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"King Ke, we are the alliance." Lie Xiao looked at Ke Jiajun and said anxiously. Ke Jiajun glanced at Lie Xiao with the eyes of the dead, turned his head, no Look at him again.

"Liexiao, don’t worry, you have a second choice."

Qin Shuang lightly said, Liexiao and Linghuhui’s expressions just moved, two pairs of eyes looked To Qin Shuang, she showed a trace of expectation.

"You brought a lot of experts this time, right?"

The eyes of Lie Xiao and Linghuhui moved, and their eyes showed expectation. Lie Xiao was afraid that Qin Shuang would return, opened the mouth and said:

"Do you want to challenge everyone in our Liege Kingdom?"

Qin Shuang faintly smiled: "I heard you It also brought a hundred thousand elite."

The surrounding atmosphere immediately became stagnant, everyone's breathing became difficult, and an incredible idea floated to everyone's mind.

"Qin Shuang...does she want to challenge one hundred thousand elites alone?"

Suddenly everyone is heart trembled, regardless of whether Qin Shuang can do it or not, but it shows How much hate Qin Shuang hates the Lie Sun Kingdom! Want to kill all the people in the Kingdom of Scorching Sun in the Iron Wall.

A trace of panic spread in everyone's heart, and everyone, including twenty kings, took a few steps back involuntarily.

Lie Xiao felt his heart press against a mountain, and squirmed his throat dryly, his voice became hoarsely said:

"What do you want?"

"You can take all the experts and one hundred thousand elite, we will go to fight outside the city."


The strong wind blows, blowing people's clothes The hunting roars, the strong wind seems to blow into people's hearts, making people shiver coldly.

Lie Xiao’s eyes suddenly released rays of light of hope, gradually becoming crazy.

"Okay, I choose the second one."

Qin Shuang looked at the twenty kings, and said in a concentrated voice: "I want you to be responsible for supervision, I will not I hope anyone from the Kingdom of the Scorching Sun will slip through the net."

"Grandmaster, please rest assured!" Twenty kings said in unison.

Iron Wall City.

On the city wall, there are people standing full of people, and their eyes are all looking out of the city.

Outside the city.

Hundreds of thousands of troops lined up in an array. In the center of the array, Lie Xiao, Linghuhui and the others stared at the opposite side.


Qin Shuang is dressed in white cloth, with a giant sword behind her, holding a long sword in her left hand, and looking at the opposite side coolly.

The killing intent of a hundred thousand army is so great that solemn killing aura is spreading.

"Kill!" Lie Xiao raised his fist high.

"Kill!" The 100,000 army shouted loudly.

"Kill!" Lie Xiao raised his fist again.

"Kill!" The 100,000 army shouted again.

"Kill!" Lie Xiao raised his fist three times.

"Kill!" The 100,000 army drank three times.

murderous aura rises from everyone's body, gathers in space, like a huge tornado, soaring upward, breaking through the clouds and mist, and twisting the sky.

"The killing has been accomplished!"

On the city wall, twenty-one kings stood side by side, and the king of Liang also regained consciousness at this time and looked at Qin Shuang's His eyes were full of hatred.

"Hundred thousand army, gather and kill, no matter how strong the piano Grandmaster is, it can't resist it, right?" The King of Mo said in a deep voice.

"I'm also curious how the Grandmaster Qin resists the tens of thousands of killers."

"hehe..." the King of Liang said with hatred, "I only I want to see Qin Shuang being twisted into pieces."

The eyes of everyone could not help but converge on Qin Shuang's body, wanting to see how Qin Shuang resisted the dragon's killing.


They only saw an ordinary Qin Shuang.

Not bad!

Just ordinary!

Standing there like a mortal without cultivation, without the slightest imposing manner on his body, holding a long sword with a sheath in his left hand, hanging down to the side of his body, with the right hand behind his back, as if it was opposite her simply It is an army of one hundred thousand murderous auras in the sky, but the wind and snow.

“clang! ”

In the silent wilderness, a sword cry attracted everyone on the city wall. Then everyone's eyelids jumped and they saw one hundred thousand Lie Xiao in the army has pulled out the long sword and pointed directly at the sky.

"It's going to start!" With a gentle foot on the city wall, his face was so nervous that he had lost his blood, and he looked at Qin Shuang worriedly.

"Kill!" Lie Xiao pointed the long sword held high to Qin Shuang on the opposite side.

"Kill!" The 100,000 army erected its weapons neatly.


Hundred thousand army with endless killing potential, like a torrent of steel, rolled towards the opposite Qin Shuang. Before Qin Shuang was in front of him, the killing force was like a dragon-like crashing into Qin Shuang.


The tornado condensed by the billowing killing force actually condensed a dragon head, poked out from the air, and yelled at Qin Shuang , Meandering and swallowing.

Qin Shuang moved.

It's just a clenching motion, holding the right hand on the hilt of the left sword, making a gesture of drawing the sword.

This gesture has just been made, the entire Heaven and Earth is condensed, just a simple grip, it seems to be holding Power of Heaven and Earth. The body that was originally weak and small under the tornado seems to have become extremely huge in this brief moment, and the thick imposing manner is like a complete mountain range, extending endlessly.


The murderous aura burst into pieces like a dragon, and the murderous aura withered.

Qin Shuang Motionless As Mountains, between Heaven and Earth seems to have been affected by Motionless As Mountains in this brief moment, and the radiant murderous aura has settled down, as if between Heaven and Earth in this brief moment solidified Up. Although the 100,000 army on the opposite side is rushing.

The sky became more and more gloomy, the gorgeous sunset faded away in an instant, the sky seemed to be stained with ink, and there was a faint echo of rumbling thunder.

I don't know where the cold wind is coming from. Qin Shuang is dressed in white clothed hunting and hunting, embroidered with phoenix dance patterns on his clothes, as if he was alive, spreading his wings.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of neat footsteps came from the opposite side, and a torrent of iron and steel swept up a hundred thousand army.

In the eyes of everyone on the tower, half moved like a Flood Dragon and half as quiet as a mountain.

The imposing manner of the one hundred thousand army was just halfway through, it was absorbed and annihilated by Qin Shuang's Motionless As Mountains.

The distance between the two sides has been shortened from two kilometers to one kilometer.

The expressions of everyone were in a trance. They felt that Qin Shuang in Motionless As Mountains seemed to be a volcano about to erupt. Although it was silent at this time, once it erupted, it would be unstoppable.


Everyone's eyes converged on the long sword in Qin Shuang's left hand.

The scabbard was firmly held in Qin Shuang's left hand, as if it contained a world.

Her right hand is tightly holding the hilt of the sword, as if following her drawing the sword, she will draw out a world.

Just a posture of drawing a sword, it firmly suppresses the boiling killing intent of the 100,000 army on the opposite side.

800 meters!

Seven hundred meters!

Six hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

400 meters!

Three hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!


The weapons of the 100,000 army on the opposite side neatly aimed at Qin Shuang, launching the final sprint.


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