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This means that Qin Shuang's body has the possibility of breeding spiritual power.

This idea has never been heard in the cultivation world, at least in Qin Shuang's memory.

Breed spiritual power!

Isn't that the same as the Heaven and Earth universe?

Suddenly, Qin Shuang's heart moved again. The three spiritual powers of Fenghuo, Xuanshui and Ruijin have something in common. Although they are very weak, will the three spiritual powers merge?

Qin Shuang was deeply shocked by his thoughts and calmed down his emotions. When the state of mind returned to Qingming, Qin Shuang tried to extract a drop of spiritual power from each of the Fenghuo Wuxiang and Xuanshui Wuxiang. When the two drops of spiritual power appeared in the dantian, they rushed to each other, frightening Qin Shuang. She was in a cold sweat. But after the two drops of spiritual power collided, they didn't explode like the previous one, but they didn't merge completely either, but only one-tenth of the fusion.

This has already made Qin Shuang so excited that he almost jumped up. You must know that this is not Qin Shuang actively controlling the fusion of Xuanshui and Fenghuo, but the active fusion of the spiritual power of the two attributes, and it is true Fusion is not the kind of pseudo-fusion before Qin Shuang.

"Try three attributes!"

A drop of Ruijin spiritual power was spit out from Rui Jin Wuxiang’s mouth, towards the one-tenth Xuanshui and Feng Fire. Spirit Power floated past, and then merged together, still only one-tenth the degree. There was no explosion, and it spun out.

Qin Shuang thoughts move, the three drops of spiritual power combined with one-tenth of the spiritual power rotate out of the dantian, and Qin Shuang extend the hand points to the front point.


A column of water blasted from the bottom of the lake, and Qin Shuang jumped.

"What a great power!"

Qin Shuang estimated that this power definitely has the power of Martial Sage First Layer. Qin Shuang closed her eyes and began to perceive this change in detail, the change Longevity Fruit brought to her.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes. Although he could not further integrate the three spiritual powers, he had a direction to comprehend. It takes time to understand and derive. Qin Shuang believes that one day she will master the way of integration and understand Source Dao.

Study the strength of my own body, it is still Martial Sage Third Layer, but I feel that my body is more vigorous and full of vitality.

"It really deserves to be Longevity Fruit. It has increased my life essence by three hundred years."

Qin Shuang could not help but imagine, if this Longevity Fruit is fully mature, not 80% If you mature, to what extent will you extend your life essence?

shook the head, throw away this unrealistic idea. It is a great opportunity to be able to obtain an eight-mature Longevity Fruit without being shot to death by those two huge Primordial Spirits.

Yin God is because it absorbed a lot of Dao Rhyme from Qin Shuang's breakthrough, from Martial Sage Ninth Layer Peak breakthrough to Martial Sage Tenth Layer Early-Stage.

Grand Virtue Qi also absorbed Dao Rhyme and restored five buckets, and Haoran's liquid had two buckets. There are still three golden buckets empty. The Ancient Qin above the golden bucket was solidified for one more point, and now it was solidified by three points, and it began to have a mighty energy.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Nascent Soul Seventh Layer's Fire Phoenix is ​​dancing lightly and gracefully, and the Phoenix Feather Sword is hovering under its claws like a cloud of fire.

Nascent Soul First Layer’s Black Tortoise lies in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, with eight water thunder beads clinging to its back. The fangs of the big mouth fish gathered together and hovered at the feet of Black Tortoise, like a blue cloud.

Nascent Soul First Layer's White Tiger tiger occupies the Sea of ​​Consciousness, emitting golden rays of light, and the Golden Peng sword hovering under four tiger claws, like golden clouds.

There is also the Monster Suppressing Tower and Blood Qin space, slowly circling around the Merit Tablet.

Qin Shuang swung his sleeves and rushed upwards. With a sound of "oh la la", he broke out of the water and stood on the lake. The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness swept all around, no one was left. Qin Shuang took off the clothes on her body, took a bath in the lake, then took out the dry clothes from the storage ring and put on them, and then took out the giant sword of the phoenix feather, took out the scabbard from the storage ring, and removed the phoenix. Feather giant sword is inserted in the sheath and carried on the back. After recognizing the direction, the sleeves of his shirt were swayed, and the surface of the lake under his feet was gently rippling. Qin Shuang's figure was already close to the ground, flying away like a plume of smoke.

Cracking Tianxi and Hu Meiniang’s injuries have recovered 80%. The two Great Demons are working together to heal their injuries. The two of them did not leave where Qin Shuang threw them to the ground, but in the vicinity of the wounds. . They felt that if Qin Shuang's injury was completely recovered, they should come back here to find them. I don’t know if it was the collapse of Myriad Monsters Mountain that scared those Corpse Insects, and they didn’t dare to come here. These days, they didn’t encounter a Corpse Insect.

The sound of the clothes sweeping through the air came from a distance. Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang immediately opened their eyes and looked at the sound from the sound.

"Phoenix younger sister!" There is a joy in the hearts of the two.

You don't need to see Qin Shuang's face clearly, just see a hot red suit, and the two of them immediately recognize Qin Shuang. The flaming little dot quickly magnified in their eyes, and in a moment, they stood in front of the two of them, swept them at them, and said with a smile on their faces:

"Split Tian Si Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, your two injuries are about to recover completely?"

Split Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang stood up, moved towards Qin Shuang and bowed deeply to salute:

"Feng younger sister, you saved our lives twice, my fox Meiniang didn’t pay for it, but in the future, there will be things that will break the sky and the bones, I am willing to say."

"Feng younger sister, no matter how far we are in the future, as long as you have a message, I will definitely go."

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, you don’t have to be like this. . We stay together all the way, and I treat you as true friends. When friends are in trouble, how can they not be saved? If I am in trouble, you will also be saved, right?"

After a moment of hesitation, Hu Meiniang said angrily: "Cracking the sky, what do you mean? What are you hesitating? Is it because Feng younger sister is in trouble, and you are not willing to help?"

"No, no !" Cracking Tian Si continued to wave his big hands.

"Then what do you mean?" Hu Meiniang was still angry.

The big face of Cracking Tianyi was flushed and shy, looking at Qin Shuang stammering and said:

"Feng younger sister, do you have Dao Companion? Or we will tie it up. For Dao Companion, it is also good to keep the cracking sky by your side at all times."

"pu..." Hu Mei Niang looked stunned, and then she trembled with a smile.

Split Tianyi gave Hu Meiniang a depressed look, and then looked at Qin Shuang expectantly. Qin Shuang's face was dark, and he hurriedly shook his head and said: "Senior Brother, Dao Companion, Fengming has never thought about it. Fengming just wants to ask for the truth and set foot on Heavenly Dao. The Peak."

There was a trace of loss in Cracking Tianer's eyes, but it was more of a kind of relief. Heavy nodded and said:

"Okay, Feng younger sister, this younger sister, I have determined that you are my biological younger sister."


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