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About two quarters of an hour later, Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng, who were walking forward, suddenly stopped, with grave expression in their eyes, and they entered a great hall again. , This great hall is as wide as the previous great hall, at this time more than two thousand Monster Races are all here.

Qin Shuang eyes flashed at the back, with tension in his eyes. Because she saw that another altar was erected in the center of the great hall at this time. More than two thousand Monster Races moved towards the gate. There were a hundred Monster Race cultivators kneeling around the altar. Everyone’s heart A trace of blood essence is continuously injected into the altar, that is the blood essence of every Monster Race cultivator. And on that altar, there was a giant snake entrenched on it at this time, spitting out something, just facing Qin Shuang and the others with its back, making Qin Shuang and the others unclear.


More than two thousand Monster Race suddenly straightened their body from the kneeling position, turned their heads and looked at Qin Shuang and the others, the imposing manner on his body. Suddenly suddenly burst out as if it had been conceived for a long time and calm for a long time, rushing towards Qin Shuang and the others mountain cry out and sea howl.

At this time, the entrenched giant snake on the altar turned its head and looked towards Qin Shuang and the others.


Where the eyes are shrouded, the body of the row of people standing in the front has turned into stone. And Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng shot a beam of light on their chests. It was the body protection jade token worn by the two men, blocking the eyes of the giant snake.

At the same time, Bing Lingfeng pulled her hands in front of her, and a mirror appeared, flew into the air, and instantly zoomed in, reflecting the giant snake's gaze back. But at this time, the giant snake had already turned his head, and a gloomy voice sounded:



Nearly two thousand Monster Race stood up and rushed towards Xu Kaitian, Bing Lingfeng and the others. Xu Kaiyun's left arm raised his big sleeve forward, and a huge shadow of the sleeve was drawn out, and the bodies of the few Monster Races that rushed in the front were pumped up and shattered in the air. A ray of magnificent light came out around the body. Xu Kaitian grabbed it in his hand, stamped his big foot on the ground, and the ground hummed like Hong Zhong Dalu, his figure rushed out, shouted:


"Kill!" Nearly a thousand Human Race rushed towards the great hall.

"Hurry up! Destroy the altar." Qin Shuang's awe-inspiring heart sounded the tortoise's panic voice.

"What is Monster Race doing?"

"Don't ask, destroy the altar first, and the deity will tell you that it's too late!"

Qin Shuang Immediately speaking, he stretched out his left hand in front of him, and a huge bow appeared in his hand. The right hand had already placed an arrow on the bowstring, drawing the bow like a full moon.

At the same time, ten talisman floated out of the storage ring, wrapped around the arrow shaft, and was entwined with a trace of spiritual power.


Qin Shuang's fingers on the bowstring were relaxed, the bowstring hummed softly, and a sharp arrow shot away.


As soon as the sharp sword of Qin Shuang left the string, he heard a huge roar in front of the altar, from the ground in front of the altar Rush the dazzling rays of light.

"Boom boom boom..."

Then a series of rumbling sounds sounded, which was the ten talisman shot by Qin Shuang with one arrow. In just an instant, the altar was shattered by strikes, and the giant snake entrenched on the altar was also dimmed to the extreme. Qin Shuang's heart tightened, seeing the appearance of the giant snake, it should be the same as the Great Demon on the altar that I encountered before, it was brought by the blood sacrifice summon.

The giant snake turned his head and looked towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's heart jumped violently, and he didn't dare to hesitate at all. He immediately turned on a talisman on his body, and then quickly bent his bow. Arrows, shooting arrows at the giant snake continuously, each arrow is wrapped around a talisman. At the same time, Qin Shuang felt an overwhelming force that made her assaults the senses of the entrenched giant snake. Fortunately, she had already fired eight arrows in an instant, and at this moment, under the coercion of that extreme, she was completely unable to move even a little bit.

"Boom boom boom..."

The violent rumbling sound, the huge air wave not only blasted the Monster Race closest to the altar into powder, but also the farther Monster Race. When it flew out, Xu Kaitian and the others were also lifted up and hit Qin Shuang, Xu Lianyu and the others who had fallen at the end.


Qin Shuang's body was hit by the body of a person who was flying over, and the same was true for Xu Lianyu next to her. Suddenly, the sky is full of flying bodies.

"What happened?" Blood Qin's voice sounded in Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"You are back!" Qin Shuang must be sure.

"Well, I felt that you were under a lot of pressure, so I came back."

Qin Shuang's figure is still flying upside down in the air, looking up, I sighed in relief, the giant snake has been blasted away by the talisman, and there is no sign of it. Suddenly, his expression became stiff, and a voice echoed in his ears:

"Lowly maid, the deity will not let you go."


Qin Shuang's figure fell to the ground, and a trace of helplessness appeared in his heart.

"Another Great Demon who won't let me go?"

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

one after another silhouette On the ground, how quickly jumped from the ground. The same is true for Qin Shuang. Sweeping his eyes away, he felt certain in his heart. The talisman formidable power he released continuously was too amazing, and Monster Race was too close to the altar. At this time, most of it had been blown to death. Originally nearly three thousand Monster Race, now it is only just over one thousand. And the closer the Monster Race is to the altar, the higher the cultivation base, so the Monster Race that survives today does not have a high cultivation base.


Once the two sides regained their freedom, they immediately strangled.


Qin Shuang steps on the ground, does not advance or retreat, bends the bow and shoots the arrow, and there is no talisman on the arrow shaft at this time. Turn your eyes to lock a Monster Race cultivator. The fingers are relaxed, and the bowstring sounds.



The head of a Monster Race fighting with the Human Race cultivator burst open.

"whiz whiz whiz ……"

Qin Shuang continuously shot one arrow one arrow at a time. Although some were avoided by Monster Race or smashed away with weapons, they gave the The Human Race cultivator who fought with them has the opportunity to behead them.

Now the numbers of both parties are similar, but the powerhouse in Monster Race cultivator has been killed by talisman, facing Xu Kaitian, Tian Ci, Bing Lingfeng and other Human Race powerhouses, plus Qin Shuang Guanri Arrow The threat of the law turned the whole battle into a one-sided situation, and in the end, it was a situation of massacre. In less than three quarters of an hour, there were only a dozen people left in Monster Race, and they retreated, and soon returned to the original altar position.

Qin Shuang looked towards the place where the rays of light projected, and saw that a hole had appeared on the ground at this time, and there was a circle of corroded marks on the side of the hole. The trace of the seal should be that the giant snake corroded the seal, exposing the hole.


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