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Qin Shuang nodded said: "Then let's feel it."

Qin Shuang took Fengyan back to Dantian and let himself and Feng Yan was always in a state of understanding and stepped onto the stone platform.

Looking down at the six holes on the stone platform, he took out six Top Grade Spirit Stones and placed them inside.


The entire stone platform lights up, enveloping Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang felt the space begin to distort and plunged into darkness, as if it was only a moment, before his eyes lit up, the feeling of tearing his body disappeared, but his mind was still slightly dizzy.

I raised my eyes and swept all around, no danger was found. This made Qin Shuang sighed in relief. Instead of looking at her surroundings, she took a few medicine pills and turned them slightly. Then, she opened her eyes and looked at all around.

This is no longer the space in Monster Realm Secret Realm. As for whether it is other places in Monster Realm, Qin Shuang doesn't know because she is very new to Monster Realm.

Qin Shuang looked at all around carefully, this time she felt the difference. This should not be another place in Monster Realm, but an independent space opened up.

This space is only about a thousand li in a radius. It feels like a circular space. The formation marks and runes that make up this space flow all around, forming a magnificent color. Barriers.

Qin Shuang's gaze was attracted by the center of this space, where a spherical object appeared again. The spherical object was not big. It gave Qin Shuang the impression that it was about ten feet in radius.

That is a ball of light!

It's just that the ball of light is covered by dense formation marks and runes, and it is impossible to tell whether the ball of light is hollow or solid.

Qin Shuang's curiosity was hooked up, cautiously walked towards the ball of light. Until she stood in front of the ball of light, there was still no response when she saw the ball of light, and then she was lightly sighed in relief, focusing her eyes on the ball of light.

However, the runes and formation marks on the ball of light are too dense, completely blocking Qin Shuang's sight. Qin Shuang released the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, but was instantly bounced back. She released Soul Power again, and was also bounced back. Qin Shuang frowned slightly, thoughts move, and summoned Feng Yan and Feng Ming from nodded. The three people stood in front of the ball of light and began to study the runes and formation marks on it.

Qin Shuang, as the Peak Talisman Dao Great Grandmaster, quickly analyzed these runes, which made her slightly sighed in relief, looked towards Fengyan slightly, and frowned.

"What's the matter?"

Feng Yan shook his head and said: "My realm is not enough. I can't crack these formation marks. Even more how, these formation marks are still effective with runes. Combine them together. Although these runes are separated from the formation mark and should not be in the realm of Peak Great Grandmaster, when the formation mark and runes are combined, they are not weaker than the realm of Peak Great Grandmaster."

Qin Shuang frowned thinking for a while, and then nodded: "You are right. However, even if it is temporarily impossible to crack, but if you want to see what is inside the light ball, there should be no problem."

Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness is transmitted from the center of the eyebrows, and one after another rune is continuously constructed in the air, and then the one after another rune is dropped on the sphere of light. After one after another rune patterns fell, I saw that the dense rune patterns and formation marks on the light ball gradually changed the direction of flow, and a gap was exposed in the dense coverage.

Qin Shuang narrowed his eyes through this gap and looked inside.

It turned out to be a space inside! And it's not smaller than the space Qin Shuang is in at this time.

"There is still Space Attribute!"

Qin Shuang's heart was shocked, and when he looked at the world in the light ball carefully, he saw that there was one lying in the center of the light ball space. Don't know how to describe things.

And that thing is constantly changing its shape, turning into a dragon for a while, a phoenix for a while, a Black Tortoise for a while, and a White for a while. Tiger has become Qilin in a while, it has become a cracked sky, it has become Azure Ox in a while, it has become a snake...

In short, it is no longer changing, it just It is like a piece of flesh, but this piece of flesh does not seem to belong to a body. Sometimes this piece of flesh will be divided into several individuals, showing various characteristics of Monster Race, such as dragon, phoenix, cow, etc., and then these different characteristics The flesh and blood rushed towards each other again, fuse together again. Sometimes, this piece of flesh and blood will show several characteristics of Monster Race at the same time.

"What...what is this?"

Qin Shuang was completely confused. She had never seen this before. Thoughts moved, so Black Tortoise was taken from the heart of Haoran. Called out from within. Black Tortoise lay on Qin Shuang's shoulder, squinting his small eyes, looking through the gap between the rune pattern and the formation mark on the ball of light, towards the world in the ball of light.

After watching for a while, Black Tortoise said hesitantly: "This... seems to be a fusion of Monster Races of different races..."

Speaking of which, Black Tortoise's expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that... the Great Demon of the ancestor level of Monster Realm, want to create a kind of Monster Race?"

"Create a new kind of Monster Race?" Qin Shuang's heart was shocked, and he looked at the thing in the light globe world again. Things that change shape from time to time.

"It looks really alike!"

"It's not like, but it's true!" Black Tortoise's voice was a little depressed: "I think at the beginning, several of our Divine Races have also been Had this kind of thought."

"Thinking? What kind of thought? This kind of thought?" Qin Shuang withdrew his gaze: "Slow, you guys want to create a race. What is going on? Tell me about it."

"Actually, there is nothing to say!" Black Tortoise lay on Qin Shuang's shoulder, with a memory of memories in his eyes: "Although we are Divine Race, but We always feel that Heavenly Dao endows us with magic, but it also gives us yoke. Maybe we can stand at the top of a world, but it is completely impossible to break free from the shackles of Heavenly Dao and jump out of Heavenly Dao. We are not reconciled and once thought Then, take out the apex of our heart and blood essence, split into the Primordial Spirit, and then combine several ancestor-level heart apex flesh, heart blood essence and Primordial Spirit together to create a new Divine Race. This Divine Race will be Combining all the advantages of our Divine Race, maybe you can break free from the shackles of Heavenly Dao."

"Are you crazy?" Qin Shuang looked at Black Tortoise in amazement.

Black Tortoise was silent, and Qin Shuang asked tentatively: "Then...have you done this?"

"No!" Black Tortoise shook his head and said, "Take your heart and blood. Essence and split Primordial Spirit are nothing more. When the time comes, it can always recover, but if the heart and flesh is removed, it will hurt the root. Therefore, we did not dare to do this."


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