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All the Elders' expressions were shaken, and the thin old men sitting at the top of the bottom said: "Then Your Majesty?"

"No reaction!" paragraph Jiang lightly said.


"Why not?" Duan Jiang said lightly: "After all, Qin Shuang only interrupted Qin Hao's limbs, and it is not impossible to heal us. Your Majesty of Your Majesty has high expectations for Qin Shuang."

"Expectation?" All the Elders have a dumb look.

"hehe..." Duan Jiang's eyes showed a deep color: "It seems that Qin Shuang is not simple! Maybe Your Majesty is thinking about Qin Shuang and Huo Family both sides suffer Huo Family erased. Yesterday, the three of us joined forces to force Your Majesty. Although Your Majesty finally compromised, it also made Your Majesty kill us."

"both sides suffer? How is this possible?" Everyone is a look of unbelief: "Just rely on her Qin Shuang? Not to mention that Huo Family can pinch Qin Shuang to death without having to move the cards, even more how are our Duan Family and Yue Family?"

"no!" Duan Jiang shook his head and said: "We Duan Family only promised Huo Family and joined Yue Family to force Your Majesty to no longer maintain Qin Shuang, and did not agree to join forces with Huo Family to kill Qin Shuang, and Huo Family has never I have never requested such a request."

"That is natural, let alone Qin Shuang is just a Martial King Second Layer, even if he is Martial Emperor Second Layer, Martial God Second Layer, when facing the entire Huo Family , It’s only broken bones."

"Qin Shuang is naturally not worried!" Duan Jiang lightly said: "It is Your Majesty that is worrying."

"Will Your Majesty be involved in this matter? Qin Shuang interrupted his son’s limbs. Besides, does he want to tear his face with our Aristocratic Family?"

"Not good said! Your Majesty to us Aristocratic Family...hehe... So, even if it doesn’t happen in the future, maybe it’s secretly. Send someone to stare at the Imperial Family. If the Imperial Family acts on Huo Family in secret, we will fight back in secret."

A severe flashed in Duan Jiang’s eyes. light.

Yue Family.

Yue Family patriarch looked at Yue Qingzhao standing in the middle of the great hall, her face became solemn.

"You mean, Qin Shuang once easily killed Wu Jinsong, who is already the Martial Emperor?"

"Yes!" Yue Qingzhao showed the scene at the moment when his face appeared. Out of fear.

The great hall fell into silence. After a while, the old man sitting in the first first whispered: "patriarch, do we inform the Huo Family?"

Yue Family patriarch groaned for a while before shook his head slightly and said: "No need, we promise Huo Family We have done all of the things. From then on, the matter between Huo Family and Qin Shuang has nothing to do with us, so we can watch it by the side."

"But...if Qin Shuang wins, it will definitely change. For our Yue Family, after all, we have helped Huo Family."

Yue Family patriarch looked at the old man like an idiot. The muscles on the old man’s face twitched, and his heart also reacted. , How could Qin Shuang win Huo Family?

Seeing that old man lowered his head in shame, a smile appeared on the face of the Yue Family clan and said:

"Although we helped Huo Family in this matter Huo Family paid the price in exchange for us to shoot. Huo Family is Huo Family, Yue Family is Yue Family. If Huo Family can suffer a bit from Qin Shuang's hands, the old man will be happy, hahaha..."

"hahaha..." There was a burst of wanton laughter in the great hall.

Martial Sect Hall.

Martial arts hall.

Wu Chuanlie looked at the four Martial Emperor Middle Stage Peaks standing in front of him, and said in a condensed voice:

"You only have one mission when you go out this time. Give me a secret capture of Qin Shuang. Come back."

The Crescent Moon Kingdom.

Wuhe grassland.

A mountain range is so high that no one knows how high it is, and no one has ever set foot on a mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the peak, the four seasons appear at the same time. The third place above the mountain is covered with snow and frozen all year round. So this mountain range is called Great Snow Mountain.

At this time, Qin Jingyun’s 100,000 people were left with less than 40,000. The soldiers were halfway through the mountain. They were surrounded by the fine jade army of 500,000 in the Wuhe grassland. Although they finally broke through, However, he lost more than half of his troops and fled into the Great Snow Mountain, occupying the ground. Although temporarily standing on his heels and pressing Qin Fine Jade's army under the mountain, he also sank himself to death.

Under Great Snow Mountain.

Several dozen li big camps spread, and Qin Jingyun had no way to escape and had to escape into the Great Snow Mountain, so he gave up the horse. The mountain is so steep that the horse cannot walk. Even more how, Qin Jingyun also knew that once they escaped into the Great Snow Mountain, food would become a choking problem for them. Therefore, Qin Jingyun gave the order to kill the horse, and then escaped into the Great Snow Mountain with the horse meat as much as possible.

If you lose your horse, you lose the possibility of breaking through the camp.

Actually, in Qin Jingyun's heart, there is only a deadly battle left.

Within the camp at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Fine Jade stands in front of the gate of the camp, looking at the Great Snow Mountain in the distance. A step behind her, stood a middle-aged woman with deep eyes and a sea of ​​wisdom.

"Your Majesty, as long as we besiege and do not attack, the anti-thief will have no food and will eventually starve to death. And it doesn’t need to be there. The minister thinks it won’t be long before some of the anti-thief will run down the mountain. , The anti-thief does not attack by itself."

"Too slow!" Qin Fine Jade said lightly.

"We can send people to call for surrender every day, which is bound to make the anti-thief collapse in the shortest time."

"It's still too slow!" Qin Fine Jade's A fierce flash flashed in the eyes: "Tomorrow will start to attack the anti-thief. In ten days, I will destroy the anti-thief in ten days."

"Your Majesty, no!" The middle-aged woman showed urgency on her face. The color: "So our casualties are too great. Great Snow Mountain is easy to defend and hard to attack..."

"I know!" Qin Fine Jade stopped the middle-aged woman and sighed. Said: "But I can't wait that long. Why is it Qin Jingyun and Qin Wu who want to fight for the world? Everyone in the world thinks that I killed the mother king, so they all think that my seat is not right, and the mother usurped the throne. Even more so. There are countless people with ulterior motives who also want to overthrow my Qin Family dynasty. Now the kingdom is full of wars and flames. If the Qin Family dynasty is broken in my hands, what face do I have to see the mother king? If I delay here Going down, even if we destroy Jingyun, even if we destroy all the anti-thief, the Crescent Moon Kingdom will be full of holes. At that time, the Crescent Moon Kingdom will be divided by the surrounding kingdoms."

"No way?" The middle-aged woman pondered then said: "With Seventh Princess here, surrounding kingdoms should not dare to invade our country. Now months have passed, and no surrounding kingdoms have invaded..."

"That's them Waiting!" Qin Fine Jade sighed: "They are waiting for the Immemorial space to end. If Seventh Sister comes out alive, they will naturally not dare to invade the Crescent Moon Kingdom. If Seventh Sister is dead..."

Great Snow Mountain.

Above the cloud.

A woman stands with her hand on her back. If Qin Fine Jade sees this person, she will faint in shock immediately. At this time, she was born exactly the same as Xuanyue Queen.


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