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Split Tianyi and Hu Meiniang sat down on the ground. In their hearts, Qin Shuang simply has no hope of surviving.

The huge Nine Headed Snake occupies almost all the space, Qin Shuang can only dodge in the gap, how can this be beaten?

Qin Shuang thoughts move, inside dantian, Xuanshui spiritual power Wuxiang opened his mouth, one after another Xuanshui spiritual power flowed out of her sky, merged with Phoenix Fire Spirit Power, hovered, He rushed out of dantian, rushed out of meridian, and rushed into Qin Shuang's Fengyu sword.


Qin Shuang's giant sword fiercely slashed on the thick snake's tail, and the huge scale armor on the snake's tail was smashed into pieces by Qin Shuang , Fengyu giant sword crossed the tail of the snake, cut out the tail of the snake with a big opening, and the blood burst into flight. At the same time, Qin Shuang's body also flew upside down.

"Roar..." Nine Headed Snake let out a scream. A snake head opened its mouth wide and sprayed a venom towards Qin Shuang. The venom sprayed from the huge snake mouth was like a rainstorm. The ground covered Qin Shuang.

"Burn all directions!"

A piece of fire sea suddenly came to life, greeted by the venom in the air. The torrential rain of venom was burned by the flames into a sky full of poison qi.

"Phoenix wings cut!"

Two huge phoenix wings suddenly hovered, giving birth to a whirlwind, engulfing the sky full of poison qi, and flying towards the sky.


A frost white sprayed out from another Shekou of Jia Wudi, and it was instantly frozen for thousands of miles. Qin Shuang's body was frozen into an ice sculpture.


The thick tail of Nine Headed Snake flicked towards Qin Shuang.

"It's over!"

Crack Tianxi and Hu Meiniang trembled. The two of them knew that as long as Qin Shuang died, Jia Wudi would kill them both without hesitation. .

At this time, even if you want to escape, it is too late.

even more how, their injuries have not been completely recovered?


In the ice sculpture, the flames flowed and burst into pieces with a sudden burst. Qin Shuang's figure was drawn to her body by the thick tail of Nine Headed Snake For a moment, it flashed out. However, Qin Shuang's body was still rubbed a little by the tip of his tail, and Qin Shuang's body flew out like a projectile, crashing into the mountain with a bang.


The Nine Headed Snake roared again, moving towards Qin Shuang, the cave where his body hit was sprayed with white frost.

"ka ka ka..."

The cave was instantly frozen, and the ice was rapidly spreading into the cave.

"This time is over!" Hu Meiniang muttered to herself.

"Not yet!" A ray of light of hope burst into the eyes of Cracking Tianer.

Hu Meiniang stared, and she saw the originally frosty ice inside, suddenly a flaming ray of light appeared from it, which was mapped by the thick layer of ice to release a gorgeous ray of light .

"Fengming belongs to the Fire Phoenix family. Her phoenix fire should be able to melt the ice of Nine Headed Snake?"

"I don’t know, it depends on Fengming’s cultivation. base."

"Fengming only has Monster God Third Layer."

"But her strength is very strong, Fenghuo should be of very high grade, right?"

"But...what about even the ice that can beat the Nine-Headed Bird? She can't beat Jia Wudi."

After a while, Jia Wudi sighed:" I hope she can escape."


The two Great Demons, Crack Tianyi and Humei Niang, showed surprises on their faces, and they saw The ice at the entrance of the cave became brighter and brighter, indicating that the ice layer was getting thinner and thinner.


The ice layer at the entrance of the frozen cave burst into pieces, and an invincible armor waiting outside the cave opened the big mouth capable of spraying venom towards the entrance of the cave. After exploring the past, before he waited for the venom to be ejected from his mouth, he saw a huge fist blasting out of the hole, and ten Fire Phoenix circling around that fist, crashing strikes on his head, putting his The head strikes had to be raised back high, the mouth was beaten in half, and the blood ran down oh la la oh la la.


Qin Shuang's silhouette sprang out from the cave, looking at the angry roaring Jia Wudi, a confident smile appeared on his face:

"I finally determined that your strength was greatly damaged. It seems that the destruction of the seven heads not only caused you to lose seven Avatars, but also greatly damaged your strength."

" So what? Even if you know it, you must die."

"You are the one who died!"

Qin Shuang pierced out with a sword, and the sky cracked across the light bridge Si He Hu Mei Niang stared at the opposite side in amazement, where the silhouettes of Qin Shuang and Jia Invincible had disappeared, only a huge phoenix feather sword illusory shadow Hengkong.

Split Sky gradually mouth opened wide, and stammered:

"Sword Domain...Fengming... unexpectedly...comprehended...Sword Domain..."


In the Sword Domain.

On a sword mound, full of long sword, Qin Shuang wears a red-clothed red dress, carries a red giant sword behind him, and stands on the sword mound with his hands behind.

Under the sword mound, Nine Headed Snake looked at Qin Shuang on the sword mound with a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Sword Domain?"

"Not bad!"

Qin Shuang raised his sleeves.

"clang clang clang..."

Above the sword mound, thousands of long swords vibrate together, one after another sword gang lingers on the sword. With a buzzing sound, myriad swords moving simultaneously, whizzing up, like a river of swords, flowing towards Jia Wudi.


A fear appeared in Jia Wudi's eyes, and the originally huge body swelled again, looking towards the low-level Sword Domain that burst Qin Shuang. .

“clang clang clang ……”

The scale armor on Jia Wudi's body shattered, and a long sword cut one after another wound on his body. The blood spurts like spring water. However, the body of the Nine Headed Snake was still swelling, the space of the Sword Domain had begun to shake, and cracks appeared.



With a word cry, Qin Shuang pulled out the giant sword of Fengyu behind him, and turned towards Nine Headed Snake. Cut away.

So fast!

At this time, Jia Wudi only has this feeling, and then he felt a fire in his neck, and one of his head fell from his neck. His swelling body suddenly stopped, and then it began to shrink like a frustrated ball.

"A invincible, in my Sword Domain, as long as my heart moves, the sword will come. You can't be faster than me, you can't avoid me, and you can't be stronger than me!"


Jia Wudi activated Space Divine Ability. He didn't activate Space Divine Ability just now, and he thought that Qin Shuang could be seriously injured by bursting Sword Domain. However, at this time, apart from running away, there was no other idea.


He discovered that in Qin Shuang’s Sword Domain, his Space Divine Ability had been imprisoned and could not be used at all.


A sword light flashed by again, and the only remaining head of Jia Wudi also fell from his neck. The huge body fell down suddenly. With Qin Shuang's hands together, Wan Dao Jian Gang shot into Nine Headed Snake's body, shattered his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and dug out nine inner cores. Qin Shuang waved his hand and put the nine inner cores into the storage ring, and put the body of the Nine Headed Snake into the storage ring.

The illusory shadow of the Phoenix Feather Sword in the air dissipated, and Qin Shuang's silhouette appeared in the air, slowly falling on the ground. Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang looked at Qin Shuang with their mouths open.


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