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"Huh..." Qin Shuang let out a long breath: "It's okay, otherwise I don't know what kind of monster you will create."

"monster?" Black Tortoise said naively, "Isn't there a monster in that ball of light?"

Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold, and then a lot of things will happen. The son thinks thoroughly.

Ancient Era, Monster Race and Human Race battle, and finally failed to return to Monster Realm, and was also sealed by Human Race the channel between Monster Realm and the human world. The most important thing is that those Monster Race ancestor-level powers, deadly deaths, severe injuries, reluctantly blocked Human Race while retreating to Monster Realm, their lives have reached a critical moment. Since you are about to die anyway, take your heart and blood, create a new Monster Race, and then let this new Monster Race lead the Monster Race to attack the human world and avenge them. This is completely reasonable.

Qin Shuang squinted again and looked inside through the gap between the runes and the formation mark, and his sweat suddenly stood up. The figure couldn't help taking a step back.

The glance through the gap just now, she saw two huge monsters fighting with each other. It's just that the two huge monsters are too peculiar. They are shapes that Qin Shuang has never seen before. The visual impact is too strong.

Took a deep breath, Qin Shuang approached the light ball again, looking into the light ball world through the gap between the rune pattern and the formation mark.

I saw two huge monsters with distorted bodies and distorted faces. They are hideous and terrifying. One huge monster has dozens of characteristics of Monster Race, and the other has dozens of demonic beasts. Characteristics.

The two huge monsters are swallowing each other, and the bodies of the two huge monsters are not solid.

"It's Primordial Spirit!" said Black Tortoise, who was lying on Qin Shuang's shoulder, looking at the two huge monsters in the world of light ball.

"Primordial Spirit?" Qin Shuang was surprised: "What is this Primordial Spirit?"

"This is the Primordial Spirit after swallowing and fusion." Black Tortoise's voice revealed Excited: "You forgot what I just said. Creating a new race requires apex of flesh, blood, essence, and split Primordial Spirit. It takes several steps to create a new race. One is fleshy body. The second is the fusion of the Primordial Spirit, and the last is the fusion of the Primordial Spirit and the fleshy body. Now, the flesh and blood are still fusing. But this Primordial Spirit has merged into two. All the Primordial Spirit should be These two Primordial Spirits swallow and fuse. The next thing to do is to fuse one of the two Primordial Spirits with the other."

Qin Shuang retracted his gaze and looked at the spherical world. There was no alternative. Even if she wanted to destroy this light globe world, she didn't have that ability.

Her Talisman Dao realm has arrived, but the formation realm is not enough. The own cultivation base is even more inadequate. Even if you want violent destruction, you can't do it.


The two huge monsters collided together again.

"si si ……"

A crack appeared above the light ball, and the runes and formation marks on it were rippling round and round. There were about seven breaths of time. The formation marks and runes flowed quickly, eliminating the cracks in the light ball.

Qin Shuang's heart is full of horror. The power that overflowed from the crack just made Qin Shuang's sweat stand in terror. Qin Shuang's current strength has crossed the threshold of Martial Sage, and Qin Shuang has not seen Martial Sage, but at that moment, it was just the power of silk that overflowed from the gap, that Qin Shuang had never seen before. The power of the past. Qin Shuang has no doubt that if he faces the two huge monsters, he will not have the slightest strength to fight back. Not to mention that the other party can crush him to death with one finger. I am afraid that if he blows a breath at himself, he can blow himself up. soul flew away and scattered.

"So amazing!"

Black Tortoise's expression also became solemn: "This is just not completely integrated. If they can really integrate perfectly, forming a life of heart , I’m afraid I can really break free of Heavenly Dao’s shackles."

"Fortunately, this ball of light is blocking it!" Qin Shuang exhaled a long sigh, and continued to look inside, pointing to the ball of light. Inside, near the head of the new life's fleshy body said:

"There is a tree there."

Black Tortoise lay on Qin Shuang’s shoulder and looked towards the tree. The complexion changed:

"Longevity Tree!"

"Longevity Tree? What kind of tree is that?"

Black Tortoise's complexion became very serious, After observing for a while, he said: "It should be the Longevity Tree."

Turn your head, glanced at Qin Shuang and said: "The so-called Longevity Tree is not a tree born from Heaven and Earth, but a tree. It is a kind of tree born from the convergence of spiritual power, and it must be the fusion of the spiritual power of various attributes to be able to breed a tree."

Qin Shuang looks at the tree in the photosphere. The tree said: "All kinds of spiritual power can be integrated with each other, and you can merge into such a tree!"

"It's not that easy!" Black Tortoise shook his head: "It can be said to be extremely difficult. Longevity The Great Cultivator, the ancestor-level Great Cultivator necessary for Tree, extracts the life source Essence essence of its own cultivation, and integrates it. After the fusion of infinite time, it may not be able to breed a Longevity Tree. The requirements are extremely harsh, and I did not expect this world. Monster Race unexpectedly has such a great courage, and with such a great opportunity, it actually gave birth to a Longevity Tree."

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said: "These Monster Races were originally life essence. Soon Since they are willing to take out the blood essence and blood essence of the heart, as well as their Primordial Spirit, and then take out their own essence, there is nothing surprising."

"Sure. Too. "Black Tortoise nodded.


The two huge objects in the light ball collided again, and the light ball struck out a gap again. The power gushing out from the gap pushed Qin Shuang's body into a staggering step back. He said in amazement:

"If they collide like this, will they strike this ball of light? Got to collapse? "

"No! Black Tortoise shook his head and said, "The strength of the two of them has not reached that height. They are just Primordial Spirits. When the two of them are completely fused, fused with the Fleshy body, forming a new life, they will be able to break the light sphere and be truly born. "

Qin Shuang was dumbfounded: "If such a Great Demon is born, who else will be his opponent?" "

Black Tortoise was dumbfounded after hearing it, and then looked at each other with fear in their eyes.


The two huge monsters in the ball of light continuously collide, causing one after another crack to appear continuously on the ball of light, but the one after another crack will not last for a few breaths, and it will be bridged by the rune and the formation mark.

"By the way, Black Tortoise, what role does the Longevity Tree play in creating new life? "

Black Tortoise froze for a while, and finally sighed: "These Monster Races are so big!" Longevity Tree produces a fruit every 10,000 years, and only one Longevity Fruit can be produced at a time. The fruit is the result of the fusion of various essences and will become a fruit without attributes. This fruit is taken by that new life, and once it is really successful, it will become a non-attribute body. "


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