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"Yes!" Nodded and said: "This is the way of life and death for friends."

"Let’s go, let’s find someone The place is restored!"



Qin Shuang's figure flew close to the ground, and once again came to the seat At first, she killed the lake of water attribute Corpse Insect, and she kept her figure, rushing directly into the lake, and sank to the deepest part of the lake.

Soon, the entire lake was enveloped by rich spiritual power, forming a spiritual cloud covering the entire lake, and then slowly rotating, forming a spiritual cloud vortex. Sisi Dao Rhyme flies like a 璎珞, descending to the bottom of the lake, surrounding Qin Shuang's body, being absorbed and comprehended by Qin Shuang. The strong Longevity Fruit ability in the body provides Qin Shuang with breakthrough energy.

At this time, Qin Shuang is already Nascent Soul Stage Sixth Layer, and it is still improving rapidly. Qin Shuang sat at the bottom of the lake with a painful look on his face. That was because the energy of Longevity Fruit was too huge. At this time, Qin Shuang closed the dantian in order to improve the cultivation base of the law and made Longevity Fruit's strength. Energy can only be provided to Sea of ​​Consciousness, making her Sea of ​​Consciousness more and more swelling. Although it has not reached the level of bursting Sea of ​​Consciousness, the intense pain also makes Qin Shuang battered and exhausted.

However, Qin Shuang does not have much worry in his heart. When it is really unable to hold it, at worst turn on dantian and let Martial Dao help consume a part of Longevity Fruit's ability. Of course, the best result can be used for all cultivation methods.

two hours!

Two hours!

Three hours!


Qin Shuang's Fenghuo method has once again gained a breakthrough, climbing to the Nascent Soul Stage Seventh Layer.


There was a phoenix sound in her Sea of ​​Consciousness, that Fire Phoenix became more gorgeous, and the patterns on her body became more and more complicated, surrounding Monster Suppressing Tower just dances. Qin Shuang still observes his mouth with his nose, his heart with his mouth, cross-legged on the bottom of the lake, motionless.

One by one, Qin Shuang visualized the dao chart cases on the body of Nascent Soul Fire Phoenix, and gradually promoted Qin Shuang’s cultivation base of Phoenix Fire to the Nascent Soul Stage Seventh Layer Peak.

However, Qin Shuang did not continue to breakthrough, but chose to start to visualize Black Tortoise, breakthrough the cultivation base of Xuanshui Method.

The cultivation base of Xuanshui Fadao is only the Core Formation Stage. With the help of Longevity Fruit, it can be upgraded more quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang had already reached the critical point of Core Formation Stage Eleventh Layer and then broke through to Core Formation Stage 12th-layer.

At this time, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Shuang, the Xuanshui Method only has the largest Foundation Establishment platform at the bottom layer, and a large egg above the Foundation Establishment platform is Xuanshui Core Formation, eight water thunder beads slowly circling around that Xuanshui Pill.

The energy of Longevity Fruit floods the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the silk enters the Xuanshui Pill, and the dense Dao Rhyme merges into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Shuang, and penetrates into the Xuanshui Dansi. Make Xuanshui Dan more blue, brighter and more gorgeous.

The Foundation Establishment platform on the last floor began to roll upwards, slowly wrapping the Xuanshui Pill inside, making the Xuanshui Pill once bigger.


Xuanshui Pill trembles, Qin Shuang's Xuanshui method cultivation progress has reached the Core Formation Stage Thirteenth Layer. After a few breaths of tremor, the Xuanshui Pill stabilized, and then began to rotate slowly, and the strong Sea of ​​Consciousness and Sisi Dao Rhyme continuously penetrated into the Xuanshui Pill, making the Xuanshui Pill to the extreme.

After half a day, Xuanshui Pill has reached Thirteenth Layer Peak. Reached the critical point of Po Dan becoming an infant.

two hours.

Two hours.

Three hours.

The accumulation of the Xuanshui Pill finally reached Peak. With a sound of "ka-cha", the Xuanshui Pill shattered, and a Black Tortoise came out of the Xuanshui Pill and opened its mouth towards the broken Xuanshui Pill. With one inhalation, the Xuanshui Pill turned into one after another extremely mysterious and abstruse rune, which was sucked into the mouth by Black Tortoise.

Xuanshui Fadao cultivation base breakthrough to Nascent Soul Stage First Layer.

Qin Shuang did not choose to continue to break through the Xuanshui cultivation base. Don't look at the Xuanshui cultivation base but the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Stage First Layer. But from Core Formation Stage breakthrough to Nascent Soul Stage is a big stage, the energy consumed by Longevity Fruit is no more than the energy of Fenghuo cultivation base continuous breakthrough three layers.

Qin Shuang immediately began to visualize White Tiger. The cultivation base of Ruijin Method is only Core Formation Stage Ninth Layer, but for Nascent Soul Stage, the energy of Longevity Fruit consumed by this realm has started to be much lower. Qin Shuang improved very quickly, but in less than a day, he raised the Ruijin cultivation base all the way to the Core Formation Stage Thirteenth Layer, and then began to hit the Nascent Soul Stage.

At this time, the energy of Longevity Fruit is not as surging as before, and it is also a big stage from Core Formation Stage to Nascent Soul Stage. It took Qin Shuang a whole day and night to finally bring Ruijin Cultivation base breakthrough arrived at Nascent Soul Stage First Layer. The cultivation progress of the Ruijin Method has reached the Nascent Soul Stage First Layer Peak, and found that the energy of Longevity Fruit is running low, and then let go of the dantian. This let go of the dantian, and the energy of Longevity Fruit will flow into the dantian.

What surprises Qin Shuang is that the energy of Longevity Fruit does not alone raise a certain spiritual power cultivation base, but flows evenly towards one fleshy body and three spiritual power phases. . The four Wu opened their mouths at the same time, sucked in the energy of Longevity Fruit, and sucked in the little Longevity Fruit energy.

Qin Shuang perceives the changes in the body and the martial arts in detail. Although neither the body nor the martial arts has changed at all, Qin Shuang does not have the slightest impatience and still perceives meticulously . Unconsciously, one day passes. Qin Shuang frowned slightly.

Ruijin Martial Dao is still the Martial Emperor Eighth Layer, without any improvement.

Xuanshui Martial Dao is still Martial God First Layer. No improvement.

Fenghuo Martial Dao is still Martial God Third Layer. No improvement.

"Those Longevity Fruit energy has no effect on Martial Dao?"



Suddenly A strange appearance appeared in Qin Shuang’s perception. She felt that the fleshy body martial arts and the three spiritual power martial arts have a slight connection...


Not contact!

It's something in common.

This refreshed Qin Shuang's spirit!

Be aware that in the body of Qin Shuang before, the fleshy body represents the body of Qin Shuang, the phoenix fire power represents the phoenix Fire Spirit Power, and the black water represents Xuanshui. Spiritual power, Rui Jin Wuxiang represents Rui Jin spiritual power.

There is nothing in common in these four aspects.


On this brief moment, Qin Shuang actually felt that there was a slight similarity between them.

Not only does the three spiritual powers have a similarity, but the three spiritual powers and fleshy body feel more integrated. In the past, the fleshy body was the body of Qin Shuang, and the spiritual power was Qin Shuang’s absorption of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi into the body. After great circulation, it entered the dantian. In other words, spiritual power is an outsider for Fleshy body. spiritual power is more like a sojourner.

However, in this brief moment, the two have a tendency to not distinguish each other.

What does this mean?

Qin Shuang thought hard, suddenly eyes shined, like two little suns.


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