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"It should be!" Black Tortoise nodded.

Qin Shuang remembered the seabed Water Crystal Palace where the three fruits were originally obtained. There are still many such fruits in it, and there is an urge in his heart to go back there and search for it.

"But..." Black Tortoise hesitated and said: "I feel the violent aura in these three fruits. Once you take it, there may be unexpected changes. I don't recommend you take it. Eat them."

"So, it is not Longevity Fruit?"

"It can only be regarded as a defective product of Longevity Fruit. I feel that the effect of taking it is more harmful than good. "

Qin Shuang's face showed a hint of hesitation, and finally gave up the idea of ​​taking these three fruits temporarily. She was ready to wait for her Pill Dao to rise to the realm of Peak Great Grandmaster. , And see if you can research out a medicine pill with these three fruits as the main medicine.

Let this matter temporarily, Qin Shuang caught some bigmouth fish and stewed it in a pot, ate it warm, and gathered the fangs of those bigmouth fish into the Sea of ​​Consciousness for warmth, and then again After taking a few fragrant fruits, I really felt a trace of tranquility in my mood.

Looking at the fragrance beasts again, seeing those fragrance beasts quickly retracted one after another's head, he burst into laughter. At this time, I had eaten enough, so I let go of the fragrant beasts. After all, the number of the fragrant beasts was still too small.

After a short break, Qin Shuang started cultivation. Repeatedly cultivation the three kinds of attributes to consolidate the realm after the breakthrough.

Although this time because of Longevity Fruit, she got a jumping breakthrough, but it also caused the foundation to be unstable. If it weren't for Longevity Fruit, she had continuously broken through so many small steps, I'm afraid it would collapse and cultivation deviation.

When the already proficient Tao magic cultivator practiced at the Great Perfection Realm, she began to comprehend those Taoisms that have not been fully understood, so as to continue to consolidate her Taoism realm.

Chuangfengquan, Burn Up Eight Desolates, Sword Domain, and also selected from inheritance several kinds of Ruijin methods suitable for Qin Shuang cultivation at this time. During the period, he was knocked on the door several times, telling him to attack again. Qin Shuang also confronted the beasts on the deck, and her cultivation base gradually became solid and solid.

This day.

The sea boat drew ashore, Qin Shuang, Cracking Sky, Hu Meiniang and Yaodao Gao Litian all walked onto the deck. These days, Qin Shuang also saw the demon sword Gao Litian when he was fighting against the wild beasts, but Gao Litian was very arrogant, and he didn’t even look at them. Qin Shuang was so happy. As long as he didn’t come to trouble her, he would do anything. Row.

Qin Shuang took Tian Feng and Cracking Sky, Hu Mei Niang flew from the sea boat to the shore, and saw all Great Influences looking at them one after another, and then toward the sea boat. After seeing that there were only four of them in the end, those forces that did not welcome their own clan looked sad and even shed tears on the spot. They know that their family's dísciple has died in Monster Realm Secret Realm.

"Crack the height!"

With an excited cry, I saw two tall and majestic men rumbling towards the cracking sky. Seitian Si was also extremely happy, and greeted him with strides.

"Seventh Uncle, eighth uncle, why did you come here in person?"

"Cracking height?" Qin Shuang was suspicious.

Hu Meiniang curl one's lip said: "Split Tiansi is the name of a race. His real name is Split High. He feels that he can represent the Split Tiansi clan, so when he walks out, all Claiming to be called Separation Day."

Qin Shuang was taken aback, and then said: "So heartless!"

"pu..." Hu Meiniang couldn't help but laugh. spray.

"Mei Niang!" At this time, there was another voice, and two seductive women came in style.

"Eleventh aunt, sister, you are here!"

Hu Meiniang smiled like a flower in an instant, and ran towards the two women.

Qin Shuang was the only place left, standing there with Tian Feng, taking a look at Seitian Si and Hu Mei Niang, and then preparing to leave. However, he saw that Lei Tianyi was walking towards Qin Shuang from the brawny man with the two majestic ones.

"Uncle Eight, Uncle Nine, this is Fengming. Saved me twice in Secret Realm. Without Fengming, you would not see me."

Qin Shuang looked towards Eighth Uncle and Nine Uncle, her cultivation base was still low, and the auras of these two Great Demons all converged. Simply could not see the cultivation base of the two Great Demons. Those two Great Demons came to Qin Shuang, cup one fist in the other hand with both hands and said:

"Split Tianshan pierced through, Split Shuttle saw Fairy Maiden Feng, many thanks Fairy Maiden Feng rescued him. En."

At this time, Hu Meiniang also brought two women over. The two women moved towards Qin Shuang cups the hands as a courtesy:

"Qin Shuang cups the hands , Hu Bai, and Hu Xue have seen Fairy Maiden Feng, many thanks Fairy Maiden Feng's salvation."

Qin Shuang hurriedly returned the gift, politely. Then he said to Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang:

"Split Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, are you two going to return to the family, or go to Martial Artist Continent with me?"

Splitting, Splitting Shuttle, Fox White and Fox Xue were all taken aback. The Hu Meiniang on the side quickly explained: "Feng's younger sister has been wandering alone in Monster Realm, and everything about Monster Realm has nothing to do with it. It’s not very clear."

Then turned his head and explained to Qin Shuang: "Feng younger sister, we are going to Myriad Demons City together."

"Myriad Demons City? Why? Where are you going?"

"Monster Race Secret Realm opens once every 100 years. So Myriad Demons City also holds a grand ceremony every 100 years, called the Ten Thousand Demons Conference.

On the one hand, to congratulate us for our inheritance, on the other hand, the Old Ancestor of our family will also summon us. Oh, yes, you have always been alone. But the Old Ancestor of Phoenix Clan will definitely summon you."

Qin Shuang's heart sank. The Old Ancestor of Phoenix Clan can only summon himself for one reason, and that is to ask for the inheritance he got in Secret Realm. If you don't give it, I'm afraid you will be arrested and tortured slowly. If he escaped, his site in Fengming City would be completely destroyed.

"Three come, take this to convene the Ten Thousand Monsters Convention, Monster Race will come to communicate with each other, but also can trade various treasures. Anyway, it is a grand ceremony. Once in a hundred years!"

Qin Shuang's heart is also moved, like this once-in-a-hundred-year ten thousand monsters conference, there will definitely be many treasures appearing. And it is also one of my most intuitive understanding of Monster Race.

"Go, Feng younger sister, take my car."

Hu Meiniang took Qin Shuang's hand and walked outside. Qin Shuang hesitated for a while, and finally secret voice transmission to Seitian Si and Hu Mei Niang:

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, please don’t tell me the things that I have perfectly understood, and don’t Tell me about the last level of my comprehended."

Crack Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang moved in their hearts. They have no doubts about Qin Shuang, but understand Qin Shuang very well. In their hearts, they all know that Qin Shuang has been living alone and Phoenix Clan has not helped her at all. Similarly, Qin Shuang should have no sense of belonging to Phoenix Clan. Let a Qin Shuang who has no sense of belonging have no reservations about Phoenix Clan, it is impossible. Both cultivators were lightly nodded, but then the secret voice transmission from Hu Mei Niang came.


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