill Dao division. A Qianlian Body Tempering Pill. So he asked:

"What if I replace it with medicine pill? "

The Monster Race cultivator, who was impatient before, just brightened his eyes: "What medicine pill are you going to use for it?" "

"Qianlian Body Tempering Pill! "

The Monster Race's eyes became brighter, and he immediately said: "One thousand refined Body Tempering Pill for three." "

Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "The Body Tempering Pill I refined is Top Grade Pill. "

"You... are you Pill Dao teacher?" "The Monster Race cultivator's expression is not calm, and he stands up excitedly.

"Don't care if I am Pill Dao or not, how much do I change for a Top Grade Body Tempering Pill? "

"Ten, twelve plants! "

Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh, this medicine pill is really valuable in Monster Race! One must know that one Chixia grass can be refined into one batch of three-patterned Chilong Pill, and one batch is thirty-six. So nodded:

"You wait for me for a while! "

Then Qin Shuang left the square to refine the medicine pill of the Body Tempering Pill. The herbs needed for the medicine pill are very common. In the Monster Suppressing Tower, they are planted on the ground like grass. Qin Shuang left. When I arrived at the square, I found an Inn in the vicinity to live in. After setting up the formation, I entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, found the herbs used to refine the Qianlian Body Tempering Pill, picked a large batch, and then came there. The Pill Refining Room above the southern volcano began to refine.

Monster Suppressing Tower passed one day outside and 512 days inside. Qin Shuang has been pill concocting in the Pill Refining Room, as a herbal medicine After I used it up, I went down to pick some more. After more than two hundred days, Qin Shuang refined nearly 50,000 Top Grade Body Tempering Pills, and then left the Monster Suppressing Tower, left the room, and stood at the Inn. At the gate, I looked up into the sky and saw that just after noon, I wandered into the square again and came to the booth. When the Monster Race cultivator saw Qin Shuang, he couldn't help complaining:

" Fellow Daoist, why are you so long? "

Qin Shuang said with a smile: "You won't leave here anyway, what's the hurry? I bought this, this, and that. "


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