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Of course, this woman is not the Queen of Crescent Moon, but the younger sister of Queen of Crescent Moon. It was she who transformed into the appearance of fine jade and killed the Queen without any preparation. At this time, her surroundings were full of ice and snow, but her eyes were colder than ice and snow. Her eyes seemed to look through the thick clouds to Qin Jingyun and Qin Fine Jade at the foot of the mountain, and murmured:

"Qin Family! I want you to kill each other, and then be completely killed by the world's heroes! Qin Shuang...With your cultivation base, you should have died in the Immemorial space, right?"

Half of the mountain.

A big sword was inserted on the ground, Qin Jingyun put one hand on the hilt, and looked towards the several dozen li camps under the mountain, his eyes calm. There was a sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged man walked quickly.

"Your Majesty, the horse meat is almost eaten."

"How long will it last?" A trace of melancholy appeared between Qin Jingyun's eyebrows.

"Up to seven days."

"Send people to hunt the wild beast."

"But... now the military spirit has been shaken."

"It's been a year!" Qin Jingyun didn't answer the middle-aged man's words, but muttered to himself.

"One year? What year is it?" The middle-aged man wanted to ask in amazement.

Qin Jingyun looked in the direction of Imperial Capital Qin Cheng and said: "Sister Seven should come out of the Immemorial space, right?"

The middle-aged man looks like one Zhen, rays of light of hope appeared on his face.

Imperial Capital Qincheng.

Changsheng Hou Mansion.

"Come here!"

"Qinhou!" Steward appeared in the great hall.

"Go to buy flying pegasus!"

"How much to buy?"

"Two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine horses."

"This...not enough money!"

Qin Shuang took out a storage bag and handed it to Steward: "There are five hundred low grade Wen Wang Dan, use these to change it."

"Yes, Qinhou!"

Before noon, the 2,329 pegasus were all driven into the Qin Mansion.

On the avenue leading to Imperial Capital Qincheng, a team of Martial Artists rode galloping horses. The headed one had a fortified face. His eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and his body exuded a baleful aura. Returned Qin Qian. He raised his head and glanced at the setting sun like blood, shouted:

"Brothers, march overnight to fight for the dawn of tomorrow and reach Qin City."



The horseshoe rumbled like thunder, and the cloak behind Qin sneaked up and looked up at Qin Cheng's direction, with an expectant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Second waste, you should be waiting at Imperial Capital!"


Qin City's city gate slowly opened, and people came in and out of the city in an endless stream. Suddenly, everyone's footsteps stopped, and the officers and soldiers who guarded the gate exploded with their hairs. They had already held one hand on the handle of the knife, slightly squinted their eyes, and looked forward.


The earth was trembling, cracking more and more, like billowing thunder. A horse team is like a sharp arrow, rushing into the eye quickly. Before the horses and men arrive, murderous aura fills the sky.


Pedestrians at the city gate quickly flashed to the sides.

"clang clang clang..."

A long knife with a handle was taken out of the sheath, officers and soldiers at the city gate lined up, and a sword pointed at the horse team, shouted:

"Who is bold and daring to break into the city gate?"

The horse team on the opposite side did not slow down at all. Cold sweat oozes from the forehead while holding the knife, but the hand holding the knife will be more stable and look at it. Become fierce.

"xu lu lu ……"

There was a rush of horses, and the potential of the piano was only five meters away from the Pi, and strangled the horse. The front hooves of the horse screamed in the air and the strong wind blew. The Pi on the other side lifted his clothes backwards, hunting.

"General, can my count Qin Shuang come back from the Immemorial space?" Qin Qian's eyes were fixed on the Pi general, and there was tension in his eyes.

The Pijiang originally saw Qin Qian stop, and knew that the other party was not an anti-thief rushing into the city, so he rushed with anger in his heart, swearing in his heart that he must make these people in front of him impossible to ask for death. A fierce look just appeared on his face, but he suddenly heard Qin Qian's words, and he was just a daze.


Who else in Qincheng knows about the affairs between Qin Shuang and Huo Family?

That Qin Shuang, in front of Your Majesty, let go of her cruel words. She wants to challenge the entire Huo Family alone. If Huo Family dares to kill Qin Shuang’s relatives and friends and the Moon Kingdom alone, she will definitely kill. Huo Family Ten people.

This is simply a lunatic!

How can such a madman dare to provoke him with small arms and legs?

People even dare to threaten Huo Family, how dare you embarrass Qin Shuang's people? Annoyed that lunatic, even if you kill yourself, what can Your Majesty do?

In the past two days, I heard that Your Majesty’s Second Prince was interrupted by Qin Shuang...

At the moment, a smile appeared on the face of the Pi general:" This strong man, Qin... adults are no longer count, but Marquis, Changshenghou."

Qin Qian's eyes suddenly opened: "Qin Shuang is back."

"I'm back!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Qian urged the horse to walk, and the officers and men hurriedly flashed to the two sides, watching like a torrent of water go away. After the crescent moon mercenary group, everyone sweats like syrup.

"Second waste!"

Qin Shuang sitting in the great hall suddenly heard a roar, and then saw a few silhouettes rushing into the great hall. Steward and the guards of Qin Mansion followed behind him. Qin Shuang stood up suddenly, waved to let Steward and the guards go out, and then greeted several people with joy.

"Big waste, Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye!"

"hahaha...the second waste, we meet again. Let's return to the Crescent Moon Kingdom, we are both wastes together , Must be invincible in the whole world."

"Meet Princess!" More than two thousand people outside the door gave salutes at the same time.

"Free gift!" Qin Shuang walked out of the great hall, standing on the steps with his hands: "steward."


"Arrangement They stayed and set off tomorrow."


Everyone left the great hall under the leadership of Steward, Qin Shuang asked Qin to dive, Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye sit down , Seeing the exhaustion and dust on their faces, their faces showed gratitude.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"No hard work!" Qin Qian waved his hand, anxious expression appeared on his face: "From here back to the Crescent Moon Kingdom, at least three Will it be late in the month?"

"Don't worry, I have already purchased Pegasus. Within eight days, we should reach the Wuhe Grassland."

" very good!" Qin Qian threw a fist on his palm excitedly, and Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye on the side were also excited.

"Qin Qian, what is your current cultivation base?"

This is the most relevant question for Qin Shuang today. Although the Mercenary Group has a heart and soul, the most fundamental thing is their own The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the formidable power of the heart. After all, what they are going to face this time is Qin Fine Jade's 500,000 army, but they only have more than 2,000 people.

Qin Qian raised his eyebrows excitedly: "Now there are 2,328 people in the Mercenary Group of Crescent Moon, 28 people in Martial King realm, and the rest have reached the Pill Formation. Stage, which is the later stage of Martial Master."


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