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A white clothes lightly with two long swords behind them, a familiarity emerged in their memory. A guard could not help holding a passing Martial Artist and asked:

"This brother, what happened?"

"Qin Shuang has come to seek revenge from the Liege Kingdom "

The man shook his arm, got rid of the guard, and hurried forward.

"Qin Shuang?"

The guard showed a thoughtful look on his face, and then showed a shocked look, and hurried toward the palace.

The Palace of the Liege Kingdom.

Qin Shuang stood in front of the gate and looked up over the gate. On the lintel of the gate, there was a plaque with four characters:

The Palace of Lie Sun.

In front of the gate, a group of guards from the Lie Sun Kingdom looked at the crowd stopped far away, and at Qin Shuang standing alone in front of the gate, it was a little unfathomable mystery. However, the victory that has just wiped out a country has filled their hearts with pride and fearlessness. One of the leaders stepped forward and shouted sharply:

"Who are you?"

Qin Shuang didn't even look at him, his gaze still fell on the plaque and lifted up Hands are gently clapped.


A Great Hand Seal appeared in the sky, shooting straight down from the sky.


The entire gate and the group of guards were photographed into powder by the Great Hand Seal.


People watching around hold breath cold air, and their gazes at Qin Shuang are full of admiration.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

Countless silhouettes rushed out from the palace of the scorching sun, and landed in front of the ruins of the gate. An elderly man headed by cold and severe looked at Qin Shuang.

"You broke the door?"

Qin Shuang lowered his eyes slightly, motionless. She was waiting, waiting for the king and Linghuhui of the Liege Kingdom.


The old man was furious and struck Qin Shuang strikes with a punch. The power of Martial King flooded between Heaven and Earth, and that punch seemed to be in control After reaching Heaven and Earth, it is like a huge mountain hitting Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's left hand was behind him, and his right hand grabbed to the opposite side. The other side’s simple ordinary punch was instantly exploded. The Martial King’s figure flew up into the air and flew towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang grabbed his neck.


In the sky silhouette, a group of people fell around Qin Shuang and surrounded Qin Shuang in the middle. Qin Shuang grasped the Martial King, his eyes slowly turned, and finally landed on an old man, with a cold and severe smile on his face.

"Linghu Grandmaster, long time no see."

"You, are Qin Shuang!" The expression on Linghuhui's face changed suddenly and she was beside him. A youth also complexion changed. Qin Shuang's gaze just shifted to look at the young man.

"Are you Liexiao?"

"Qin Shuang, you are not dead?" Linghuhui's face was savage, but her eyes showed fear again.

Those people around are also complexion changed, and the Slaughter Qi on his body just now is obviously aggrieved. Looking at Qin Shuang, his eyes were full of solemnity.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

They haven't seen Qin Shuang single-handedly challenge Huo Family. They just hear from hearsay that they don't really believe that Qin Shuang has the cultivation base of Martial God. However, Qin Shuang is still alive now, which shows that she is at least stronger than them, because they don't have the slightest confidence to be able to survive the pursuit of Huo Family.

Qin Shuang glanced over those people and knew that these people were the kings of the remaining 21 kingdoms. Among the twenty-one kings, there were originally people who wanted to reprimand Qin Shuang for doing something in the Iron Wall City, but when Qin Shuang's gaze swept lightly, it felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured from the head, cold to the bone.

Martial Sage Seventh Layer's Soul Power, even if it only reveals a little bit, is it that Martial Kings like them can afford it?

"You are fighting for Human Race after all, so I don't want to embarrass you. Now I give you two choices."

Those twenty-one kings have just been Qin Shuang His eyes were shocked, but when he heard Qin Shuang's indisputable tone, there was still a deep sense of discomfort in his heart. The king of Liang Kingdom couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said:

"Grandmaster, you have violated the rules of the Iron Wall City, but it is the grievances between you and the Liege Kingdom, as long as you leave the iron wall immediately City, we in the United Kingdom will no longer pursue it."

"Shut up!"

Qin Shuang gave a soft sigh, and the sound of the soul-killing yin shook towards the King of Liang. go with.


The king of Liang State sprayed blood from his mouth and nose, then fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

There is silence.

On the street of the vast crowd, in this brief moment, it was like a desert without a trace of sound.

One sentence drank a Martial King!

How high is the cultivation base?

Is the legend true?

Qin Shuang is Martial God?

Yes! If Qin Shuang is not Martial God, how could it be possible to single out the Huo Family?

At this time, the remaining twenty kings became excited. Under the pressure of the Monster Race and Demon Race forces, there was a Martial God, and that was the guarantee of life.

At this time, no one cares about the King Liang who fainted on the ground, and no one cares about the life and death of Liexiao and Linghuhui. They rushed towards Qin Shuang one by one, with faces on their faces. With respect.

"Qin Grandmaster..."

Qin Shuang's gaze swept away coldly, the twenty kings stepped one stopped, and then I remembered that the king of Liang was because of After interrupting Qin Shuang's words, Qin Shuang berated him to become unconscious. One by one they closed their mouths tightly and made a gesture of "please".

In the crowd, Linghuhui looks pale. At this time, he knew that all the legends about Qin Shuang were true. He originally thought that Qin Shuang did not appear, and was secretly killed by Huo Family. But he did not expect that Qin Shuang would be so frightening once he appeared in front of him.

I moved quietly, but suddenly my body stiffened, and I saw Qin Shuang's eyes coldly looking over.

"Two choices." Qin Shuang's voice lightly sounded again.

Everyone was listening at this moment, even Linghuhui and Liexiao. Both people are lucky, maybe one of the two conditions given by Qin Shuang is beneficial to them.

"The first choice, your twenty-one kingdoms..." Qin Shuang glanced at the King Liang who was still on the ground, and changed his words:

"You twenty This kingdom is responsible for finding me all the people in the Imperial Family of the Scorching Sun Kingdom in the Iron Wall, and then I can fight them on the ring on the central square. I allow them to go together, no matter how many people there are. It’s not that I broke the rules of the Iron Wall City. But if your 20 kingdoms accidentally missed a royal dísciple of the Scorching Sun Kingdom, don’t say I’m being rude to you."

Xiao and Linghuhui looked at the twenty kings in horror. The twenty kings exchanged their gazes, and then one of the oldest kings cups the hands and said:

"Grandmaster, if Liexiao chooses this condition, we will definitely not let anyone in the Kingdom of Liege The royal dísciple anyone slips through the net. However, we can only guarantee the royal dísciple of the Liege King in the Iron Wall."


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