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The Dao Rhyme introduced by Qin Shuang is indeed a little bit stronger. Although she is breaking through the realm of the realm, her soul strength has reached the Martial Sage Ninth Layer. Early-Stage, so Heavenly Dao is impossible and unaffected even if it is a breakthrough on the path of law, so the attracted Heavenly Dao improves a little bit. However, it is not a breakthrough on Martial Dao after all, so when Dao Rhyme attracted by Qin Shuang reaches the later stage of Martial Emperor, he will no longer be promoted and remain in this realm.

Qin Shuang took a long time to build the Foundation Establishment platform, but the real breakthrough time was very short, but in less than four hours, Qin Shuang completed the breakthrough and began to build the Eleventh Layer Xuanshui Foundation Establishment. tower.

But when Qin Shuang built the Eleventh Layer Xuanshui Foundation Establishment platform, the entire Crescent Moon Lake was not peaceful. More and more Martial Artists began to breakthrough, and their breakthroughs were brought to other Martial Artists. The opportunity that comes, so there will be more Martial Artist breakthrough. Although they are all martial student breakthrough to warrior, or warrior breakthrough to Martial Master, or Martial Master Early-Stage breakthrough to Martial Master with a very low cultivation base, there are too many, simply one after another. After the breakthrough, the next one will begin. This allowed the strength of the Crescent Moon Empire to rapidly increase.

So Nine Heavens has passed, Tian Ci still has no movement, but Qin Shuang still has a breakthrough to Foundation Establishment Eleventh Layer.

Nowadays, no one pays attention to how many consecutive breakthroughs Qin Shuang has made. There are too many, making them numb. They just know that they have encountered a rare great opportunity, and at this time, except for Shen Qiu and Outside of the blood clothes, almost all the people came to the shore of Crescent Moon Lake, with Crescent Moon Lake as the center, layer by layer outwards, full of people.

When Qin Shuang breakthrough completed the Xuanshui Foundation Establishment Eleventh Layer and was beginning to build the Xuanshui 12th-layer Foundation Establishment platform, Luo Ye breakthrough arrived at the Martial King Eighth Layer.

Some peripheral Martial Artists began to fly towards Luo Ye's mansion. After all, they are too far away from Qin Shuang. Even with Qin Shuang breakthrough, the Dao Rhyme they can perceive is minimal. However, people like them all feel that these days are so happy. Continuously someone breaks through and gives them continuous opportunities.

Eleven days have passed.

Qin Shuang broke through again and built the 12th-layer Xuanshui Foundation Establishment platform. Under the guidance of her breakthrough, there are countless low-level Martial Artists successively breaking through, and this time there have been a large number of Martial Master mid-term breakthroughs to Martial Master late, and even Martial Master late Peak.

These days, all kinds of medicine pill in the Iron Wall City are consumed frantically. All Martial Artists go to the trading floor to exchange for a large amount of medicine pill when there is no breakthrough, and they almost can The exchanged things are replaced by medicine pill. A large number of medicine pills stored in Ironwall City were replaced 2/3/2021 in this short period of more than one month.

Qin Shuang broke through to Xuanshui Foundation Establishment 12th-layer, then stopped. Started to take two patterns of Bishui Pill, and started the breakthrough on Xuanshui Martial Dao. Xuanshui Martial Dao has been suppressed by her for too long. The moment she released the suppression, she broke through to the Martial Emperor Realm.

A large number of two-pattern Bishui Dan was taken by Qin Shuang, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi rushed towards Qin Shuang frantically, and the entire Crescent Moon Lake was shrouded in spiritual energy, with no fingers in sight. And because it was a breakthrough on Martial Dao this time, Yin God of Martial Sage ninth layer Early-Stage directly led to Dao Rhyme of Martial Sage.

In the sky, I passed two silhouettes, but it was Chen Qiu and the blood clothes. When they saw Qin Shuang on the bench, they couldn’t help smiling at each other. They didn’t expect that these days The continuous breakthrough caused by the Crescent Moon Lake turned out to be Qin Shuang.

The two people floated in the air, very close to Qin Shuang, and closed their eyes and began to perceive the full-bodied Dao Rhyme.

Qin Shuang just made the Xuanshui Martial Dao breakthrough to the Martial Emperor First Layer Peak, and then stopped the breakthrough. There is a trace of regret in her heart. After all, the two-patterned clear water pill is Monster Saint Golden Peng, which cannot provide her with sufficient spiritual power for continuous breakthrough. Qin Shuang is satisfied with the breakthrough to Martial Emperor First Layer Peak.

"Then Core Formation!"

Qin Shuang put his hand on the storage ring again, but this time she did not extract the golden spiritual power from Golden Peng. It's the Fire Spirit Power in Fengyi's body.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Only the 10th layer of crimson’s Foundation Establishment platform began to rotate faster and faster, and the power of the surrounding crimson’s Sea of ​​Consciousness rushed towards the Foundation Establishment platform and was rotated. The Foundation Establishment platform has formed a crimson vortex. Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment The runes flow quickly, and the brilliant light shines sharply.

With the influx of the power of crimson Sea of ​​Consciousness, the flow of runes, and the shining of bright light, the Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform began to slowly rise from the edge towards the The egg wraps away.

This is a sharp contrast between fast and slow.

The Foundation Establishment platform rotates very fast, forming a cone in a blur, but in this fast rotation, the Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform tilts very slowly, as if dragging a piece of ground .

Qin Shuang's forehead dropped a drop of sweat, and the heavy feeling from the Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment station was rapidly consuming her Sea of ​​Consciousness. In the storage ring, the Phoenix Fire Spirit Power in Fengyi’s body was frantically extracted by Qin Shuang, poured into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, poured into the Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform, driving the Tenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform tenaciously, little by little, Firmly move towards the egg package above.

At this time, everyone saw the difficulties of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's body was trembling slightly. Sweat leaked from the surface and gradually soaked his clothes.


A thick aura soared into the sky, everyone suddenly turned their heads and saw a thick aura rushing into the sky in Tian Ci's mansion, between The spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth flowed away quickly, and a huge spiritual cloud vortex quickly formed and landed towards the mansion of Tian Ci, Dao Rhyme fluttered like a jewel.

"Tian Ci has broken through!" Tang Tianhe and the others have joy on their faces.

"sou sou..."

The figure of the enmity and blood in the sky has disappeared, and the eighteen star emperors have also risen up and flew towards the mansion of Tian Ci Go, some Martial King Peak also volleyed away in the late period. But the remaining people still stayed in place. After all, Tian Ci is from the peak breakthrough of the late Martial Emperor to the Martial God Realm world. Even in the late Martial King, facing such a Dao Rhyme, it feels too profound to understand. Therefore, they are all waiting here, waiting for Qin Shuang breakthrough.

Four hours later, in the sky above the Tian Ci mansion, the spirit cloud dispersed, Sisi Dao Rhyme disappeared into the space. A silhouette rose up into the sky and flew quickly towards the outside of the Iron Wall. In the sky, Leiyun followed Tian Ci closely.

"Tian Ci is going to Transcending Tribulation!"

Shen Qiu and the blood suit, as well as the Eighteen Star Emperor flew outside the city.


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