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When Fengming walked half the length of the passage with ease, he saw that the gate at the end of the cracking sky was less than one meter away, only this meter. The distance seems to be an unbearable torture to Splitting Heaven. He is moving forward little by little, and behind him, there are already about forty Monster Races, all of them are moving little by little at this time. Move forward.

"So fast?"

Fengming's heart jumped, and her heart became anxious. Seeing that fifty Monster Races were gathering in front of the gate, if fifty Monster Races passed the gate, she would have no place even if she walked over.

Fengming couldn't help speeding up his pace and began to surpass Monster Race one by one.

This area is already thirty-two times the gravity. Even if the Monster Race body is strong, and the Monster Race that can break through the second test is Martial God, but thirty-two times the gravity is more or less for them Somewhat influential. After all, the strength and power of Monster Race are also different, and the cultivation base is also different. Some are already Martial God Peak, and some are just Martial God Early-Stage. After all, the first test only assesses perception.

So, when these Monster Races saw Fengming walking lightly by their side, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes. At the same time, they also showed frustration. They knew that Fengming was robbing them again. After leaving one place, their hope is missing one more.

Fengming had already reached the last one hundred meters at this time. He raised his head and looked one hundred meters in front of the door. There was a sigh in his heart. Within this hundred meters, there were already eighty. Around Monster Race, there are far more than fifty places. At this time, Lei Tianer was already standing in front of the gate, pressing his hands on the gate, and pushed out forcefully.

I saw his back arched, "chih", the clothes on his arms were torn apart by the bulging muscles, and a roar suddenly erupted, and the door in front of him was slowly Pushed open, then stepped into the door, disappeared inside the door, and the door closed again with a bang.

Fengming narrowed his eyes and stepped into the final 100-meter zone. He felt a heavy pressure on his body.

"This must have more than seven hundred times the gravity!"

Fengming took a deep breath and looked at the second Monster Race, standing in front of the gate at this time , Is desperately pushing the door.

"Walking through this passage, the power has been consumed almost, and it is not easy to push the gravity gate again."

Fengming thought, While walking towards the gate. More than seven hundred times the strength has affected her speed, although she did not move step by step like other Monster Race, but it was also extremely slow.

step by step Surpassed the Monster Race cultivator who looked at her in shock. When she was less than 20 meters away from the gate, she saw Hu Mei Niang moving forward little by little and heard her behind. With the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and looked at Fengming, then opened his small mouth in surprise.


Fengming moved towards She shook her fist and said: "Come on!"

Then she passed Hu Meiniang and walked forward go with. Looking at Fengming's back, Hu Meiniang clenched the teeth and continued to move little by little forward.

When the gate was pushed open eleven times, after the 11th Monster Race walked into the gate, Qin Shuang surpassed all Monster Races and stood in front of the gate. Putting his hands on the door, and applying force with both arms, the power of Martial Sage Third Layer burst out. The door was pushed aside, Qin Shuang stepped in. The door behind him rumbling shut.

"Fengming younger sister!"

A rough voice came, and then a stalwart figure stood in front of Fengming. Qin Shuang didn't need to look up to know that it was the cracking sky. After making two rough breaths, Feng Ming said: "Don't you need to adjust your breath?"

"Me?" Seitiansi opened her big mouth and proudly said: "It's just a little consumption, it's not worth my breath adjustment. Your big brother, Seitiansi is so strong! Why are you like those idiots!"

At this point, Lei Tian Si also glanced at the ten Monster Race cultivators who were adjusting their breaths there at this time, so that the eyes of the ten cultivators full of murderous intention gathered. Qin Shuang walked away from the cracked sky silently, looked for a place, sat cross-legged, and began to adjust his breath.

In the process of pranayama, I heard the door being pushed open from time to time. I don't know how many times I was pushed away, I heard Seitian's loud voice rang again.

"Mei Niang, you finally came here! But it's a lot worse, and I'm ranked thirty-five."

Then I heard Hu Mei Niang whizzing and panting. Voice: "Who is like you, a idiot with well-developed limbs and simple mind!"

"I understand that divine ability is also in front of you, OK? If I am an idiot, what are you? What are they?" At the same time, he swiped at other people with his hand, and got one after another gaze full of murderous intention.

Hu Meiniang walked to the side and said: "Don't follow me, I don't know you."

Fengming felt funny in her heart. At this time, she has finished the news, but still Sitting there with his eyes closed, for fear of opening his eyes, the cracking sky ran up to her again, talking nonsense.

Finally, fifty places were selected.

The demon saint appeared again. Numerous cultivators opened their eyes one after another and stood up from the ground. Even the last Monster Race cultivator that came out of the gate stood there with great effort, looking To that demon saint.

"Congratulations on winning fifty Secret Realm places, and I hope you can get a complete inheritance in Secret Realm."

The faces of numerous cultivators have appeared. Excited, the demon saint’s gaze swept across the numerous cultivators and continued:

"You can go back and fix it. After three days, gather at the city gate and we will return to Monster Realm."

numerous cultivators left the Monster Race hall, Fengming, Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang moved into an Inn, and each requested a room. After Fengming entered the room, he checked the room and communicated with Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang came out of the Monster Suppressing Tower and said to Fengming: "Fengming, you go to the Monster Suppressing Tower quickly Internal cultivation, strive for an early breakthrough to the Martial God Realm world. Otherwise, your and my cultivation base does not match, and the weak spot is too big."

Nodded by Fengming, Qin Shuang was admitted into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Qin Shuang checked the room again, then threw the formation flag to set up a formation, and then also entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, and began the cultivation.

Three days passed quickly. Qin Shuang finished his cultivation and checked his physical condition. In the Monster Suppressing Tower, twenty times the aura of the outside world, three days outside, Monster Suppressing Within the Tower is more than two years of cultivation, which allowed Qin Shuang to make great progress in all aspects. Although it has not reached the critical point for another breakthrough, it is not far away.

When I came out of the room, I saw that Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang were already waiting outside. Seeing Qin Shuang, Lietian said:

"Feng younger sister, why have you been so long?"

"Understand something!"


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