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The second feeling for Qin Shuang is that Time Flow Speed ​​has changed again. The previous flow rate was one day outside and 256 days inside. Now it has doubled again, one day has passed outside, and 512 days have passed inside.

Qin Shuang looked up, in the sky In addition to the sun, a moon appeared, and after the moon appeared, the sun and the moon at this time are no longer in a static state, but in a slow state. Moving. This is when the morning sun is rising, and when the moon is falling, Qin Shuang observes one day and one month. The sun has just risen from the sky at this time. Qin Shuang observes carefully. The sun is gradually rising from here. The moon Gradually disappearing from the other side, sneaking under the continent, Qin Shuang still observes quietly. As the day passed, the sun went down like the previous moon and dived below the continent, while the moon slowly rose from the other side, as if the sun and the moon were slowly rotating around the continent.

"Curious! This Monster Suppressing Tower is definitely not only an Artifact Refining Technique, but a fusion of Tool Dao, Jin Dao and Talisman Dao. And the person who refined the Monster Suppressing Tower, yes Both space and time have extremely high comprehensions."

Her eyes fell on the five pillars on the continent again, and her heart jumped again.

"I also have a very high understanding of the five attributes of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth."


Qin Shuang again After a while, she found that the Monster Suppressing Tower Five Elements was complete, and after the Moon Wheel was launched on the day, other attributes had already spawned.

For example, Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning...

At this time, in the sky is gathering dark clouds, "ka-cha", lightning flashes and thunder, heavy rain is blown by the wind Falling obliquely from the air.

"I really don’t know what will happen after the last two floors merge?"

Qin Shuang looked all around and saw a large area of ​​land because of the Monster Suppressing Tower After the expansion, he became bare again, and it seems that trees and herbs are about to be planted again!

It suddenly occurred to me that when I received those Monster Race skeletons, I also received a lot of weapons. Thoughts move, I came to the golden giant pillar of Hope, and saw that the weapons had disappeared under the giant pillar, and dozens of large and small metal blocks had been added.

"There are more rare metals!"

Qin Shuang was happy in his heart, thoughts move, and moved Fengyan and Fengming from dantian to Monster Suppressing Tower and told Feng Yan and Fengming first fetched Spirit Tree and herbal seeds from the treasure house, and planted the Monster Suppressing Tower's extra open space due to the expansion. Only then did they recover the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness and left the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Three days passed quickly, the three people felt the space buzzing for a while, and when they looked up, they saw a vortex appearing in the sky. A silhouette flew to the vortex from a distance, and then disappeared in the vortex.

"That is Yaodao Gaolitian!" Hu Meiniang hurriedly said.

"He is the Demon Sword?"

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly. Although it is far away, the unstable aura on the Demon Shuang can still be seen by her. The Demon Shuang Litian Gao Litian Still a half-step demon saint.

"It seems that he still didn't break through to the demon saint!" Qin Shuang said softly.

Hu Meiniang rolled her eyes and said: "Why is the demon saint such a good breakthrough?"

"Let's go!"

Split Heaven is standing now When he got up, his two big feet stamped on the ground, and his figure rose up into the sky. Qin Shuang and Hu Mei Niang also flew towards the vortex in the air.

Soon, they rushed into the vortex, when they rushed out of the vortex, they saw a vast ocean, under their feet was the golden mask, and the vortex was slowly The ground disappeared, and the three of them flicked their sleeves and flew towards the flying boat.

With both feet on the ship, the demon saint Madara Feng who was standing on the deck smiled nodded and said:

"Three more came out alive, it seems this time During the Monster Realm Secret Realm trip, only four came back alive."

The three cultivators of Qin Shuang looked back and saw the golden mask gradually silent towards the seabed. Dan Fenghan said with a smile:

"You can rest and we will return immediately."

Qin Shuang looked at Dan Feng, which was slightly nodded, and he knew Tian Feng No matter what happened, Bian, Seitian'er and Hu Meiniang saluted Banfeng, and then went back to their own rooms.

Qin Shuang pushed open the door of his room and saw Tian Feng sitting there for cultivation. At this time, he looked guarded towards the door and saw that it was Qin Shuang, with a happily said on his face:

"You are back!"


Qin Shuang looked at Tian Feng and saw that Tian Feng’s cultivation base did not have a breakthrough, but It also reached the critical point of the breakthrough Martial Emperor Fourth Layer. It seems that Tian Feng worked very hard during this time.

When I saw Tian Feng, nothing happened, and heard that he entered the Secret Realm. During this time, Tian Feng was cultivation in the room every day. Nothing happened, so he set up another trapped Tian Feng. Feng was enveloped inside, then set up a formation in the room, thoughts move, and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower.

After entering the Monster Suppressing Tower, you can see that the entire Monster Suppressing Tower is already full of greenery. Fengming and Fengyan are both cultivating. Qin Shuang didn't bother them either, and checked around. The egg has entered the crystal clear jade fairy Essence Power range, absorbing the fairy Essence Power.

"What kind of egg is this?"

Qin Shuang shook the head, turning his head and looking around, he saw a group of more than one hundred incense beasts. Holding fragrant fruit to eat. The Fragrant Fruit Tree planted by Qin Shuang at the beginning has developed into a large area. Seeing Qin Shuang's gaze, the fragrant beasts held the fragrant fruit and ran away "whiz whiz whiz".

Qin Shuang's gaze turned to the three fruits that he picked at the beginning and turned into babies. He saw that there were still three small trees with the three fruits hanging on it, and he felt Qin Shuang. Looking over, the three fruits shook, as if very disturbed.

Qin Shuang thoughts move, and stood in front of the three fruits. Up to now, Qin Shuang does not know what these three fruits are. I searched through the miscellaneous studies left by Blood Qin, but did not find a record that matches these three fruits. He called out Black Tortoise again.

Black Tortoise One entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, with a look of nervousness: "This is the Monster Suppressing Tower?"

"Don't worry, I can now control the Monster Suppressing Tower. Black Tortoise, what do you think these three fruits are?"

Black Tortoise looked at it for a while, shook his head and said: "I don't know."

The words fall, I sniff deeply He took a sip, and then pondered for a moment: "It feels like this is very similar to Longevity Fruit, but the grade is much lower. They are all created by absorbing cultivator essence, but the cultivator cultivation base that these three fruits should absorb is very low. , You can treat it as a defective Longevity Fruit."

"That's it!" Qin Shuang scratched his head and said: "How do I think they are bigger than when I caught them? "

"Of course it's big!" Xuan Martial Dao: "You caught so many demonic beasts and Monster Races. Although most of the essence has been absorbed by this Monster Suppressing Tower, there will always be A little bit was absorbed by these three trees."

Qin Shuang refreshed and said: "This is also only one fruit?"


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