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"weng weng weng ……"

one after another killing intent rushed out from the body of each Monster Race Junjie, in the Monster Qin Shuang in the Suppressing Tower couldn't help grinning. This cracking sky is really proud.


At this time, there was another Monster Race comprehended divine ability, which attracted the eyes of the monsters full of killing intent. Cracking Tiansi's heart couldn't help but feel relieved. Just now, when Qiang Qian's eyes were full of killing intent, his heart trembled.

"weng weng weng ……"

At this time, the Monster Race comprehended divine ability began to be continuously released, one by one. Qin Shuang said to Fengming:

"You also release the divine ability."

Fengming was nodded, then stood up, and a Profound Light shone behind him.


Feng Ming turned his head and looked around, and saw that Hu Mei Niang also comprehended divine ability. Qin Shuang recovered the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness and stopped paying attention to Monster. In the Race Hall, began to practice the Pill Refinement Technique in the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Yue endless is now Talisman Dao Peak Great Grandmaster, Fengyan is the Level 6 Great Grandmaster of the Array, Fengming is the Level 5 Great Grandmaster of the Array, and only Qin Shuang is the Pill Dao Level 3 Great Grandmaster, relatively With three distractions, she still has too little time to cultivation Pill Dao.

The time given in the first test is two months, and there are twenty days left. Twenty days outside, Monster Suppressing Tower has been around for nearly twenty years. After the first test is over, Pill Dao of Qin Shuang has reached the level 8 Great Grandmaster, and the magic Avatar Fengyan has also reached the level 7 Great Grandmaster. On the contrary, Fengming, who has been outside, is still Level 8 5 Dao Great Grandmaster. And the cultivation base is Martial Emperor Peak.

However, Qin Shuang has nothing to do. In this Monster Race hall, Qin Shuang has deep scruples and dare not change positions with Fengming.

Two months have finally come.

The door to the apse suddenly opened, and a demon saint walked out of the door and shouted:

"If you pass the assessment, follow me."

Qin Shuang heard Fengming’s call and walked out of the Pill Refining Room on the volcano, revealing a ray of Sea of ​​Consciousness, condensing an eye on Fengming’s forehead, sweeping towards all around, It was discovered that there are more than 600 Monster Race comprehended divine ability. Fengming followed among the demons and walked towards the gate of the apse. When I walked out of the gate, I saw a great hall again. There is a passage with a width of ten meters on the opposite side of the great hall. After all the demons came to the great hall, the demonic saint said:

"The place where you comprehend the divine ability is the front hall of the Monster Race hall, and the place where you are now is the nave. See Is the previous passageway? Now I want you to enter the apse through this passage. The fifty who enter the apse first are those who have the quota."

Qin Shuang couldn't help but be surprised, it was as simple as that. ?

Qin Shuang originally thought it would be necessary to fight for fifty places. But I didn't expect Monster Race to come up with such a peaceful way. Looking at the passage leading to the apse, secretly said in one's heart:

"It seems that this passage is not simple."

At this time, Seitian Si and Hu Mei Niang also Seeing Fengming, looked towards Fengming and walked over.

"Feng younger sister, do you also understand the divine ability?"

"Fortunately, I didn't become the idiot of the Senior Brother of Cracking Heaven." Fengming said with a smile.

"hehe..." said with a smile: "I had expected Feng younger sister to pass the exam. If Feng younger sister failed, those idiots would be even more impossible to pass."

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

More than six hundred pairs of eyes full of killing intents shot towards the cracking sky, Fengming stepped back calmly , And separated the distance from the cracking sky. Hu Meiniang, who was about to walk over, immediately stopped.

Split Tiansi said nonchalantly: "Feng younger sister, Mei Niang, let's go!"

"oh la la..."

More than six hundred The Monster Race cultivator flashed to the sides in an instant, revealing the cracking sky, Fengming and Hu Meiniang, standing in the middle of the open space.

Hu Meiniang and Fengming couldn’t help but glared at Seitianni, but Seitianni confidently walked towards the passage, and said as she walked:

"Those fools Don't dare to go, let's go!"

Fengming and Hu Meiniang couldn't help but use a hand to hold the forehead together. The map of the cracked sky is quite good. The two glanced at each other, and couldn't help but chirp and followed behind, pulling apart from Spit Tianyi.

"Step on!"

Crack Tianyi stepped on the passage, then turned her head and opened her mouth to say with a big smile: "Feng younger sister, Mei Niang, don’t worry, It turned out to be just a gravity passage. We hurriedly went ahead and got ahead. Slowly, the quota will be gone."

After finishing speaking, Splitting Tianyi scattered his feet and ran forward rumblingly. The demon heard that some Monster Race heroes couldn't bear it, and swiftly rushed into the passage. Dan still has some Monster Race cultivators sitting on the sidelines. They don't believe this passage will be that simple, just competing for speed. Fengming and Hu Meiniang were also walking along, looking into the passage as they walked.

Sure enough, the cracker who ran at the front did not run anymore. It became a brisk walk, then a stroll, and finally moved forward step by step, even though he The gate at the end of the passage is only one more than a hundred meters away.

At this time, all the demons understood that this is a continuously increasing gravity zone, and what is assessed is the strength and strength of the body. In fact, for Monster Race, the strength and strength of the body determines the strength of a Monster Race.

"Let's go, too."

Hu Meiniang understood the content of the assessment, her pace suddenly accelerated, and she stepped into the passage. Fengming also accelerated his pace, but instead of flying by, he walked forward at a normal speed. So when she stepped onto the passage, she was at the end.

"It's just double gravity!"

Fengming raised his brows and walked forward at a normal speed. Soon after a hundred meters, his body was slightly sinking, and it was already twice the gravity.

Fengming's eyes moved slightly, it seems that this is a doubling of gravity every 100 meters. However, Feng Ming didn't worry at all. Since she stepped on the gravity channel and knew that the content of this level was the strength and strength of the body, he had no worries. Her cultivation base is not as good as Qin Shuang, but the strength and strength of her body far exceed Qin Shuang. After all, she was refined with Fire Phoenix skeleton. The moment she succeeded in refining, she had reached Martial Sage First Layer. With her cultivation, her body strength has now reached Martial Sage Third Layer, which is better than Qin Shuang. This body is still strong.

She feels that the strength and strength of this body can completely pass the second test. If it fails, she does not believe that any Monster Race cultivator will pass.

However, she obviously underestimated those Monster Race cultivators.

The body of Monster Race cultivator was originally their strong point. They don’t even need cultivation, but as they grow older, their body and power will become stronger and stronger.


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