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However, Qin Shuang has no idea of ​​ending. Take out the weak water pill, swallow it, and start to build the Tenth Layer of the Xuanshui Foundation Establishment. There are too many runes that need to be constructed for the Tenth Layer of the Foundation Establishment platform, and this time will take longer.

One day, two days, three days...

Qin Shuang is still motionless, and the Martial Artists on the shore of Crescent Moon Lake are also motionless. No one has the idea of ​​leaving. Their cultivation base is low. , They could not supplement their physical fitness by absorbing the energy of Heaven and Earth, so they endured heartache and took medicine pill, and refused to leave here.


Another light burst into the sky in Iron Wall City, and it has broken through to Tang Tianhe of Martial Emperor Fourth Layer, Qin Jingyun of Martial King Tenth Layer, Martial Luo Ye of the King Seventh Layer and Ye Xingpu of the Martial Emperor Fifth Layer all smiled at each other, flew up and flew towards Fan Xiushan's mansion.

Three days later, inside and outside Fan Xiushan’s mansion, people began to breakthrough one after another. Although no one broke through to the Martial King realm, there were many Martial Master Early-Stage breakthroughs in the mid-term. Martial Master's mid-term breakthrough to late period, and some people break through to Martial Master late peak.

At this time, Tang Tianhe, Fan Xiushan, Ye Xingpang and Luo Ye are gathering together, and Qin Jingyun has returned to his mansion, because his cultivation base has reached the Martial King late peak, go back Retreat against Martial Emperor

"I don't know who will be the next breakthrough?" Fan Xiushan said gracefully.

Luo Ye’s face was full of joy and said: "No matter who the breakthrough is, let me take the light to understand, I feel that I can go to retreat to the breakthrough Martial King Eighth Layer."

" Om..."

Before Luo Ye's words fell, a flash of light rushed into the sky. Tang Tianhe laughed heartily and said:

"It's Li Yan!"

Everyone flew up and flew towards Li Yan's mansion.

A large number of Martial Artists gathered inside and outside Li Yan's mansion. However, at this time the Martial Artists of the Iron Wall City have begun to diverge. The lowest cultivation base of the people gathered inside and outside the Li Yan mansion is also the Martial Master, and the Martial Artists below the Martial Master are all gathered on the shore of Crescent Moon Lake. After all, a Martial Emperor’s breakthrough, the Dao Rhyme that led to it was too profound, and people with a too low cultivation base simply couldn’t comprehend it.

Li Yan’s breakthrough took more than five hours, and shortly after Li Yan’s breakthrough, Martial Artist broke through to Martial King realm on the spot, attracting one after another envy. .

On the shore of Crescent Moon Lake.

There is silence. Seven days have passed, and Qin Shuang is still motionless, but during these seven days, there have been continuous breakthroughs on the shore of Crescent Moon Lake. Almost all are martial student breakthrough to warrior, and there are also warrior breakthrough to Martial Master, but there are not many.

At dusk on the seventh day.

Qin Shuang finally completed the construction of the last rune, and the Xuanshui Foundation Establishment stage broke through to the Tenth Layer. The spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth flows frantically towards Qin Shuang. Sisi Dao Rhyme hovered and danced.

Martial Artist on the shore of Crescent Moon Lake was filled with joy, one by one immediately began to perceive Dao Rhyme flowing by.

At the Li Yan mansion.

Li Yan from Martial Emperor Seventh Layer, Ye Xingpang, Tang Tianhe, and Fan Xiushan are sitting around, exchanging their cultivation experience. And Luo Ye will go to retreat and prepare for breakthrough Martial King Eighth Layer.

"Now, Tian Ci and Your Majesty are left without a breakthrough, right?" Tang Tianhe said happily.

Li Yan nodded and said: "It is estimated that the Tian Ci big brother is just these few days. After all, he wants to break through the Martial God Realm world, which is a big pass."

Fan Xiushan's eyes showed a hint of envy and said: "Tian Ci breakthrough to Martial God, our Crescent Empire will have an extra Heavenly Wolf moon god."

Ye Xingpun looked at Li Yan Said: "Your bloodline Martial Artist encountered a great opportunity in today's troubled times. It is estimated that among us, you should be the first to be able to break through to the Martial God Realm world."

Li Yan sighed. One said: "But we also have the shackles that we cannot break through."

"Don't worry!" Fan Xiushanpatted Li Yan's shoulder said: "Your Majesty is very human, maybe she can find a way."

Li Yan eyes shined, then dimmed again, and sighed lightly: "easier said than done."

"Right!" Tang Tianhe suddenly said: "Your Why hasn't Majesty been moving?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they all shook their heads. There was a worried look on his face.

"weng weng weng ……"

One after another aura rises from the shore of Crescent Moon Lake, attracting the eyes of several people, Fan Xiushan gracefully said with a smile:

"These days, there are continuous breakthroughs on the shore of Crescent Moon Lake. There are about hundreds of people in these few days, right?"

"They are all breakthroughs of some low-level cultivators." Li Yan shook the head said.

"I heard that there is a woman over there who is continuously breaking through!" Ye Xingpaku, who has been cool and silent, suddenly opened the mouth and said:

"It is said that it has been I have had seven consecutive breakthroughs."

"No way?"

"Would you like to be so fancy?"

"Should we take a look? "


At this time, a bright light burst into the sky.

"It's the Crescent Moon Lake again!" Tang Tianhe said with his mouth wide open.

"The cultivation base of this breakthrough does not seem to be low. Equivalent to Martial King is in the late stage!"

"It will not be the one who has seven consecutive breakthroughs. Eight times?"

"Would you like to take a look?"


Four people stood up and flew towards the shore of Crescent Moon Lake go with. At this time, a large number of Martial Masters and Martial Kings have all flew towards the shore of Crescent Moon Lake. After all, Equivalent to Martial King’s later breakthrough is very attractive to overwhelming majority Martial King, let alone those Martial Masters.

"en?" Before Li Yan landed on the ground, he recognized Qin Shuang in the air and couldn't help cry out in surprise in a low voice:

"That's Your Majesty!"


Tang Tianhe, Fan Xiushan, and Ye Xingpui could not help but stop in the air, looking towards Qin Shuang, based on their familiarity with Qin Shuang, even if they are Qin Shuang was wearing a hat, and they recognized it at a glance. Fan Xiushan lowered his voice and said:

"How come the momentum of Your Majesty breakthrough is only Martial King realm!"

"It's not just as simple as Martial King." Ye Xingpo narrowed his eyes. Knowing: "Have you noticed it? It was indeed the realm of the later Martial King at first, but the more profound the Dao Rhyme is, and now it has surpassed the Martial Emperor. These Martial Artists with a low cultivation base can't perceive them, they You can only perceive Dao Rhyme of Martial King, but you should be able to perceive it."

"Yes!" The three people perceived it and said, "Now it is Dao Rhyme of Martial Emperor Middle Stage. However, Why is this? When we break through, what realm is, Dao Rhyme of what realm appears, but why is Dao Rhyme of Your Majesty continuously improved?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? "

"Don't ask, hurry up, maybe Dao Rhyme will be promoted to the late Martial Emperor in a while, that's a great opportunity for us."

"Right, yes, yes! "

Four figures fell on the ground and immediately sat cross-legged, feeling the flowing Dao Rhyme.


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