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At this time, there is still a layer of mask inside the hole, and a talisman is pasted on the mask. At this time, the tortoise in Qin Shuang Haoran's heart also saw the talisman and called out anxiously: "Girl, don't let anyone uncover the talisman..."

Before it finished speaking, I saw a dozen Monster Races that had retreated to the entrance of the hole. I also saw the mask and the talisman on the mask. One of the Monster Races reached out and grabbed the talisman. .


The mask vibrated and then dissipated.

"clang clang clang ……"

From the entrance of the cave came a series of intensive sound of the sound of weapons. , The fierce ones have it...

There seemed to be countless peerless fierce soldiers hidden in the entrance of the cave. At this time, the seal was broken, and the peerless chants were emitted.

“clang! ”

A black shadow flew out from the entrance of the cave, and plunged into the ground with a sound The fierce and bloodthirsty breath radiated from that long spear, which could actually affect people's minds, making people instantly feel as if they were in Desolate Ancient Battlefield, with flames everywhere and fierce flames.

"clang clang clang..."

A weapon with a handle flew out from the entrance of the cave, and the magic flame burst.

"This is..." Qin Shuang was dumbfounded.

"This is the pool of soldiers!" The tortoise sighed in Haoran's heart.


A roar, like heaven falls and earth rends, shook the entire Martial Sect Hall violently, like a big bell covering Heaven and Earth The shock made the souls of Qin Shuang and the others shook, and the Primordial Spirit shook.

"puff puff puff..."

Everyone spurted blood from their mouths and noses and looked at the hole in amazement. I saw the dense demonic energy rushed out of the hole and put a black dragon into it. It was a Black Dragon formed by a combination of demonic weapons. It continuously drilled out of the hole, with no end in sight. The dragon head lifted up and looked at everyone.


that Black Dragon opened its big mouth, and a huge suction came from its mouth, and the nearest dozen Monster Races were instantly sucked in. In that Black Dragon's mouth, Human Race followed, like dead leaves without roots, being sucked into the air of that Black Dragon.

"Run away!" Haoran's heart sounded the tortoise's voice.

Qin Shuang wanted to escape a long time ago, but her body was simply involuntarily flying towards the mouth of the Black Dragon. No matter how hard Qin Shuang struggles, he cannot stop for a while, even if Qin Shuang turns on the Fire Phoenix body, he still cannot stop.


Finally, Qin Shuang's body was also sucked into the air of Black Dragon.


With a roar like a metal impact, that Black Dragon rushed out of this great hall, flew out along the passage, shaking its head and wagging its tail , The body continuously hit the Xuan Martial Palace all around, and it couldn't hurt Xuan Martial Palace even a bit.

Black Dragon rushed through the passage, passed the inheritance great hall, some rushed out of the inheritance great hall, passed the passage, a long whistle, and rushed out from the gate of Xuan Martial Palace.


A long black dragon spreads for thousands of meters, wandering in the sky of Immemorial space. Countless demonic beasts were sucked into the mouth by it.

Qin Shuang's figure was tumbling, I don't know how long it took before he stopped, and looked all around, all around was black, and no one was seen around her.

“clang clang clang ……”

From all around, six demonic weapons rushed out, and Qin Shuang was surrounded by a six-handed force. The space was rippling with six demonic weapons. A Liuhe space is formed and Qin Shuang is shrouded in it. A trace of demonic energy emerged from the Liuhe space and penetrated into Qin Shuang's body.

"Don't let the demonic energy invade, or you will turn a demon!" Haoran's heart heard the tortoise's anxious voice.


Qin Shuang hurriedly released the spiritual power shield, and saw the traces of demonic energy sticking to the spiritual power shield, and then began to corrode Qin Shuang’s spiritual power shield, Qin Shuang has to continuously infuse the spiritual power to maintain the shield, but she knows that this situation is not a solution, and sooner or later, the spiritual power will be exhausted.

"Master Black Tortoise, what is going on?"

"When Human Race and Demon Race fought, Human Race fell a lot, and so did Demon Race. Just those Demons. Although Race is dead, the weapons they left behind are demon flames, which not only affects the aura between Heaven and Earth, but also affects the aspirations of Human Race. Therefore, Human Race built a pool of soldiers and threw the seized demonic weapon. Enter the scrubbing pool and use the large array to slowly grind away the demonic energy in the demonic weapon. Below the hole you see is the scrubbing pool."

"So to speak..." Qin Shuang pondered and said, "Monster Race found that place, but they thought it was the treasure house of Xuan Martial Palace and opened it?"

"Hey..." The turtle sighed: " Now that the demonic weapon is exhausted, and you are all swallowed within the demonic weapon, if you can’t get out as soon as possible, you will be demonized."

Qin Shuang's heart is stunned, and he looks around. The six demonic weapon has disappeared, hidden in the Liuhe space.


Qin Shuang turned on the Fire Phoenix body and turned into a flame to rush in one direction.


The goblet of fire bounced back, showing the figure of Qin Shuang.

“I can’t even rush out even as Flame Divine Ability.”

Qin Shuang took a deep breath, and the right hand was held on the hilt.


The sword is seven inches.

Thousands of starlight burst out, as if a starry sky appeared in front of Qin Shuang's eyes, one after another starlight dashed forward.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Liuhe space oscillated, but it was still stable.

“clang... ”

Long sword returns to the sheath, Qin Shuang panting slightly, raises his hand to swallow a handful of Wen Wang Dan, and carries the long sword on his back On the back, then took out a talisman. At this time, there were only three talisman left on her body. If these three talisman can no longer make merits and break through this Liuhe space, she really doesn't know what to do.

Qin Shuang will raise a hand, and a talisman will go out.


The space oscillated, the Liuhe space was shattered, and the six demonic weapons were once again seen in the eyes. At this time, the six demonic weapons had been shattered, and there were four fragments. After lasing, Qin Shuang was overjoyed, and immediately threw another talisman.

“clang clang clang ……”

It’s six demonic weapons lasing again, but they haven’t waited for them to form a Liuhe space, then the talisman has already burst and will The six demonic weapons flew out. At the same time, Qin Shuang also saw the situation around her. Now she seemed to be in a weapon grave with demonic weapons everywhere. Under her feet is also the ground constructed by demonic weapons, which is squirming at this time.


Qin Shuang slapped the last talisman under his feet and rose in the air.


Following the explosion, the demonic weapon flew around. Qin Shuang saw a hole, and from the hole he saw the white clouds that were flowing outside.


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