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"She, she...really killed Jia Wudi, the powerful Jia Wudi!"


Qin Shuang spit out a mouthful of blood and whispered in a low voice: "A invincible is really strong. It deserves to be Ranked 3rd in Monster God."

Qin Shuang's face A painful color appeared on the top, and she was injured by Jia Wudi several times in a battle with Jia Wudi, especially the tail drawn horizontally. Although it was only the tip of the tail that brushed her, it also caused her to break two ribs. .

Her inner palace was also hurt, and this fierce battle almost consumed her Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual power. If an ordinary person suffers from this injury, he will not be able to recover in less than a year.

Qin Shuang walked towards the broken cave, his staggering back disappeared from the eyes of Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang, and once again stood in front of the gate. It's just that she didn't open the door immediately. Instead, she took out a myriad forms fruit, took a few bites, and then took out the medicine pill and started to restore the cultivation base.

While restoring the cultivation base, Qin Shuang was thinking about the life-and-death battle just now.

"I used almost all of my hole cards to kill A Invincible, and A Invincible died under my Sword Domain because of the loss of seven Avatars. And A Invincible was only in Monster God Ranked 3rd on the list. I originally thought that no matter it was Monster Race or Demon Race, under Martial Sage, no one was an opponent."

Myriad forms is quickly repairing Qin Shuang’s body. , Medicine Pill is also quickly recovering her cultivation base.

"Although Jia Wudi has not fought against Yaodao Gao Litian, the Monster God list can exist in Monster Realm and is recognized by the Monster Race cultivator. It must have its impartiality, although Jia Wudi does not accept Yaodao Gao Plowing sky, but Gao Litian, the demon sword, has a great probability than Jia invincible. Is such an expert really dead in Secret Realm?"

Qin Shuang's eyes flashed wise His gaze: "This battle with Jia Invincible gave me a better understanding of Martial Dao and Fa Dao, and the realm of all aspects has also been consolidated. If the demon knife Gao Litian is not dead, I can confirm it with him. It must be able to further improve my cultivation base."

Within less than two hours, myriad forms have caused Qin Shuang’s injury and the cultivation base has also recovered by 50%. Qin Shuang stood up, took a few medicine pills, and walked towards the gate.

Standing in front of the door, extend the hand and push hard towards the door.

"Gazhi zhi..."

With the heavy voice, the door was slowly pushed open by Qin Shuang. A passage was exposed. This channel is spiraling downward and extending downwards, without knowing its depth. Qin Shuang stepped into the door.

"Why hasn't Fengming come out yet?" Hu Meiniang looked at the opposite side of the light bridge.

"Maybe it's healing, right?" Split Sky said in a low, muffled voice.

Suddenly, the keen perception made the two of them stand up suddenly, looking back and looking behind them. I saw a man who was as tall as a hill, with a giant knife on his back, standing at the end of a light bridge, looking at the light gate on the bridge.

Splitting the sky is strong enough, but the man is not too bad. The body was rising with breath, giving people a sense of instability. The rising breath caused the space around his body to show tiny cracks from time to time.

That’s because I’m on the verge of breakthrough, and I can’t control the changes in the body’s inner Qi. It’s a sign that appears. And this person's rising breath is clearly a half-step demon saint, once the breakthrough, it is a demon saint again.

The breath is hiding the sky and covering the earth, and it seems to be suppressed by something. It is as if a dormant giant dragon is waking up. Once awakened, he will fly straight up and travel to Nine Heavens.

Split Tiansi and Hu Meiniang screamed in horror: "The Yaodao Gao Litian."

"He is not dead!"

Split Tiansi and Hu Meiniang In my heart, the aura of Yaodao Gao Litian's body has changed, and the two of them can naturally see that before entering Monster Realm Secret Realm, Yaodao Gao Litian hadn't been in such an imposing manner. Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang stood in Gao Litian. In front of him, there is also an imposing manner of striving for high and low.


Now, across a light bridge, both of them feel that they have no intention of confrontation. Completely suppressed by the imposing manner of the demon sword Gao Litian.

"Why is he... so strong?"

Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang's eyes locked on Yaodao Gao Litian, but in less than two days, Seeing Gao Litian, the demon knife, passed through the light gate and walked on the light bridge, step by step, walked leisurely over the light bridge, stepped on the platform, and walked towards the two Great Demons, Le Tianyi and Hu Meiniang. .

The two Great Demons of Cracking Sky and Hu Mei Niang were extremely nervous. Although the injuries were far from recovering, the two Great Demons also urged spiritual power to prepare for a duel.

The demon sword walks high and plows the sky step by step, and every step it takes, it seems to drive the space, as if the surrounding space is shaking, making the hearts of Seitian and Hu Meiniang extremely shocked.

The demon knife Gao Litian lightly glanced at Seitianni and Hu Meiniang, but with this look, it seemed as if countless sharp blades cut the bodies of Seitianni and Hu Meiniang, making two Great Demon "deng deng deng". The ground took three steps back in succession. look pale, cold sweat oozes out of the body surface.

However, Yaodao Gao Litian only lightly glanced at them, then withdrew his eyes, walked past them, came to a light gate, stood there, looked Looking at the inheritance on the light gate.


The two Great Demons, Crack Tianyi and Hu Meiniang, let out a long sigh, unabashedly, and sweat immediately. They looked at each other, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

The platform fell silent, Seitian and Hu Meiniang looked at Gao Litian, the two demon swords not far away from them, and Gao Litian looked at the inheritance on the Guangmen.

Split Tianyi and Hu Meiniang looked at each other. The two Great Demons withdrew their gazes, and immediately sat cross-legged, and began to race against time to restore the cultivation base.

The demon knife Gao Litian perceives the movements of the two of them. He turned his head and glanced at them with a playful look. The cracking days and Hu Meiniang who were recovering their cultivation base were stunned in their hearts and couldn't help being interrupted. Adjusting his breath, opened his eyes and looked at Yaodao Gao Litian. Seeing the playfulness in his eyes, the two people felt humiliated. Obviously, before entering Monster Realm Secret Realm, everyone has the same cultivation base. Why is the gap between them so wide after entering Monster Realm?

"Your... your cultivation base is so high, why did you come now?" Hu Meiniang asked with a trembling voice.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the demon knife Gaoli Heavenly Eye: "You are fascinated by inheritance, but you forget that Monster Realm Secret Realm is not only inheritance, there are countless great opportunities, and it is also a temper. A good opportunity for yourself. Hehe is..."

Speaking of which, he hehe said with a smile: "Maybe you were terrified by Corpse Insect in Monster Realm Secret Realm and didn't dare to sharpen yourself. hehe......"


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